• Represents the mental focus needed for some actions, reflected by the need to speak clearly and count properly even in the face of danger.

  • Concentration (Conc) is a game mechanic wherein the user needs to vocally count to a certain number while performing a task but not moving their feet -- this is followed by invoking the skill and/or effect being used.

    • For example, “Concentration 1, Concentration 2… Concentration 10 -- Remedy, Heal 1!”. 

  • This verbal invocation is a mechanic to indicate to allies, enemies, and Game Staff that you are using an ability that requires time and can be disrupted (see below)

The following conditions disrupt/break Concentration:

  • Moving: Making an attack, using a Defense, or moving one’s feet

  • Receiving an effect: taking damage or a control effect

  • Speedcasting: Not saying “Concentration” correctly, too quickly, softly (except QConc below), or counting incorrectly 

When Concentration is disrupted:

  • The user must STOP their count.

  • If they want to complete their count, they have to start over.

  • Hitting a person’s weapon/shield does not break their Concentration, unless the attack is a Master or Piercing attack

Over Concentration:

  • You need not stop at a required Concentration count.

  • For example, if you need more time for your ally to get closer, you can keep counting upwards at no penalty. 

Special Kinds of Concentration:

Death Blow, First Aid and Targeting are types of Conc actions but are invoked differently. They otherwise follow the normal rules for Conc.

Other kinds of Concentration are below.

  • Quiet Concentration (aka QConc):  The user whispers or mentally tracks the Concentration count and is expected to take the appropriate amount of time, even if they are inaudible or Silenced.

  • Interlinked Concentration (aka IConc):  This requires that you are working on an ally or an ally’s equipment. If a detrimental effect (e.g. damage, Pain) hits your ally, you must stop Concentrating.

  • Etheric Concentration (aka EConc): Used for Spellcasting, Etheric Concentration is far more open to physical attacks and disruption. Similar to the Feeble effect, any attack upon the character while performing Etheric Concentration and 3 seconds afterward affects them even if it hits their held weapon, item, or shield.

  • Augmented Concentration: Certain skills allow you to augment your Concentration to bypass certain restrictions. For example, “Iron Concentration” is not broken from damage while “Steady Concentration” allows for a slow walk while Concentrating. 

  • Anchored Concentration (AConc): This augment is actually a downgrade to normal Conc by preventing it from being augmented further. Some items require this to be used.

  • Painful Concentration (PConc): This is an augmented form of Concentration where it can be used even while suffering the Pain effect.


  • Melee Weapon combat is defined as combat where fighting is simulated with weapons such as clubs, swords, and the like for attack and/or defense.

  • All weapons used for this simulated combat are subject to inspection by Staff and vetoing if deemed unsafe or unfitting for the game's aesthetics. 

  • Combatants may only attack with the strike-safe portions of the weapon (i.e. don’t attack with handles or other hard parts).

CLEAN HITS vs NEAR HITS: A “Clean Hit” is a strike with a weapon that hits a legal target area and does not first hit a wielded melee weapon or shield. The power behind one’s blow should just be enough so that the target knows that contact has been made – intentionally injuring other players is severely prohibited.

The following are not clean hits and therefore do not deliver their effects (aka Near Hits)

  • Drawback of less than 45-degrees (4-inches for thrusting**)

  • Hits upon wielded (not worn) melee weapons or shields  (except for Piercing or Master attacks)

  • Hits upon illegal target areas (i.e. Head, Groin, Feet)

  • Hits on clothing unless the clothing is intervening between the weapon and the target’s body (i.e. a strike on a trailing cloak is not a clean hit). 

In situations of vagueness, the defender decides whether a strike was a clean hit or a near hit. If a participant is suspected of abusing this ruling, please contact Game Staff in private for an investigation of the matter.

Failing to adhere to these rules and causing out of game injury to Players is prohibited and habitual or egregious violations will result in sanctions. 

Note: If you believe that you are being hit too hard, you may politely remind an attacker by saying, “Caution -- lighter hits please,” or something to a similar effect.   

**Only boffer-type weapons are allowed to thrust, not latex or shaped foam weapons.

Types Of Melee Attacks

  • Basic Melee Attack (BMA/Jab): When a weapon strikes a target with a valid, clean hit and no effect or damage is invoked or called, it inflicts 1 point of physical damage. This is the most common form of attack for most participants.

    • Carnage: Powerful entities or elite monsters may be able to strike for more damage on an at-will frequency. 

  • Non-Basic Attacks (Bash): If a special effect (e.g. “Hobble”) or damage (e.g. “3 Shadow”) is invoked during the strike, it inflicts that effect.

    • Some are “Control effects” which inflict a negative condition. For example, Mangle effects numb the limb they hit. Knockback effects force the receiver to step away from the attacker.

Damage Cap: Effects that increase the damage of an attack cannot allow it to exceed “5 damage” unless specifically allowed to do so.

Wielding Weapons And Shields

  • Weapons and Shields only function when they are wielded by hand or (shields or claws only) when strapped to an arm. 

  • You may only wield a maximum of two weapons or a weapon or a shield at the same time. Holding more means that you are wielding none of them as per wearing them. 

  • If a weapon/shield is worn instead of wielded, hits upon it count as hits upon the person who is wearing them (e.g. shields on one’s back or holstered weapons) 


  • Dual Wielding: Any participant may wield a small/medium weapon in each hand to use in offense or defense. 

    • Players may not wield two or more weapons in one hand 

    • Players may not wield weapons that are too long -- strikes you perform while doing this do not inflict any damage. 

  • Heavy and Stave Weapons: Wield a melee weapon 49 - 72 inches long 

    • These weapons have the advantage of reach — these extra inches can often spell the difference between a hit vs a miss or a win vs defeat

    • They must be wielded with two hands when striking. 

  • Weapon and Shield: Wield a shield and a weapon at the same time. 

    • A hand and arm that is using a shield is considered to be “wielding it” for the purposes of free hands and weapons. 

    • “A shield that leaves its wearer’s hand free (e.g. a Targe) does allow for the use of that hand for various in-game skills that require a free hand, except for wielding weapons.

  • Einhander: This refers to wielding a small/medium weapon and nothing else. Some view it as stylish but for others, it is a necessity because they need a free hand to cast spells, perform healing, etc.

Melee Weapon Lengths

Small — 12 inches to 24 inches

Medium — 25 inches to 48 inches

Heavy — 49 inches to 60 inches

Stave — 61 inches to 72 inches

Shield — no larger than 32 inches in any dimension except thickness (length, width, diameter, etc)


  • Ranged Combat in BTF is simulated by the use of “packets” or foam darts that represent ranged weapon projectiles such as bullets, arrows, throwing knives and the like.

  • A rare type of ranged attack is a “Vocal attack” - this is delivered only by one’s voice and can be negated just like a normal ranged attack. 

  • Spell packets***: Generally speaking, packet creation involves a 6” x 6” square of cloth, placing about 1 oz. of birdseed in it, and securely tying it up with a rubber band or string. Throwing these packets determine whether or not you strike a target from a distance.

  • Foam Darts***: Foam dart launchers and similar implements are allowed upon Staff inspection to represent firearms or crossbows in-game and must appear setting appropriate except for an orange mark or tape around the barrel. Staff may disallow the use of any weapon for safety or aesthetic reasons. 

***Spell packets and Foam Darts must have their owner’s CSN (Character Sheet Number) written upon them.

Targeting Count 

Most ranged attacks require a Targeting count (aka Targ) before they can be launched, usually this is 5 counts. As per Concentration, you may not move during this count and targeting should be visually obvious. You may continue Targeting beyond the required count, this is called “Over-targeting” and is for when you’re finished Targ but need to get into position or are waiting for an enemy to get into range.


  • Step 1: Targeting count (5 counts)

  • Step 2: (Attack invocation, if any)

  • Step 3: Throw packet and invoke effect/damage.

  • For Example: “Targeting 1, Targeting 2… Targeting 5! 1 Damage!”

Refunding Resources: If you hit a target with a ranged attack and they did not acknowledge the invoked effect, kindly clarify the hit at your earliest opportunity to your target or refund the resource (Focus or Periodic Use) expended to perform the attack. Naturally, negate any beneficial effects that you received from its use.

RANGED BASIC ATTACKS (BRA/Missile): These are the most common types of ranged attack performed by participants. Skills and Ammo Pack Augments may improve this damage but Basic Ranged attacks may not exceed 5 points.

  • Knife Packs, Crossbows (Hand/Medium), Shortbows, and Pistols: 1 damage

  • Longbows, Arbalest Crossbows, Firearms (Shortarm/Longarm): 2 damage

Special Ranged Attacks (SRA/Snipe): Non-Basic attacks also exist, such as Smite attacks. They can deliver higher amounts of damage or other non-damaging effects. As it is with most attacks, bonuses to damage cannot increase the damage of an attack beyond “5 damage” unless otherwise stated.  

Wielding Ranged Weapons And Ammo Packs

You need to be holding a Ranged weapon such as a firearm, bow, or crossbow in order to use it.  Furthermore, some of these weapons also require that you wear an “Ammo Pack”

  • Arrow packs are needed to use Bows and Crossbows. 

  • Slug Packs are needed for firearms: Pistols, Shortarms, Longarms, and Besiegers 

  • Knife Packs do not require a weapon to be wielded, only spell packets or an appropriate throwing knife prop.  

  • Similar to Skill Kits, you may only wear and benefit from one Ammo Pack at a time.

Defending with Ranged Weapons:

  • Melee or ranged attacks that hit the Firearms you are wielding are counted as hitting you.

  • The same follows for when attacks hit Bows or Crossbows, unless they are certified by Game Staff to be combat safe.

  • With the Bow Defense skill, Bows and Crossbows with the proper construction can be used to make basic melee attacks.

Ranged Weapon Lengths

Short Bow — 24” to 48”

Longbow — 49” to 60”

Hand Crossbow — 10x10” to 18×18”

Crossbow — 19×19” to 24×24”

Arbalest — 25×25” to 30×30”

Pistol — Smaller than 18 inches

Shortarm — 18” to 24”

Longarm — 25” to 48”

Siege Caster — 49” to 72” (barrel to handle only) 


Melee or ranged attacks that strike a character’s body are considered to be clean hits unless they strike one of the following “illegal target areas.” It is also disallowed to use these illegal targeting areas, specifically the feet, to block attacks.

  • HANDS AND FINGERS - only while they are wielding weapons

  • HEAD – this also includes the neck

  • FEET – this is primarily for safety purposes, as opposed to being sensitive areas

  • GROIN – please avoid striking at all costs

Special Note: While the upper frontal chest is not an illegal target area, combatants are encouraged to avoid striking those regions as it may be a sensitive area.

Protective Eye-Wear: Due to the use of foam darts, combatants are highly encouraged to wear protective eyewear or incorporate it into their costuming. Game Staff is not liable for injuries resulting from the failure to wear protective eyewear. 


The exceptions to the clean hit rule are “Piercing” and “Master” attacks. 

  • Piercing Attacks: When an attack’s damage or effect is prefixed by “Piercing”, then they affect a target as long as they touch the target’s body, gear, or clothing. These attacks represent magic, superstrong blows, or attacks that are difficult to avoid. 

  • Master Attacks: Similar to Piercing attacks, “Master” is a special effect that prefaces an attack’s damage or effect. Not only do they affect a target through their gear/clothing but defenses cannot be invoked or used to negate them.. Only a defense prefaced with “Master” may negate a Master attack (e..g. “Master Dodge”)

Receiving Damage

Step-and-grunt Rule: Also called Grunt and Step or “Displaying damage” — Whenever you take damage or a Control effect, stop forward movement or take at least one step away from the source of the attack. If you are running, stopping movement should be done safely. Grunting in pain or verbally reacting to the hit is also a requirement, hence “Step and Grunt”.

If suffering enough pain to stop combat, please Clarify accordingly or even call a Hold (by loudly stating “Hold!” three times) if the injury is severe enough to require medical assistance. 

Step and Grunt with Defenses: Most Defenses and some effects require that you take steps away or towards individuals. If you feel that doing so is unsafe (out of game), you do not need to do so. 

Rule Of Rapid Numbers

  • Too Many Attacks: When receiving many hits in quick succession, you may apply the rule of rapid numbers.

  • Highest Damage per Second only: You lower your HP from the highest damage that you’ve received in that second, rather than subtracting from all the combined damage.

    • For example: If you receive 3 damage, 2 damage, and 4 damage at the same time, you reduce your HP by 4 damage since it is the highest of the series.

  • Applies to Damage only: This rule does not apply to Control effects such as Hobble, Mangle, etc – these are rarer than damage.

  • Bane Damage: If the type of the damage matters, you still count hits of the type for the purposes of any extra effects. Otherwise, the Rule of Rapid Numbers applies.

Ultimately, the Rule of Rapid Numbers is there to help a defender count damage while fighting multiple attackers and to encourage slower, clean strikes from attackers. It also discourages flurries of high damage attacks upon a single target.

Common Safety Violations in Combat

Charging: If you are running, come to a full stop before swinging on another player

Combat Hugging: Leave at least a weapon’s reach space away from the other player during combat. If too close, attempt to maintain this distance as best as possible.

Hard Swings: Be sure to swing from the wrist, not from the elbow – If someone tells you your swings are too hard, pull them back and slow them down

Head-Blocking: Because it is an illegal target area, do not overextend your head forward while fighting.

Machine Gunning: You must be sure to slow your swings and hit multiple different locations on the body while also pulling your weapon back at least 90 degrees

Rhino-hiding: You must attempt to role-play and respond to a hit, stepping back or stopping forward momentum. This also includes failure to react to hits or properly account for damage.

Shield Bash: At no times are you allowed to use a shield as an offensive weapon, they must always and only be used to defend from other melee damage

Turtling: If you are using a shield, do not tuck your head behind the top of the shield, this can cause injury to yourself or another player. Similarly, please attempt to cover your head when using a shield while sitting or kneeling.

HP and Damage

Hit Points (HP), sometimes called Grit, reflects one’s health and willpower. They are a measure of how much damage you can take before you are at 0 HP and in the Downed state. 

Death Roll: When you are brought to 0 HP, you may take up to 3 steps toward a location that is more combat safe. You may not roll through your assailant, each step must be away from them. 

GOING INTO CRITICAL: If you take a Death Blow while you are at 0 HP or its damage brings you to 0 HP, you are brought to your Critical state. Healing or damage has no effect on Downed creatures. This is covered further in the Life, Death, and Resurrection section. 

The following are In-game terms for HP - try to avoid describing your condition in numbers. 

  • Healthy, Unhurt, or Bien -- at full HP

  • Bloodied -- less than full HP

  • Battered or Beat up-- 1 or 2 HP and less than full

  • Downed, Bleeding out, or Herido -- 0 HP/Downed State, which lasts 30 Minutes

  • Critical, Muriendo, or Dying -- 0 HP/Critical State, which lasts 30 Seconds

  • Dead, Croaked, or Muerto 


  • You can regain HP by receiving a Heal effect (e.g., “Heal 3!”).

    • This is “Heal”, followed by a number that you add to your current HP.

    • Regaining HP does not allow you to exceed your maximum HP. 

    • Some conditions prevent you from regaining HP, such as the Rot effect. 

Heal Limits/Cap:

  • Unless otherwise stated, bonuses to the value of one’s “Heal” cannot allow it to exceed a “Heal 5” effect.

  • On the other hand, one may voluntarily lower the amount that they heal although there are few reasons to do so.

  • Most Skills and Effects that increase Healing only increase Outgoing Healing (i.e. healing to others and not the self). This means even powerful healer characters still need others to heal them.

Receiving Healing while at 0 HP: Heal effects do not allow you to be revived while you are Downed or Critical. You need a Revive effect (e.g. Painful Revive) to be brought up from 0 HP or from the Critical State.


  • When you receive damage, deduct it from the amount of Resolve you have (usually 0) before reducing your HP.

  • When you are imbued with Resolve, it lasts until one of the following happens:

    • It is expended

    • Ten minutes have passed

    • The current combat has completed.

  • Resolve is awarded by the Ignite Inspiration and Infuse Armor skills, amongst other skills.


  • Resolve and Lasting Resolve always overlaps and never adds together.

  • Resolve Limits/Cap: You may never have more than “Resolve 5” nor can you bestow more than “Resolve 5”.

  • On the other hand, one may voluntarily lower the amount of Resolve that they grant although there are few reasons to do so

Lasting Resolve: is similar to its lesser version except it lasts until the end of the current Period.


A Defense is an invoked ability that negates attacks that the invoker just received. There are many ways to gain Defense abilities, but foremost of them is the Stalwart Defense skill. This allows a Character to expend Focus and use one of the three options below, provided that they fulfill their requirements.

  • Block: Must be wielding a shield and perform a step and grunt. This negates all attacks that hit you within the last second, unless any of those attacks are Ambush or Master attacks.

  • Dodge: No armor only. Perform a step and grunt. This negates all attacks received within the last second, including melee weapon attacks and ranged attacks. Cannot be used against Ambush-type attacks or against Master-type attacks. 

  • Parry: Must be wielding a melee weapon and perform a step and grunt. This negates all attacks that hit you within the last second, unless any of those attacks are Ranged, Ambush, or Master. 

**Ambush attacks are those that come from behind you and hit you on the back torso.


There are three main types of Armor: Body Armor, Heavy Armor, and Ultraheavy Armor. These torso garments are defined by the material they appear to be made of, their weight, and their flexibility. Take note that you may only wear and benefit from one Armor at a time.


    • This is the most commonly worn armor due to its wide range of movement, and its ease of creation.

    • The Armored Dodge skill allows an individual to use the Dodge defense even while wearing Body Armor or Heavy Armor.

    • Examples: Leather Vest/Jacket, Thin Chain Hauberk (Aluminum or similar weight), Padded Gambeson


    • Usually made of rigid, relatively flexible materials.

    • Having multiple layers of Body armor may be counted as a single Heavy Armor prop, upon the Game Staff's discretion.

    • Wearing Heavy Armor has additional benefits if you have the Faith in Steel skill.

    • Many Armor Augments that increase defenses are restricted to Heavy and Ultraheavy Armor only

    • The Armored Dodge skill allows an individual to use the Dodge defense even while wearing Body Armor or Heavy Armor.

    • Examples: Hard Leather Breastplate, Heavy Chain Hauberk, Motorcycle Jacket


    • Armor that is made or primarily made of out-of-game or faux metal.

    • Besides the prop requirements, weight is the main difference between Heavy and Ultraheavy armor.

    • They are adorned with long coats, dusters, serapes, or similar pieces of garment to make them match the aesthetics of the setting.

    • Ultraheavy Armor has additional benefits if you have the Faith in Steel skill.

    • Many Armor Augments that increase defenses are restricted to Heavy and Ultraheavy Armor only

    • Examples: Steel Breastplate, Brigandine or Scale Coat, Bulletproof/Plated Vest

  • CLOTHING -- Normally, this does not count as armor, representing various pieces of clothing are used as adornment. While basic clothing has no mechanical benefit, the Advanced and Superior versions of clothing may be Augmented, similar to armor. 

Armor Benefits

The main mechanical advantages of wearing Armor are twofold. Take note, you may only wear and benefit from one Armor at a time.

  • More HP (No requirements): +2 bonus to Maximum HP while wearing any Armor.

    • After you spend 5 minutes to “Refit” your armor, your maximum HP increases as per above if it hasn’t yet. If your current HP is at maximum, it also increases to the new maximum.

    • Taking off Armor -- A character's current HP is unchanged when they take off their armor, unless it was beyond their maximum HP without armor, in which case it reverts to the unarmored maximum HP value.

  • Aegis Defense (requires Armor Expertise skill): You gain access to “Aegis Points” (aka Aegis) which can negate some attacks that hit you before needing to be Refitted out of combat

    • Aegis Points are a special resource that one may access by wearing armor and having the Armor Expertise Skill (see Using Aegis below).

      • Unlike most defenses, using Aegis does not require Focus points/Focus.

    • After Refitting one’s armor, the armor wearer loses all Aegis they currently have and then they regain up to 2 Aegis Points, up to their maximum.

    • The maximum amount of Aegis Points that Refitting armor grants may be increased by certain Skills and certain Augments to armor.

    • Aegis Cap/Limit: You may never have more than 5 Aegis at a time.

How to use the Aegis Defense

  • Step 1: Invoke “Aegis”

  • Step 2: Mentally deduct an Aegis Point from your current Aegis.

  • Step 3: Safely stop your forward momentum and/or step away from your attacker.

  • Step 4: You negate the damage or the effect of all attacks received within the last second. You cannot use Aegis if any of those attacks are Ambush attacks (from behind and hit your back torso) or Master attacks.


There are seven main types of damage in the World Beyond the Fall.

  • Corrosive -- Caustic or poison damage from certain poisonous creatures or from acidic weaponry.

  • Damage --  Physical damage dealt by kinetic or concussive impacts or by cutting or impaling strikes.

  • Flame -- Heat or fire damage from a flamethrower or a radiation-emitting creature.

  • Frost -- Cold or ice damage from blistering cold or freezing chemicals.

  • Lightning -- Shock or electricity damage from lightning bolts or electrical overloads.

  • Psychic -- agony or mental damage from otherworldly creatures or from certain psychic attacks. This can also represent mental shock that destroys one’s bodily functions or a horror that stop one’s heart.

  • Shadow -- Necrotic or Abyssal damage from an otherworldly source, but it represents physically corruptive and destructive magics and energies. This type of damage is difficult to resist.

The Importance of Damage Type: For most situations, damage type is irrelevant. The amount of damage matters more.

  • Some creatures are vulnerable only to specific damage or have defensive measures that are weakened only by certain types of damage.

  • Some creatures are resistant to certain types of damage.

The Damage Cap: As mentioned above, bonuses to damage cannot increase an attack’s damage beyond “5 damage” unless otherwise stated.

Related Mechanics


  • This is not a type of damage. BANE specifies that which damage types you are weaker against.

  • Sometimes taking this damage inflicts additional effects.

    • For example, some Seraphs and Necrotics take a Hobble Strike whenever they receive Flame or Lightning-type damage.

  • Sometimes a monster is resistant to all damage except for its BANES.

    • For example, powerful Flame Geists may only take damage from Frost and Shadow attacks and Minimal damage from everything else.


  • This is not a type of damage.

  • “Siege” is short hand for a Piercing attack that inflicts 7 or more points of damage.

  • This is usually the domain of Siege Casters.

  • However, skilled and well-equipped wielders of heavy weapons/longarms may be able to inflict Siege damage.


  • When a creature or a person invokes “Minimal” in response to an attack, it means that the attack inflicts only 1 point of damage

  • If it is a Control effect, it only lasts 1 second/step.

  • This is usually because the attack is of the wrong type and/or of insufficient strength.


  • When “Negate” or “No Effect” is invoked in response to an attack, this means the attack has no effect.

  • This is usually because a special defense was used or because the attack was of the wrong type and/or of an insufficient damage amount.

  • “Immune” means that it takes no effect from those types of attack — this may be a function of its nature or merely a temporary defense.




For any reason during or at the beginning of an Event, a participant may declare themselves a non-combatant and wear an orange armband on each arm. These players may not be struck in combat or participate in any combat scenarios. 

If combat happens around them, they must vocally identify as a “Noncom” (Non-Combatant), go out of game, and leave the vicinity. Optionally, they may request assistance from a willing participant. This is similar to a “Scene Exit,” which allows a Player to leave a scene that is too stressful or otherwise harmful to them.

When within a step and arm’s reach of a Non-Combatant who is not leaving the vicinity, any Player or Non-Player character can invoke a Death Blow upon them after 4 counts—unlike other Death Blows, this does not involve any physical contact and will instantly kill the Non-Combatant Character and send their Player to Logistics. If others decide to “loot” the body, this follows the looting mechanics for determining if something is destroyed or looted.