Image by Nicco Salonga
Also called Brewing or Elixirism, this Discipline focuses on the creation of food and beverages that enhance those that partake of them. Invest in this Discipline if:
You want your food and drinks to strengthen your allies
You want to play a Builder with a focus on support and non-combat abilities
You want to play a bartender, cook, barista, or something similar.
Relevant Rules: Crafting Process
Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet
Step 2: Give Game Staff the necessary Components (CMP) for this Craft
Step 3: Label the subject’s ATN with the Elixir’s name and have Staff sign off it or get item tags from Staff after presenting the required props
Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay reflecting this Craft,
Step 5: At the end of the Craft, the item or effect is now in-game and active
Basic Skills
Brew Maker (Craft; ATN): Craft a useful Herb Kit or an empowering Elixir
Brewtender: Grant enhancing Tonics to others
Soothing Meal: Grant Lasting Resolve or other effects to your dining guests.
Complex Skills
Aqueous Expertise (ATN): Create Aqueous Elixirs and Healing Vials
Expert Brewer (Craft): Craft an advanced Herb Kit or Expert Elixirs.
Focusing Feast: Serve a meal that helps your diners with their next Craft/Ritual.
Potent Potables (ATN): Grant yourself bonuses while affected by your Elixir.
Strange Brews (ATN): Create Strange Tonics and Esoteric Elixirs
Erudite Skills
Apex-Tech Additive (ATN): Create special Elixirs using Illustrados Apex-tech
Biomancy Brewing (ATN): Create special Elixirs using the Templars’ strange organisms
Eldritch Elixirist (ATN): Grant a magical aspect to your Elixirs.
Master of Elixirs (1/E): This mastery skill allows you to craft Elixirs more often.
Stim Shivers (ATN): Grant yourself up to two Elixirs, at some cost to yourself.
Supreme Feast (1/P): You augment a meal, further invigorating your dining guests.
(Basic; Active-Craft, Imbue-Attunement)
Brewers are known primarily as producers of Elixirs, powerful drinks or liquids that enhance those that partake of them.
As a Craft-Ritual action, you may craft a single item or a specific effect. For at least 10 minutes, you must perform role-playing that reflects the creation of said items or said effects – this means mixing liquids, shifting powders, etc. After performing a Craft-Ritual action, you cannot perform another one until the current Period has passed.
Administer Basic Elixir (requires Herb Kit): You may drink this yourself or serve it to one willing person to enhance their physical or mental abilities – once created, it must be imbibed within the next 60 seconds or else it becomes inert and useless.
A character may not have more than one Elixir effect upon them at a time. Elixirs occupy an Attunement slot (ATN), persisting until the end of the current Event.
Create Basic Herb Kit: Create a basic-quality Herb Kit – In addition to its Component (CMP) costs, this requires a backpack, messenger bag or a series of pouches that reflect its function as a keeper of useful and/or medicinal herbs or chemicals. Herb Kits are needed for several Builder skills to function.
Augmented Crafting: This skill can be enhanced by others or by certain conditions. If your Crafting is imbued with an Augment from Market Hour or an ally’s skills, you may choose from one of the benefits below. You must fulfill the requirements/costs for each product/effect..
Bonus Output: Make/upkeep 1-2 additional Herb Kits or administer 1-2 additional Basic Elixirs.
Bonus Quality: As per Expert Brewer, make/upkeep an Advanced Herb Kit or make an Expert Elixir. For the former, it can have 1 Augment from the Expert Augment list or or any other Kit Augment that you know how to apply.
(Basic; Active-Task, Imbue-Heal/Cure)
You can create a special tonic that can lend some respite to an ally.
Administer Basic Tonics (requires Herb Kit; short task): After at least one minute of mixing up a beverage, steeping tea, squeezing fruits for a juice, or a similar short task, you can serve up a “Basic Tonic” to 1-3 persons. This does not count as a Craft-Ritual action, nor does it require CMP to perform.
Those who partake of this drink (any amount) and relax for at least 5 minutes receive the following benefits based on what kind of Tonic you gave them. Invoke the name of this Tonic and clarify its effects, if necessary. As with all imbue skills, the subject of this skill may refuse its effects.. This is not meant to be a combat oriented skill.
List of Basic Tonics
Fixxer Tonic: cures injuries (Heal 5 and Cure Wounds)
Hard Tonic: Intoxicates and blinds (RP drunkenness and blind 1 hour)
Stim Tonic: Cures Strike effects
Venom Tonic: Hurts and poisons (1 Corrosive and Rot 10 minutes)
Herb Shop: If you are at this Workshop, you can combine 2 Tonics, imbuing both effects at once.
(Basic; Active-Task, Imbue-Respite)
You are able to prepare a meal that energizes those who partake of it.
For the purpose of mechanics, this skill focuses on the serving of the meal, rather than its preparation. This is not a Craft-Ritual action. To do this, you must fulfill the requirements below:
Non-combat: no fighting within 50 ft, sight, hearing
Props: Wear a Herb Kit. Have/write dose cards/signs with your chosen effect. Include your helpers’ effects.
With the above fulfilled, serve a meal* and give dose cards to your guests, including yourself if desired. After 5+ minutes of this meal, those who eat the meal gain the chosen benefits.
Soothing Meal effects list: Choose one of the options below.
Option 1: Heal 10 plus Cure Strikes and Wounds,
Option 2: Lasting Resolve 2** (can be chosen multiple times, increasing by +1, max 5)
Option 3: Cure Basic Diseases/Curses, Blights (requires 1+ helpers, counts as 2 picks)
Option 4: Imbue Invigorated Status (requires 2+ helpers, counts as 3 picks)
When a character gains this status, they remain thusly for the remainder of the Event unless they drop to 0 HP or they expend the status. To do the latter, they simply invoke “Invigorate, Heal X”, where X is half their max HP (round up). This reflects a rested status that they can draw upon for a second wind.
Special Notes:
Meals must follow OOG food safety guidelines on cleanliness
Meals stop giving benefits one hour after being served
If the meal is interrupted, these benefits are not gained.
Helpers: You can use this Skill cooperatively with allies who are using Restful Composition, Soothing Meal, or Restore Focus. Each skill user can add an effect from their own list.
(Complex; Active-Craft/ATN/CMP)
Requires: Any two basic Brewer skills, including Brew Maker
You are able to craft Elixirs, Vials, and Tonics that vivify those who imbibe them.
Create Aqueous Elixirs: When you use Brew Maker, you are able to create and administer Aqueous Elixirs.
Create Aqueous Tonics: When you use a functioning Herb-Shop and an Advanced Herb Kit to Craft, you are able to create and administer Aqueous Tonics
Antidote Tonic: Clears the drinker of Blight
Calm Tonic: Puts the drinker in a calm and non-combative state.
Painkiller Tonic: Allows a drinker to temporarily ignore Pain.
Healing Vials Proficiency: Add Healing Vial Augments to your options for when you make an Advanced or Superior Herb Kit. Also, halve the Conc required when you use Healing Vials (round up). These cannot be lowered further.
(Complex; Active-Craft/ATN/CMP, Imbue-Cure/Charm)
Requires: Any two basic Brewer skills, including Brew Maker
Your skill in Brewing has reached another milestone of expertise. This skill allows you to craft more complex Herb Kits and Elixirs, as well as assist in the creation of Herb Shops.
Expert Brewing: When you use Brew Maker, you have new options. Of note is the ability to craft/upkeep an Advanced Herb Kit, which has bonus abilities from its Kit Augment (aka Aug), depending on which Augment it is made with. Remember that Advanced and Superior items deteriorate into Basic-quality after 3 Events.
Advanced Herb Kit (1 Aug): needed for Elixirs and for some skills
Expert Elixirs (requires Herb Kit; Basic herbal, astral, or water CMP x2)
Herb Shop (requires Herb Kit, Pure CMP x5, and 5 total Craft actions)
Expert Kit Augments: when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Herb Kit, you can now choose from the Expert Kit Augments below when determining what Augment(s) it has.
Augmented Crafting: You can now opt for one of the benefits below when your Crafting with Brew Maker is Augmented, fulfilling the normal costs/requirements as per usual.
Bonus Output: Make 1-2 extra Herb Kits or Elixirs. They can be of any type you can normally craft
Bonus Quality: Make one Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs) or create one Elixir you have access to and affect it with the Elixir Longevity from Master of Elixirs.
(Complex; Active-Craft/ATN/CMP, Aug-Craft)
Requires: Any two basic Brewer skills, including Soothing Meal
Through some effort, you can imbue your meals so that they improve the Crafts and Rituals of those who consume them. To do this, use the Soothing Meal skill with the following exceptions:
-- Augment it with this Skill, preventing this use from further Augments.
-- This requires and expends your Craft action for the Period
Your next Craft or Ritual action is Augmented, allowing you to choose between Bonus Output or Bonus Quality. Expires after 1 hour if unused.
-- This only affects 1-10 diners
Doing this allows you to grant your diners the Productive Status:
(Complex; Active-Craft/ATN/CMP,+HP)
Requires: Any two basic Brewer skills, including Brew Maker
While you are affected by an Elixir Attunement of your own creation, your health and strength are bolstered by its potency. If you have an occupied ATN, you can choose to gain the “Potent Potables” ATN and the following benefits:
Improved Grit (+HP): Add +1 to your maximum HP unless it exceeds 10 HP.
Resist Blight (-Focus): Invoke this and expend 1 Focus to negate a Blight effect that just hit you.
Strength (self-inflict 2): use this Fighter skill as though you had it
(Complex; Active-Craft/ATN/CMP)
Requires: Any two basic Brewer skills
You can apply strange energies into your brews and crafts, melding the mundane with basic magical knowhow.
Administer Strange Tonics (requires Brewtender, Herb Kit): You may now create and administer a Tonic from the Strange Tonics list.
Confession Tonic: Drinker must tell the truth, although this is easily removed.
Dispel Tonic: Allows the Drinker to render some of their Attunements inert.
Vision Tonic: Allows the drinker to see spirits and speak to spirits temporarily.
Administer Esoteric Elixirs: When you craft Elixirs you can opt to make an Esoteric Elixir, which enhances and debilitates those who drink them.
(Erudite Brewer; Active-Craft/ATN/CMP, Tech)
Requires: Any two complex Brewer skills and any two basic Brewer skills, including Brew Maker
The new sciences of the Illustrados and the other technological greats of the World Beyond the Fall have inspired and taught you well.
Apex Brewing (requires Magna Field): When you use Brew Maker, you gain the options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: Hyper Refined Etherite -- this can be mitigated by certain high tech Town Expansions.
Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs)
Hyper Refined Elixir (requires Herb Kit, Hyper Refined Etherite)
Apex Lab (requires Herb Kit, Hyper Refined Etherite x5)
Hyper Refined Vial Augment: (requires Hyper Refined Etherite) An augment for Herb Kits.
Also, halve the required Concentration (round down) when you use Hyper Refined Vials. This required count may not be lowered further.
Toxic Tolerance (requires Herb Kit): Practice with experimental chemicals has left you with some tricks. Use the Resist Toxin skill as if you had it, with the requirement below:
-- After you use Resist Toxin, simulate drinking a vial, smelling a prepared rag, or popping a lozenge to reflect the specialized chemicals you have crafted for yourself (and only yourself) to withstand corrosive attacks.
(Erudite; Active-Craft/ATN/CMP, Tech)
Requires: Any two complex Brewer skills and any two basic Brewer skills
You can use tiny alien creatures as Elixirs or weapons, as some Templars do. This skill is useful to those who favor power over squeamishness and grants the subfunctions below:
Biomantic Brewing: When you use Brew Maker, you have new options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: the Flesh of the Empress -- this can be mitigated by certain magical Town Expansions.
Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs)
Biomancy Elixir (requires Herb Kit, Flesh of the Empress)
Biomancer Hatchery (requires Herb Kit, Flesh of the Empress x5)
Swarm Vial Augment: (requires Flesh of the Empress) An augment for Herb Kits.
Furthermore, the required Targ count for Swarm Vials is halved when you use them. This cannot be lowered further.
Create Swarm Vials: when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Herb Kit, this skill lets you Augment it from the Swarm Vials list. Halve the required Conc/Targ count (rounding down) when you use these Augments. These required counts may not be lowered further.
Xenotech Expertise (requires Herb Kit): Your exposure to monstrous energies has left you stronger in spirit. You may use the Resist Fear skill as though you had it, with the following additional requirement:
-- After you invoke the skill, you must simulate drinking a vial, smelling a prepared rag, or popping a lozenge to reflect the specialized chemicals you have crafted for yourself (and only yourself) to withstand psychic horror.
(Erudite; Active-Craft, Imbue-Cure/Charm, Imbue-Attunement)
Requires: Any two complex Brewer skills and any two basic Brewer skills, including Brew Maker
You have knowledge and practice of magical energies, at least enough to know how to apply them proficiently to your craft.
Magical Brewing (requires Herb Kit): When you use Brew Maker, you have new options below. However, non-magical users of this skill must make up for the lack of magic by using a Mana Lodge or Etheric Expertise below.
Bone Garden (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)
Eldritch Elixir (requires Adept ATN): these enhance spellcasters of different kinds
Hallowed Shrine
Mana Lodge (Arcane Orrery; requires Adept ATN)
Mana Lodge (Outsider Obelisk; requires Adept ATN)
Mana Lodge (Spirit Circle; requires Adept ATN)
Eldritch Vial Augment: An augment for Herb Kits.
Furthermore, the required Targ count for Eldritch Vials is halved when you use them. This cannot be lowered further.
Etheric Expertise (Brewer; requires Herb Kit): This allows you to create magical items despite a lack of magical ability. You are counted as having an Adept ATN when you use Brewer skills if you are assisted by an ally with an Adept ATN -- they must also expend a Craft-Ritual action or be using one to assist you (e.g. Detect Method, Project Power, Transmute Element)
Bind with Fate (Brewer; requires Herb Kit and Adept ATN or Mana Lodge): When you make or upkeep an Herb Kit, you can Bind its fate to an owner for the next 3 Events. This is not an Augment, but it costs 3 Basic Astral CMP and an ATN slot from the owner. While bound thusly, it cannot be stolen, lost or destroyed except by extraordinary circumstances. It is Fated to always find its way back to its owner during the current Event.
(Erudite; Active-Craft, Tech, Mastercraft)
Requires: Any two Erudite Brewer skills and any two basic Brewer skills
You can craft more Elixirs or Herb Kits than most Brewers as well as grant longevity to your Elixirs.
Master Brewer: When you use Brew Maker, you can make a Superior Herb Kit.
Elixir Longevity (requires Herb Kit): When you craft an Elixir, you can pay triple its CMP cost so that it lasts 3 Events instead of only 1 Event. At the back of the sheet, prefix the Elixir’s ATN with “Extended” and add the OOG creation date (e.g. Extended Deadsoul Elixir, Jan 2023). Upon its final Event, replace the date with “Last Event”
Hair of the Dog: If you have the Brewtender skill, you can make a concoction vile enough to snap an ally back into the fray. While you have an empty hand, perform an iConc-5 adjacent to a Downed ally -- upon completion invoke “Potion - Painful Revive” upon them -- optionally, your role-play can reflect force feeding them a potion without making physical contact.
Prodigious Potables: If you have the Potent Potables skill, you may apply the Potent Potables ATN to those you affect with your Elixirs.
Mastercraft Action (requires Herb Kit, 1/Event): Perform a Mastercraft action once per Event, allowing you the benefits below. This does not expend the use of other Mastercraft skills in the same Event.
Benefit 1: Craft with Ease: When you use Brew Maker, it does not count as your Craft-Ritual action for that Period.
Benefit 2: Overflowing Cups: If you use Master of Elixirs to make Elixirs, you may administer 4 additional Elixirs, paying the cost for each one. This can be different Elixirs if desired. This can be used with Bonus Output and used with the “Craft Items” Interim Action.
(Erudite Brewer/Survivor; Attunement-Aug)
Requires: Any two complex Brewer/Survivor skills and any two basic Brewer/Survivor skills
This skill represents intense training and experimentation with Elixirs and Ichors, allowing you to have up to two Elixir Attunements upon your person.
Unfortunately, this has the side effect of infecting you with the “Stim Shivers”, an Incurable Disease that persists until you have less than two Elixir/Ichor Attunements.
You are afflicted with a nervous shakiness that occurs at random and makes certain movements difficult.
Effect 1: Shivering Smite - Gain the ability to perform a melee “Smite” as per the Fighter Discipline. Your damage with such attacks is increased by one by Stim Shivers.
Effect 2: Shivering Steps - Gain the ability to perform the “Dodge” and “Parry” defenses. Also, you can augment these with “Uncanny” to use them against Ambush attacks. (e.g. Uncanny Dodge)
Effect 3: Hindered Precision: Craft-Ritual actions take an extra 5 minutes to perform.
Effect 4: Mental Duress: You cannot use abilities that negate or cure yourself of Frenzy or Dominate.
Prop requirement: Make-up that reflects sunken eyes and/or blackened veins on the sides of your face from your bodily stress.
(Erudite Brewer; Active-Periodic, Imbue-Cure/Resolve/ATN)
Requires: Any two complex Brewer skills and any two basic Brewer skills, including Soothing Meal
With immense effort, you can serve a feast with the speed and skill of several brewers.
Once per Period, you may Augment Soothing Meal so that you are a one-person dining establishment or mess hall. As a Periodic Skill, once this is used, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.
To use this skill, simply perform the Soothing Meal skill as normal. However, you are counted as three people with “Soothing Meal” when it comes to determining which effects and how many effects you can administer via this meal. You can still receive up to 4 helpers of additional assistance.
Furthermore, you gain an additional option to choose from:
Illness Immunity (1 Pick, 1 ATN; -Focus):
You are considered to have the Endure Plague skill of the Doctor and Survivor Disciplines. This allows you to spend Focus to stop Diseases and Blight from affecting you. This expires at the end of the Event.
— Alternate Option: Supreme Potion —
You can use this Skill while in combat to bring one ally back into fighting shape.
Step 1: Perform iConc-5 on an ally while you are wearing an Herb Kit
Step 2: Pull forth an empty vial or liquid container
Step 3: Invoke “Supreme Potion” and have them drink from it.
Step 4: Invoke your choice of (choose 2)
Heal 5
Resolve 5
Cure Wounds and Strikes and Blights
Painful Revive