Chimeric LORE
Chimera, MERA, Grell
Image by Nicco Salonga
In the myths of the ancient world, Chimera were creatures that were hybrids of multiple animals or monsters. These were the weapons of divine beings or the workings of a cruel natural dogma. Similarly, the Chimeras of the World Beyond the Fall are seen as mutants of a strange new science or dark magic. Others see them as the bearers of a wild power, like the werewolves, werepanthers and other were-creatures of the old stories.
In truth, they are humans possessed of powerful animalistic features, allowing them senses, speed and strength beyond the human norm. They are also possessed of cunning and intellect that belies their bestial visages -- those who would judge only by looks and appearances would best beware when dealing with a Chimera.
Choose this Stigmata if:
You want to play a character with animalistic features and quirks.
You want to play a Stigmata that supports non-magical characters
You want to play against type, e.g. a brave mouse, a cowardly dog, a feeble ox, etc
The myths of the old world claim that the children of the faerie or even the forsaken changelings of other realms dwelt among humanity, sometimes rising as its greatest heroes and villains.
The scientific scholars of the Afterfall believe that Chimera were wrought by some government or facility-made genetic manipulation, either to create super-soldiers or to weather the deadly new circumstances of the world Beyond the Fall. To explain their world-wide existence, they point to an aerial delivery as a source. There are those who claim that genetic experimentation was reaching new heights before the Long Fall and that the Chimera are a result of it.
Naturally, there are some scientists that dispute the above as unsupported hogwash, believing Chimera to be a mutation that is activated by the onset of Etheric Delirium and the new ether-permeated atmosphere (sometimes called the ethersphere). They point to the mutations having both a genetic component to them but also being a product of their environment -- newborn Chimera have a strong tendency toward Traits that are useful to their environment, regardless of their parentage, though testing to prove this point have not been of sufficient size or quality to be of reliable use.
Chimera sport much of the same organs as humanity, but they possess additional organs or changes to organs that can allow them greater physical abilities. Not all of these changes are of utility or even beneficial -- some Chimera sport physical or even neurological tendencies that have proven to make life more difficult rather than easy. Despite this, they are otherwise incredibly similar to other Afterfall humans.
One thing of interest is that Chimera mothers (as opposed to non-Chimera mothers birthing Chimeras) always give live births. This is regardless of whether the traits they bear are of egg-laying animals or not. These births tend to be in litters of 2-4 and may create a special cultural bond between members of a litter, although they can be very different from each other. While there are rumors of infants killing or eating each other in the womb or after birth, these are believed to be simply rumors or else the product of certain cultural beliefs. For group births, pregnancy is painful and renders the female Chimera in question very vulnerable. However, this means that their families tend to be bigger.
The Subtype of a Chimera usually, but not always follows its mother with recessive Subtypes coming from the mother or the father’s ancestors. In other matters of reproduction, the Chimeric Stigmata is moderately likely than not (50%) to manifest in children of mixed parentage.
The same energies that grant Chimera their vitality and agility can also grant them talent in the Sorcery. Chimera are able to learn the Etheric Arcana skill or start out as Arcanists.
Chimera Arcanists are seen in a plethora of roles, befitting the diversity inherent in humanity. Many are Animancers that serve as guardians or guides of their communities or social groups -- at one with the spellcraft they wield. A few take a more analytical approach to magic, using it with the same measure and care as a scholar or an academic.
These are simple role-play notes that you may choose to add to your character that reflect the influence of the Chimeric Stigmata upon their personality. You may pick any or none of them for your character.
— Animalistic: Chimera may display characteristics from the beasts that they resemble. They may growl at threats or preen themselves. Some embrace these tendencies as who they are but others disdain them as unsophisticated, indulging in them only in private or when nervous.
— Blunt: Chimera tend to be truthful to a fault, unwilling or unable to dissemble or couch their statements for politeness. Regardless of how they actually feel, they appear to care little for the feelings of others or for the delicacy of the situation, speaking the truth that they perceive in no uncertain terms when prodded.
— Social: Despite themselves or the creatures that they resemble, Chimera tend to be pack, flock, herd, or family oriented. They prefer to be around others and become nervous when alone for too long. Even Chimera that resemble lone hunters come back to their allies once in a while to bask in their presence before heading out to be alone.
There are five different kinds of Chimeric Subtypes, each representing a facet of vertebral animals that were found in the Pre-Fall World.
You are allowed to start with one Chimeric Subtype. This choice is made during the creation of your character.
Expend a Milestone and get the “Unique Subtype Milestone” to get a new Subtype, representing spontaneous and often painful adaptation that may grant new feathers, fur, or even appendages.
— Bestial (Vorid): Passionate, primal and voracious, this Subtype is associated with wolves, bears and jaguars. Those that have this Subtype are known for a wild mane of fur or feathers (regardless of sex) mantling their neck and/or shoulders.
— Horned (Cornid): Known primarily for their toughness, their social nature, and their stubborness, this Subtype is associated with oxen, deer, goats and other mammals that are antlered, horned or tusked.
— Quick (Tachid): Nimble, perceptive and nervous, this Subtype is associated with small animals such as mice and rabbits, but also small carnivores, such as weasels and mongooses. They are known for their large ears and/or long tails.
— Scaled (Saurid): Tough, venomous and cunning, this Subtype is associated with serpents, crocodiles and other reptilian creatures. Scales are their main characteristic, although they may also have fangs, reptilian eyes and/or even crests or hoods.
Winged (Pterid): Swift, agile and insightful, this Subtype is associated with birds such as hawks, owls and robins. Wings or feathered arms are showcased by these individuals. However, there are some with this Subtype that share characteristics with bats instead.