Image by Nicco Salonga
This Discipline is sometimes called Chemistry or Alchemy for its use and manipulation of elements and molecules toward certain effects. Invest in this Discipline if:
You want to play a versatile Herb Kit user that can assist their allies’ crafting
You want to be able to throw vials with damage or control effects on foes.
You want to jump between roles of poisoner, alchemist, and medic
Relevant Rules: Crafting Process
Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet or assist in doing so for Admixtures
Step 2: Give Game Staff the necessary Components (CMP) for this Craft, if there are any.
Step 3: Get the item tag from Staff, if needed
Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay reflecting this Craft
Step 5: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed.
Basic Skills
Chem Maker (Craft): Craft an Herb Kit or to assist an ally with Crafting.
Extinguish Element: Remedy a Flame or Corrosive attack upon you.
Poisoncraft: Cure a Blight or Strike effect from allies.
Complex Skills
Curative Chemical (Craft): Create and use vials that heal.
Expert Chemist (Craft): Create and throw special chemical vials
Greater Admixture (Craft): Change Basic and Rare components with your Chemistry.
Trap Springer: Negate a Trap that just hit you
Venomologist (Craft): Create and use poisonous vials.
Erudite Skills
Eldritch Alchemy (Craft): Create and use magical chem-vials using Mana Lodges
Explosive Elementalist (Craft): Create and use volatile, elemental vials
Hyper Refined Chemistry (Craft): Create and use top tier technological chem-vials
Master of Elements (1/M): This mastery skill allows you to create Vials more often.
Perfect Admixture (Craft): Alter Pure components.
Xeno-Swarm Vials (Craft): Create and use living biomantic chem-vials
(Basic Chemist; Active-Craft, Admixture)
Chemists are known for their versatility and for their ability to assist other Crafters, especially those who are missing a specific Component (aka CMP) type. Using this skill follows the mechanics below
As a Craft-Ritual action, you may craft a single item or a specific effect. For at least 10 minutes, you must perform role-playing that reflects the creation of said items or said effects – this means mixing liquids, shifting powders, etc. After performing a Craft-Ritual action, you cannot perform another one until the current Period has passed.
Create Basic Herb Kit: Create a basic-quality Herb Kit – In addition to its Component (CMP) costs, this requires a backpack, messenger bag or a series of pouches that reflect its function as a keeper of useful and/or medicinal herbs or chemicals. Herb Kits are needed for several Builder skills to function.
Create Basic Scrap Kit: Similar to above except that Scrap Kits are filled with useful tools and scrap parts. Scrap Kits are needed for several Builder skills to function.
Elemental Admixture (requires Herb Kit): Instead of Crafting an item, assist in up to five individuals’ Craft/Ritual/Task actions, provided that they are doing that action within the next half hour. This Skill allows you to choose one CMP type (e.g Earth, Fire, etc) -- the individuals you are assisting may consider the Minor-tier CMP that they are using to also be of that type. You need to be actively assisting at all of these actions. Only one Admixture effect may affect a Craft, Ritual, or Task.
Augmented Crafting: This skill can be enhanced by others or by certain conditions. If your Crafting is imbued with an Augment from Market Hour or an ally’s skills, you may choose from one of the benefits below. You must fulfill the requirements/costs for each product/effect..
Bonus Output: Make/upkeep 1-2 additional Herb Kits or Scrap Kits.
Bonus Quality: As per Expert Chemist, make/upkeep an Advanced Herb/Scrap Kit. It can have 1 Augment from the Expert Augment list or or any other Kit Augment that you know how to apply.
(Basic Chemist; Active-Focus, Flame/Corrosive-Defense)
Working with volatile chemicals has taught you how to quickly treat acid, frostburn, or extinguish fires.
Quench Element (requires Herb Kit and a prop)
Step 1: You OR an ally within arm’s reach are hit by Frost, Flame or Corrosive damage of 3 points or less. This cannot be used vs. Ambush or Master-type attacks.
Step 2: As a Reaction, invoke “Quench”
Step 3: Stop forward momentum or step away from the attack.
Step 4: pat the damaged area with a rag prop. If you are using Quench on an ally, you may only pat their shoulder with a rag unless you have explicit permission.
Step 5: This negates the Frost, Flame or Corrosive attack.
Use Limit: Once this is used, you need to prepare a new concoction via a qConc-10 on your Herb Kit before you can use it again.
Focused Quench (-Focus; requires Herb Kit, and a prop): As above, for stronger attacks with the following exceptions:
-- This affects attacks that inflict any amount of Frost, Flame or Corrosive damage
-- Invoke this as “Focused Quench”
-- During Step 1, also expend 1 Focus. You can’t use this if you have 0 Focus.
-- This doesn’t have the Use Limit above.
(Basic; Active-RP/Focus, Imbue-Cure)
You may use a mild poison to nullify a Strike effect that is hindering or incapacitating another character.
Cure Strike effect (requires Herb Kit and a prop)
Step 1: An ally* within arm’s reach is under a Strike effect.
Step 2: perform an interlinked Conc-5 if used on an ally
Step 3: Invoke “Poisoncraft, Cure Strike”
Step 4: Pat your ally’s shoulder with a rag unless you have explicit permission otherwise. Alternatively, pretend to pour a vial over them
Step 5: This negates all Strike effects currently on your ally.
*Self use: You can use Cure Strike on yourself, if the Control effect allows you to Concentrate or use Active skills.
Cure Blight (-Focus, requires Herb Kit): You can cure Blight effects with Poisoncraft. This follows the procedure above except that you invoke “Cure Blight” instead and that you expend 1 Focus as part of Step 2.
Methodical Poisoncraft (requires Herb Kit, long task): Alternatively, you may waive the Focus cost by spending at least five minutes (aka a long task) of role-playing the application of herbs and chemicals to the affected individuals. This is followed by an invocation of “Poisoncraft, Cure Blight”. This can affect up to three people.
(Complex Chemist/Doctor; Active-Craft, Create-Aug, Imbue-Heal)
Requires: Any two basic Chemist/Doctor skills and the ability to craft Advanced Herb Kits
You are now able to apply your chemistry toward medical ends. Take note that unlike Treat Injury however, the Concentration from Healing Vials does not require the patient’s presence the entire time -- only for the delivery of the effect.
Healing Vials Proficiency: Add Healing Vial Augments to your options for when you make an Advanced or Superior Herb Kit. Halve the Concentration required when you use Healing Vials (rounding up). These cannot be lowered further.
Medical Chemistry (requires Herb Kit, Long Task): After 5 minutes of roleplay, you are able to grant the benefits of the “Long Treatment” function, as per the Medical Redemption. This represents you using various herbs and treatments to cure patients of injuries.
(Complex Chemist; Active-Craft, Create-Aug)
Requires: Any two basic Chemist skills, including Chem Maker
This skill allows you to craft more complex Herb Kits as well as assist in the creation of Herb Shops and improve on your Admixture skills.
Expert Chemistry: When you use Chem Maker, you have new options. Of note is the ability to craft/upkeep an Advanced Herb/Scrap Kit, which has bonus abilities from its Kit Augment (aka Aug), depending on which Augment it is made with. Remember that Advanced and Superior items deteriorate into Basic-quality after 3 Events.
Advanced Herb Kit (1 Aug)
Advanced Scrap Kit (1 Aug)
Herb Shop (requires Herb Kit)
Scrap Shop (requires Herb Kit)
Apply Kit Augment: when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Herb or Scrap Kit, this skill lets you choose from the Expert Kit Augments list
Dual Admixture: When you use the Elemental Admixture function of Chem Maker, you may choose two CMP Types instead of only one.
Augmented Crafting: You can now opt for one of the benefits below when your Crafting with Chem Maker is Augmented, fulfilling the normal costs/requirements as per usual.
Bonus Output: Make/upkeep 1-2 extra Advanced Skill Kits
Bonus Quality: Make/upkeep one Superior Skill Kit from the Master of Elements list, which can have up to two Augments that you have access to.
(Complex Chemist; Active-Craft, Admixture)
Requires: Any two basic Chemist skills including Chem Maker
The intricate dances of each element have become familiar to you, allowing you to Admixture rarer Components.
Admixture Specialist (requires Herb Kit): You now also affect Basic or Rare CMPs instead of only Minor CMPs when you use Chem Maker’s Elemental Admixture.
Tweak Skill Kit (requires Herb Kit, long task): Modify a Skill Kit by applying oils and chemicals
Step 1: have an non-Tweaked Skill Kit with a Vial or Gadget augment
Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of simulating this process
Step 3: Choose between Flame, Frost, and Corrosive (see effect)
Step 4: Clarify the effect below, if necessary to the item’s user.
Effect: For the current Period or the next hour (whichever is longer), the user of this Vial or Gadget can have its attacks inflict XX instead of its normal damage type. XX is the choice made by the Chemist.
(Complex Chemist/Junker; Active-Focus, Trap-Defense)
Requires: Any two basic Chemist/Junker skills
Reflecting years of bad experiences in chemical experiments, you may also use this Skill to reduce the damage inflicted upon you by Traps, Hazards, or Backlash effects from volatile corpses and creatures.
Step 1: You OR an ally within arm’s reach receive 5 or less points of damage from a Trap or a Backlash.
Step 2: As a Reaction to this, expend 1 Focus
Step 3: Invoke “Trap Springer”
Step 4: Stop forward momentum or step away from the attack’s source
Step 5: If you are defending an ally, you need only tap their shoulder unless you have explicit permission otherwise.
Step 6: This negates the damage (and only the damage) from the Trap or Backlash, even if it is a “Master” effect.
Master of Elements, Uncanny Defenses, or Supreme Disarmament skill: You can negate a Trap or Backlash of 10 damage or lower
(Complex Chemist; Active-Craft/RP, Create-Aug, Imbue-Tweak)
Requires: Any two basic Chemist skills and Expert Chemist
Your skill at chemistry has led you to the use of poisons, venoms and acids, a useful talent for poisoners and assassins.
Augment with Venom Vials: Add the Venom Vial Augments below to your options for when you make an Advanced or Superior Herb Kit. Furthermore, halve the required Concentration when you use these Venom Vial Augments, but you cannot lower it further.
Envenom Weapon (requires Herb Kit): Lace a weapon or knife/arrow pack with poison
Step 1: have an non-Tweaked melee weapon, arrow pack, or knife pack
Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of simulating the task
Step 3: Choose between Shadow, Psychic, or Corrosive (see effect)
Step 4: Clarify the effect below, if necessary to the item’s user.
Effect: For the current Period or the next hour (whichever is longer), the user of this weapon can have its Smite or Death Blows inflict XX instead of its normal damage type. XX is the choice made by the Chemist. Ammo Packs allow Missile attacks or Basic Ranged Attacks to be affected as well.
(Erudite Chemist; Active-Craft, Create-Aug)
Requires: Any two complex Chemist skills and and any two basic Chemist skills
You are able to create chemicals and chem vials infused with magical energy, following arcane processes and methods.
Magical Chemistry (requires Herb Kit): When you use Chem Maker, you have new options below. However, non-magical users of this skill must make up for the lack of magic by using a Mana Lodge or Etheric Expertise above.
-- Bone Garden (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)
-- Eldritch Vial Augment (requires Adept ATN): An augment for Herb Kits.
-- Hallowed Shrine
-- Mana Lodge (Arcane Orrery; requires Adept ATN)
-- Mana Lodge (Outsider Obelisk; requires Adept ATN)
-- Mana Lodge (Spirit Circle; requires Adept ATN)
-- Spectral Gadgets (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)
Furthermore, the required Targ count for Eldritch Vials is halved when you use them. This cannot be lowered further.
Etheric Expertise (Chemist; requires Herb Kit): This allows you to create magical items despite a lack of magical ability. You are counted as having an Adept ATN when you use Chemist skills if you are assisted by an ally with an Adept ATN -- they must also expend a Craft-Ritual action or be using a Ritual to assist you (e.g. Detect Shortcut, Project Power, Transmute Element)
Versatile Fate Binding (requires Herb Kit and Adept ATN): Bind a Weaponry, Weaver, or Skill Kit item to a willing owner. This is similar to the Brewer’s Eldritch Elixirist skill.
(Erudite Chemist/Junker; Active-Craft, Create-Aug, Disarm)
Requires: Any two complex Chemist/Junker skills and any two basic Chemist/Junker skills
You are able to create chem vials of greater potency and use chemicals to destroy locks, traps and conjurations.
Controlled Splash: When using attacks from the Chemical Vial Augment, your ranged attacks may be prefixed with “Piercing”. This allows them to affect the wielders of weaponry you hit.
Elemental Vials: if you are able to craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Herb Kit, this skill lets you choose from the Elemental Vials list when doing so. Also, halve the required Targeting (round down) when you use Elemental Vial Augments. When lowered, the required count may not be lowered further.
Greater Disarm (requires Herb Kit): Bust items open with the use of your Herb Kit. This also allows you to assist individuals with Disarm Device, Tech Diver, Junk Diver, and similar skills as a “Lockpick”.
Step 1: Be within arm’s reach of your target object or creature
Step 2: Perform iConc-30 while remaining within reach
Step 3: Invoke “Greater Disarm” or “Disrupt Conjuration”
Step 4: This destroys a lock, trap, or similar device of advanced quality or worse. Alternatively, it disrupts standard-tier Conjurations.
(Erudite Chemist; Active-Craft, Create Kit-Aug, Tech)
Requires: Any two complex Chemist skills and any two basic Chemist skills including Chem Maker and Expert Chemist
Your studies into the new sciences have yielded a proficiency in the strange vials of this Skill. Through these chemicals, you are able to boost an ally’s strength, grant immense healing, and even regrow limbs -- at some cost, of course.
Apex Chemistry (requires Magna Field): When you use Chem Maker, you gain the options below Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: Hyper Refined Etherite -- this can be mitigated by certain high tech Town Expansions.
-- Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs)
-- Apex Lab (requires Herb Kit, Hyper Refined Etherite x5)
-- Hyper Refined Vial Augment: (requires Hyper Refined Etherite) An augment for Herb Kits.
-- Ethertronic Gadget Augment (requires Hyper Refined Etherite) An augment for Scrap Kits.
Also, halve the required Conc/Targ (round down) when you use these Vials and Gadgets. The required count may not be lowered further.
Toxic Tolerance (requires Herb Kit): Practice with experimental chemicals has left you with some tricks. Use the Resist Toxin skill as if you had it, with the requirement below:
-- After you use Resist Toxin, simulate drinking a vial, smelling a prepared rag, or popping a lozenge to reflect the specialized chemicals you have crafted for yourself (and only yourself) to withstand corrosive attacks.
(Erudite Chemist; Active-Craft/Event, Mastercraft)
Requires: Any two Complex Chemist skills and any two basic Chemist skills, including Chem Maker and Expert Chemist
A true maestro of Chemistry, you are able to create superior versions of scrap kits, herb kits, and certain Workshops, as well as transcend the Periodic limitations of Crafting. Your knowledge in many things elemental also allows you to use this expertise in other Crafting disciplines.
Master Chemist: When you use Chem Maker, you have new options.
Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs)
Superior Scrap Kit (2 Augs)
Hallowed Shrine Workshop
Magna Forge Workshop
Quench Energy (-Focus): Your mastery of chemistry has unlocked compounds and liquids that can neutralize most energy attacks. You can augment “Quench” as “Quench Energy” so that it works on Lightning and Shadow damage for 3 points or less. This does not apply to “Focused Quench” defense.
Venom Expertise: When you use Venom Vials, you can increase their damage to 5 points. They maintain the damage-type (unless you Tweak them).
Improvised Chemistry: Your skill with Chem Vials is such that you can combine mundane herbs into wondrous mixtures in a pinch. When you learn this Skill, choose an Augment Property from a Vial:
You must have the Skills to make it
It cannot require a Superior CMP.
It must have a Conc or Targ count
While you have Master of Elements and are wearing an Herb Kit, you can use that Property even if your Skill Kit does not have that Augment currently. However, its Conc/Targ count is not halved.
Mastercraft Action (requires Herb Kit, 1/Event): Perform a Mastercraft action once per Event, benefiting from one or both effects below. This does not expend the use of other Mastercraft skills in the same Event.
Benefit 1: Craft with Ease: When you use Chem Maker, Medicine Maker, or Brew Maker, it does not count as your Craft-Ritual action for that Period, owing to the versatility of this Discipline
Benefit 2: Mass Production: If used to make Skill Kits, you create 4 additional Skill Kits, paying the cost for each one. This can be different Skill Kits with different Augments if desired. This can be used with Bonus Output and used with the “Craft Items” Interim Action.
(Erudite Chemist; Active-Craft, Admixture)
Requires: Any two complex Chemist skills and any two basic Chemist skills, including Chem Maker and Greater Admixture
Years of practice and experimentation have yielded to you incredible knowledge of the similarities between different Component types. You now have access to the following subfunctions:
Admixture Mastery (requires Herb Kit): You now also affect Pure CMPs instead of only Minor CMPs when you use Chem Maker’s Elemental Admixture.
Component Conjunction (requires Herb Kit): When you use the Elemental Admixture function of Chem Maker, you may combine 5 Minor CMP that share a CMP type so that they count as a Basic CMP with that type.
Rare Conjunction (requires Herb Kit): As above, except that you may combine 5 Basic CMP that share a CMP type so that they count as a Rare CMP with that type.
Otherworldly Energies (requires Herb Kit): When you tweak a Skill Kit or a Weapon, you may now also choose from Shadow and Psychic. Similarly, you can use Quench Element (but not Focused Quench) on Shadow and Psychic damage.
(Erudite Chemist; Active-Craft, Create-Kit Augments, Tech)
Requires: Any two complex Chemist skills and any two basic Chemist skills including Chem Maker and Expert Chemist
Not content to meddle with and manipulate chemicals, you have learned how to coax and alter abyssal life itself. You are able to assist in the manufacture of a Biomancer Hatchery and even create swarms of alien insects to use as weaponry.
Biomantic Chemistry (requires Herb Kit): When you use Chem Maker, you have new options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: the Flesh of the Empress -- this can be mitigated by certain magical Town Expansions.
-- Biomancer Hatchery (requires Herb Kit, Flesh of the Empress x5)
-- Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs)
-- Swarm Vial Augment: (requires Flesh of the Empress) An augment for Herb Kits.
-- Symbiotic Gadget Augment (requires Flesh of the Empress): An aug for Skill Kits
Furthermore, when you use these Gadgets, halve their required Concentration count, Targeting count and waive their Self-inflicted damage when you use them. The former cannot be reduced further. This does not affect Skills granted by the Augment.
Xenotech Expertise (requires Herb Kit): Your exposure to monstrous energies has left you stronger in spirit. You may use the Resist Fear skill as though you had it, with the following additional requirement:
-- After you invoke the skill, you must simulate drinking a vial, smelling a prepared rag, or popping a lozenge to reflect the specialized chemicals you have crafted for yourself (and only yourself) to withstand psychic horror.