Experience and Progression
Most progress requires experience and study.
Gaining Experience Points (XP)
Experience Points are one of the primary methods of improving a character’s power and utility. Along with in-game currency, XP is expended to allow a character to learn a Skill. After an Event they have attended, a Player is granted 5–15 XP to all of their characters. The upper levels of these XP awards is dependent on performing an NPC shift and assisting in Clean up based on NPCing and clean up.
The break down of this XP gain is as below, to a maximum of 15 XP per Event:
Attendance: 5 XP for attending the event
Clean Up: 3–5 XP for assisting in Clean Up. More XP is given to those who stay until the task is finished.
NPC Shift: 3–5 XP for performing an NPC shift (at least 3 hours), based on time and quality. Patron-level attendance automatically awards 5 XP from this section.
Legacy XP (LXP)
As mentioned above, some Players will be awarded Legacy XP based on their attendance of certain previous games.
LXP is used as normal XP to add Skills or Traits for a Player Character
They may not be mixed with normal XP (you cannot use both XP and LXP to purchase a Skill).
They do not count when determining whether a Character receives a Milestone.
Learning Skills
To gain more Skills, one of the following has to happen:
Method 1: Self-Training at Event:
Sign-in or Market Hour: This can only happen during Sign-in or Market Hour (which happens once per Period and is signaled by a bell)
Inform Staff: Approach Game Staff and inform them that you are Self-Training in specific Skills.
Meet Requirements: As long as requirements below are met (including ATNs), you can learn as many Skills as you like.
Trained Skills can be used; As long as you have the Training ATN (see below), you can use the Skill except as a prerequisite for learning other Skills.
Method 2: Receiving Training from others during Event:
Doesn’t need Market Hour/Sign-in: This is similar to Method 1, except that it does not require Sign-in or Market Hour.
Trainer needed: Instead, another PC must use their Craft-Ritual action to teach a Basic skill to you, the would-be learner.
Improved Instruction: Certain Skills from Scholar and Detection allow for a greater efficacy with teaching, allowing more Skills and more Learners to be taught.
Method 3: Self-Training between Events:
Use Interim Action: After an Event you attended, inform Game Staff via email that you are Self-training in specific Skills.
To have your Character learn new Skills, you need to fulfill their listed Requirements and to pay the Component costs (see table below).
During Event:
ATN cost: If this is during an Event, this also requires an Attunement slot (aka ATN) labeled with “[name of Skill] Training”.
Free slot: If you don’t have a free ATN, then you can’t receive the training.
Risky: Similarly, if that ATN is rendered inert via a Disease or a Curse, then you lose the Training and the Component cost is not refunded.
Delayed XP cost: You do not need to have the necessary XP during Event. Game Staff will update your Character sheet between Events. If you do not have enough XP for the Skill when this occurs, the Skill is lost and so are the Components used to learn it.
All PCs get 5 XP after an Event. This can be increased by NPCing, helping with Clean up, and/or choosing the Patron-level attendance.
Between Events:
Pay XP now: These requirements are similar to “During Event”, except that the XP cost must be paid immediately.
All PCs get 5 XP after an Event. This can be increased by NPCing, helping with Clean up, and/or choosing the Patron-level attendance.
No ATN cost: On the other hand, there are no ATN costs and there is no risk in losing the Skill.
If you fulfill the requirements and complete the procedures listed above, your Character will be trained in the Skill. These may be Basic Skills, Complex Skills, or Stigmata Traits. With certain improvements to the community, Erudite skills may become open to Self-Training.
During Event: As mentioned, you can use a Skill that you were trained in so long as you have the Training ATN. If you have enough XP to pay the XP costs for it between Events, this training becomes permanent.
Between Events: With all the requirements and costs fulfilled, this Skill will be added to your Character sheet permanently and can be used during your next Event, even as a Prerequisite.
During Event: If this is during an Event, a Character may use the Skills that they have a Training ATN for (see ATN cost above). This is as though they had said Skill. The only exception to this is that this Training ATN cannot be used as a prerequisite for additional Training until after the current Event.
Example: Using an Interim action, Billy Yumyum starts learning Skills from the Fighter Discipline. He spends components and XP to learn “Melee Fighter” and “Melee Expertise”. He cannot train in Battle Aspect (Berserker) until the start of the next Event (possibly at sign in) because Melee Fighter and Melee Expertise cannot be used as prerequisites and Battle Aspect requires 2 Basic Fighter Skills.
The prices for self-teaching skills are below:
Self Teaching
Basic Skills: 10 XP and Basic Component x1***
Complex Skills: 10 XP and Rare Component x1***
Erudite Skill: 20 XP, Pure Component x1, and a Specific Town Expansion
Stigmata Trait**: 30 XP, Rare Components x3 (specific types)
**Stigmata Traits may have specific costuming or prop requirements.
*** Fateful Deeds and Pyrrhic Deeds can be used to substitute Component costs.
CROSS CLASS SKILLS: You may learn Skills from a different Class but these cost +10 XP.
Special Note: Arcanist Skills and Spells have additional requirements before Non-Arcanists can learn them. In particular, the Etheric Arcana skill requires that you be of certain Stigmata before you may self-teach it.
Experience Point Limit
No Player Character may have more XP than the number of Events that have transpired times 15 — this limit is based on Events that have occurred, whether they attended the Event or not. Legacy XP does not apply to this limit but Legacy XP does not apply for determining Milestones either.
For example:
Events XP Limit
1st Event 15 XP
2nd Event 30 XP
3rd Event 45 XP
Every 100 XP that a PC earns, they qualify for a Milestone.
Milestones function as a measure of character progression.
With a Milestone, a PC may choose one effect from a menu. This includes instantly learning a Cross-class Skill or Erudite Skill for 0 XP, gaining additional Traits from your Stigmata, etc.
ARCANISTS AND ELDRITCH CORRUPTION: Arcanists and anyone with the Etheric Arcana Skill may suffer Eldritch Corruption (see Arcane Traditions page) whenever they receive a Milestone.
Below are the in-game names for how experienced a Character is.
0 Milestones: Novice or Greenhorn Delver
1-2 Milestones: Expert or Aguerrido Delver
3-4 Milestones: Elite Delver
5-6 Milestones: Ultra-Elite Delver
7-9 Milestones: Renowned or Infamous Delver
10+ Milestones: Prime Delver
How do I get a Milestone?
Player characters are awarded a Milestone for every 100 XP they have earned. Only normal XP grants Milestones, Legacy XP does not do this.
NOTE: Arcanists and any Stigmatic Character with spells gain one Spell Sever of their choice every time they gain a Milestone. They do not gain a Spell Sever if they already have one. This represents the hazardous aspect of magic use.
Using Milestones
To use an unexpended Milestone, you simply send an Email to the Game Staff at the appropriate email address -- this Email must designate which Milestone Award a Player desires to receive (listed below).
The expenditure of Milestones may only happen between Game Events and not during them, not even during Sign-In. In the circumstance that a Player buys back enough Events that awards them a Milestone, they still must inform Game Staff in advance as to the usage of their Milestones.
UQ - this is a Unique Milestone and can only be gained once per Character.
Advancement Milestones
Erudite Learning: Gain an Erudite Skill (needs Skill requirements)
Evolving Bloodline: Gain a Trait from your Bloodline Stigmata
Fortified Graft: Gain a Trait from your Graft Stigmata at no XP and Component Cost.
New Graft (UQ): Gain a Biology Trait and a second Trait from a Graft you do not have yet.
Sorcerous Awakening: Gain the ability to cast spells, if you have a Stigmata.
Customization Milestones
Deviant Mutation (UQ): Gain a beneficial mutation similar to an Elixir.
Eldritch Haunting (UQ): Gain a beneficial effect similar to an Attunement spell
Multi-Class: Gain a Class Aptitude from another Class.
Signature Item (UQ): You possess an item that reflects your person and can never be parted from you, although it still requires upkeep.
Signature Skill (UQ): Perform a special version of a skill that you possess.
Unique Subtype (UQ): Gain an additional Stigmata Subtype.
Versatile Aspect/Anchor: Gain some versatility with certain Aspect or Anchor skills.
Advancement Milestones Overview
These Milestones represent increased mastery or versatility in terms of their skills and other abilities.
Instantly gain a Class Aptitude from your Class or an Erudite Skill whose requirements you possess. This does not cost Components or XP to learn. This Skill or Aptitude must be appended with “MS”.
Gain a Trait from your Bloodline Stigmata: Gain a Trait from your Bloodline Stigmata for no XP or component cost. This Trait must be appended with “MS”.
Gain a Trait from your Graft Stigmata for no XP cost and no component cost. This Trait must be appended with “MS”.
Gain a Graft if you do not have one yet. This represents an NPC or organization granting the Graft to you in exchange for services rendered or upon request.
This grants you the Biology Trait of your Graft and one Trait of your choice. -
If you are a non-Arcanist, you gain the Etheric Arcana skill and either the Talismanic Tradition or the Animantic Tradition, appended with “MS”.
If you are an Arcanist, this allows you to add an Arcane Tradition and Aptitude of that Tradition, appended with “MS”. See Animantic or Talismanic Tradition for additional information.-- Requirements: You must be of a Stigmata Subtype that allows spellcasting. Also, you must have a Deed that reflects magical training or exposure to intense magical energy. Also, this may only be awarded once per Character.
Customization Milestones Overview
These Milestones represent changes to a character that deviate from the norm and render them more unique.
One of your ancestors possesses/possessed a Bloodline Stigmata and it manifests late in your life. You choose one of the Bloodline Stigmata and a Subtype, gaining a Trait from its options. The total bonuses to damage that one can get from Traits may not exceed +2.
-- Prop Requirements: Naturally, you must fulfill the costuming requirements of your new Stigmata.
-- Unique: This can be chosen once per character. You can choose this even if you already have a Bloodline Stigmata.
Gain a Basic, Expert, Aqueous, or Esoteric Elixir effect upon your person and it counts as such for the purposes of how many Elixirs you may have. When listing this on your character sheet, replace Elixir with “Mutation”. For this mutation to function, you need to pay Components equivalent to its normal cost every Event. Otherwise, it occupies your Attunements without any effect. The Deed cost does not require upkeep.
-- Requirements: The necessary props or physical representation. This requires a Component Cost and a Deed that would incite a mutation within your body.
Gain a Basic or Complex attunement Spell upon your person. When listing this on your character sheet, add the word “Haunting”. For this haunting to function, you need to pay Components equivalent to its normal cost every Event. Otherwise, it occupies your Attunements without any effect. The Deed cost does not require upkeep.
-- Requirements: The necessary props or physical representation. This requires a Component Cost and a Deed that would incite a haunting within your soul.
Another Graft is implanted/imbued upon you and somehow your body does not reject it. You choose one of the Graft Stigmata and a Subtype, gaining both the Biology Trait from its options. The total bonuses to damage that one can get from Traits may not exceed +2.
-- Story Requirements: Your Character must have undergone a process or a happenstance at an Event that allows for this to occur. This will likely involve gaining a Grave Scar.
-- Prop Requirements: Naturally, you must fulfill the costuming requirements of your new Stigmata.
-- Unique: This can be chosen once per character. You can choose this even if you already have a Graft Stigmata.
Choose and gain a Class Aptitude from a Class that is not your own.
-- Requirement: You must possess five skills from that Class, though these Skills may belong to the other Class and your own at the same time (e.g. Treat Injury belongs to Counselor, Builder, and Ranger).
Choose one of the Subtypes of your Stigmata (e.g Soul Reaver for Necrotic or Scaled for Chimeric). You are counted as that Subtype and gain a Trait from that Subtype at no XP or Component cost.
-- Semi-Unique: Chimera and Eidolons can pick this Milestone a second time, provided that the newest subtype is from the aforementioned Stigmata.
When you choose this Milestone, you may expend Components as though you crafted one Advanced item of your choice such as an Armor, a Weapon, or a Skill Kit. This item is always Fate Bound to this Character (and no others, not even your Alts), as per the Augment but it does not increase the cost.
This item will require upkeep as usual, although you can maintain it yourself as though you had the necessary skills. You still must spend Components, a Craft-Ritual action, and/or have access to the necessary Workshops as normal.
-- Requirements: The necessary props or physical representation, including a personal symbol or mark upon the item or a cloth connected to it. This also has a Component Cost for Creation/Upkeep.
-- Special Note: A Character may only have one Signature item ever. However, after every 12 months, it may be changed to a different item if the necessary Components are expended.
-- Elite Characters: Upon reaching 3 Milestones, this item may be changed to a Superior item instead. The costs and Craft action must be paid for, as per before.
As part of this Milestone, submit a Signature Skill request to the Game Staff email. In it, outline your proposal for your Signature Skill. This may NEVER be submitted during an Event.
Choose 1 Active-type Skill or a Defense that you are able to perform - you are able to create and name a Signature Skill using that Skill plus two Skill Augments that you possess, allowing even for multiple Step effects. You may add Augments from Items but you must wield it (or wear it, if armor) whenever you use this Signature Skill.
-- Limit on Usage: Once a Signature Skill is used, it may not be used again until after you perform a Rest. This may not be used on a Periodic or Monthly skill.
-- Restriction: You may have only one Signature Skill at a time, you may request Game Staff for a change after 12 months (and after 12 months afterward). The name of this Signature Skill must adhere to Conduct rules and must match the setting’s aesthetic -- violations may be subject to sanctions.
Example Signature Skill: FLAME SPIRAL-- Effect: Invoke “Signature Skill, Flame Spiral” to deliver a devastating salvo of flame and fury.
-- Base Skill: Project Storm (Talismanic) - Barrage 5, Inflict “Piercing 3 Flame” or “Piercing Knockback”, with a Resolve 3 as a Step effect after one successful hit.
-- Augments: Prophesied (Step: repeat a missed attack, 1/min) and Galvanized (+2 damage to the first attack).
Choose a Skill that you possess where you had to pick a single Aspect or Anchor from a set (e.g. Battle Aspect, Theurgic Anchoring). You may pick a second Aspect/Anchor from that set and gain access to it. While you still are limited to being Attuned to one Anchor or one Aspect, this increases your options and allows you to better customize your specialties for that month. Include the specific Aspect/Anchor you chose in the label for this Milestone.
You can select this Milestone multiple times.
Once per Event, you may switch from one Aspect or Anchor to another -- this only requires 1 additional ATN (see below) inflicting one of the penalties below. You cannot select an effect that you are already suffering.
Option 1: Fatigued Body: Your Maximum HP cannot exceed 5 HP.
Option 2: Fatigued Spirit: You cannot inflict more than 1 point of damage
Option 3: Fatigued Will: You cannot imbue more than 1 point Resolve or Healing.