Carmine Conclave
Carmine Templars, Sanguinar, Carminian, Rosette
“Roses answer with Beauty and Thorns” — Valentinova Motto
Artwork by Nicco Salonga
Second largest of the Conclaves and unwanting in influence, the Carmine Conclave is comprised primarily of diplomats, merchants and bankers, as well as their more military retinues. They are more worldly than the other Conclaves and are also said to be more corruptible – more than a few of this Conclave have reportedly joined with the vampiric overlords of the Night-League or sold Templar secrets to outsiders. The Carmine Conclave denies all such reports however and Skull Conclave inquiries have usually turned up in vain.
In many senses, Carmine Templars often find themselves viewed in a similar light. They appear and conduct themselves with grace and with friendliness, but they are treated with suspicion. Those who underestimate a Sanguinar however, will often regret such a sentiment. They are easily as deadly as they are beautiful, quick to punish those who are fooled the softness of a rose for the bite of its thorns.
Symbol and Colors
The Hallowed Ziggurat wreathed with thorned vines and five roses. Sometimes, the thorns and vines are beneath and to the lower sides of the Ziggurat. Shades of scarlet, carmine, orange, and black are colors associated with the Carmine Conclave.
Lore: Medium
Carmine Lore requires some reading into faith, history, and traditions. However, many of the concepts it presents are relatively common. The trope of a charming/annoying noble fop, duelist, or diplomat is familiar to many Players.
A Carminian Eidolon, dressed to kill.
The Carmine Conclave prefers outfits that are well-made, outfits that stand out, and outfits that are beautiful, in any order of importance. Most will choose to have a single accessory of carmine, scarlet, or similarly red hue to accentuate their attire. However, to chain a Carmine Templar to a single outfit is to accept one’s lower station in the Conclave. Even with instruments and weaponry, these individuals tend to prefer form over function, with their looks as devastating as their attacks.
Many wear a single bright red item of clothing or ornament with their clothing. Some daring individuals will use other shades or colors, though tradition states that such an item must be red adjacent (purple, orange, etc). In most cases, Sanguinar will dress in whatever fashion they like tending but not sticking to expensive dresses and suits. When possible, Carmine Templars will even eschew armor or ornament it to look either high quality or like clothing.
Allies and pawns: Many Carmine Templars are taught to view others as family, allies, or pawns. All individuals have a use to the Temple and the Conclave. Few Templars actually take this philosophy to its most extreme utilitarian point of view. Most simply view even wary or hostile individuals as potential allies or useful pawns -- to be destroyed only when necessary, hence the Carmine Templars’ reluctance to descend into violence.
Favors and friends: Those of the Carmine Conclave are taught the value of currency, not merely physical currency but social currency as well. They will do favors for strangers and acquaintances in addition to friends and family. Oftentimes the gift is a minor favor or a small token, but on occasion it can be more expensive or more researched. Much of Carmine etiquette is based on successfully deflecting or graciously waving such a gift -- if only because it renders the receiver beholden to the gifter. The same applies for those who refuse a gift without the necessary grace. Naturally, those beholden can be called upon for minor favors, with some social disdain for those who are unable to comply with this “Scarlet Dance”. Carmine Templars should beware however -- the Scarlet Dance does not often apply outside of the Conclave or “polite company”.
Sometimes the Carmine is an accent and not the base.
Flamboyant Gestures: In a similar fashion, Carmine Templars greet others with deep bows, hearty handshakes, and to very close family, kisses on cheeks. Respected elders and superiors are given “Mano”, which is a gesture wherein the elder or superior offers their hand (palm down) and the younger or subordinate presses the knuckle or back of the hand to their forehead while kneeling.
Friendships and camaraderie: It is known among the Temple and even outside it that the Carmine Templars often refer to strangers and acquaintances as “My Friend” or “Comrade”, regardless of their closeness or level of hostility. Tone is important of course -- even the most generous of compliments can be mockery with the right tone of voice and the right gesture. Closer friends and family are called “Cousin”, or “Sibling” (and rarely Brother/Sister). “Elder” or “Sire” may be used to refer to senior or higher status individuals. To those most intimate, they may refer to their closest family or lovers by nicknames, sometimes using flowers or shortened names to affect each other.
One Big family: From the very beginning of their lives, the value of family, Conclave, and Temple is ingrained unto the Carmine Templars. Family, especially, must be protected and nurtured -- pruned only when they become inimical to the needs of the group. Some see the Sanguinar as the most loving and passionate of the Templars, extolling the virtues of filial love as well as that of romantic attraction. This has a dark side as well -- many are the Templars that feed upon the love of their families while poisoning them from within, spending decades doing so until they are found and pruned.
Side-stories: In their love of palaver and discourse, the Sanguinar are especially enthralled by stories -- specifically story telling. They tend to keep stories about folk, not just for entertainment and for memory, but also to allow them to describe their acquaintance to others. These stories tend to be short affairs, no longer than five minutes, but they are chosen to illustrate what the storyteller likes about the person in question. In less amicable settings, these stories are usually used to disparage a rival or an enemy, although it must be done with subtlety rather than obviously -- highlighting a flaw or a failure despite seeming like a complimentary tale.
The Red Haze: Similarly, the Carmine Conclave is notorious for their viciousness when family is attacked, with their cruel vengeances reaching beyond the pale. When their family is wronged, it takes much to quell the bloodlust of the Carmine Templar. When they may not act physically, they instead destroy their rivals socially instead of through violent blood feuds. The territories of the Carmine Conclave are rife with this bickering, though it appears nothing but placid or even cheerful to strangers. Fortunately, this can be stopped -- favors, gifts, and punishments can be used to quench the fires of a vengeful Sanguinar.
The names of the Sanguinar are divided into their first name, their middle name, their family name and their Cabal name (if they are part of one). Sanguinar introduce themselves with their full name and Cabal but then follow it up with a name that they can be called in haste.
First names: These are granted to an individual by their parents after they are born. These tend to reflect their parents or Cabal’s history or heritage and be long and flamboyant.
Middle names: These are chosen by the Sanguinar themselves upon completing their rite of adulthood. Some stay with their first names. Others refer to themselves as their first and their middle names or drop their first names entirely, referring to themselves only as their middle name except in rituals and formal documentation.
Family name: This is shared by one’s family and is taken from one mother. In families with more than one mother or none, a naming parent is mutually decided upon before marriage, traditionally by the engaged partnership’s mothers or decided by the parents. A family name from the prime family of a Cabal is a part of the main branch and is treated with some respect and fear by their fellows.
Cabal Name: Cabals are powerful and influential groups within the Conclave composed of different families but following the lead of one primary family. There are five major Cabals in the Carmine Conclave and they control most of the resources and the minor Cabals. Cabal Names are references to the crests of the Cabal rather than the Cabal themselves.
Major Cabals in the Carmine Conclave and their Cabal Names
Valentinova (du Miroir): Known for their aesthetes, sorcerers, and romantics.
Alvarado (de la Spirale): Seafarers, bureaucrats, and traders of even tempers and clever wit.
Montaigne (de L’Argent): Industry, precision, and willfulness are hallmarks of this Cabal.
Ithilios (de la Lune): Known for their discipline, their ruthlessness, and piety.
Champlain (du Soleil): Fiery individuals in temperament, magics, and battle prowess.
Example names:
Tatianna Sirena Valentinova du Miroir is blessed not only with a prime lineage but has arisen in rank as a Gold Cavalier in her Cabal’s eyes. Her allies call her “Cavalier Sirena” but most simply call her “Siren”.
Francisco Ignacio Tabrin de la Baton is part of a minor Cabal and allows himself to be called “Valiant Ignacio” or “Egg” by his close friends. Ranked as a mere Root Valiant, he is an ambitious individual that is willing to join with a major Cabal to ascend the ranks with whatever it takes.
Anastasia Willa D’Argentine allows themselves to be called “Will” or “Willa”. They do not have a Cabal. Unlike most others without a Cabal, they do not wish to be part of one.
Example Character Ideas
The following are some character concepts that may be seen from this Conclave. If desired, Feel free to use or alter one of these for your character.
Amiable Evangelist: The faith of the Temple and the arms of the Carmine Conclave are open to the willing, and one’s flock is also one’s strength. The charm of the Carmine Templars lends well to the gathering of hearts and minds to their cause, moreso than any of the other Conclaves. These leaders and guides must beware hubris and ambition, however, lest they be toppled from their thrones.
Suggested Classes: Arcanist, Counselor
Cunning Infiltrator: These Templar can mask their motives and their movements with ease, taking on whatever roles they need for their missions. Despite their florid reputation, the Carmine Conclave has great need of subtlety and discretion. Yet those who walk this path must beware -- even without failure, infiltrators run the risk of being recognized or worse yet, being disillusioned.
Suggested Classes: Arcanist, Ranger
Fashionable Fop: For these Templar, everything is about the look, all else is a distant second or third place - not battle, not honor, and definitely not function. These individuals seek out the latest in fashion, the greatest of luxuries, and the most decadent of lifestyles. Some even seek out forbidden tomes and secrets, taking great pleasure in having what most cannot.
Suggested Classes: Arcanist, Builder
Master of Puppets: These individuals schemed and connived their way through the world, rarely having to work alone. These folk know people who know people. They have friends who have friends. Such a position is enviable and some friends are less trustworthy than others. But even the best plans can go awry.
Suggested Classes: Builder, Counselor.
Swaggering Swashbuckler: Carmine Templars are known for their wit rather than their weaponplay, but their foes best beware a Sanguinar that can do both. These individuals can be swords swingers full of braggadocio and bravado or they can be quieter killers, slaying with a barbed word as well as a swift blade.
Suggested Classes: Counselor, Warrior
Officially, the Carmine Archon rules the Conclave. However, they must contend with and appease the wishes of the Carmine Court, whose Princes hold immense weight in policy, bureaucracy, and in the military. These Princes lead the aristocratic Cabals that hold great influence over the city’s workings through power and wealth.
Archon Jean Francois Guillebeaux is a native of Bastion du Rachat and knows well the song and dance required to administer to the Conclave’s needs, in addition to the songs and dances that he was known for in his tempestuous youth. He lets his Invokates manage the Priories while he deals with the necessary work of leading the Carminians as a whole. While he rarely guests at the Courts’ manors, the Archon’s visitors are a common sight within the cathedral gardens at the northern portion of Rachat, often delegates or emissaries of the Cabalim asking about a favor or requesting assistance in an issue.
Some of his Archonate critics claim that he spends too much time “playing” with the Carmine Court and not enough time governing them. That said, this critique rarely takes into account the brutal purges and inquisitions he conducted two decades ago. The quality and vivacity of his winter roses are a testament to his thorough nature and his foresight.