the Church of the Redeemed Sun
La Iglesia del Sol Resucitado, Iglesia Solar, Iglesiars, Sun-Priests (clergy), Redeemers
Artwork by Nicco Salonga
Also known as the Church of the Redeemed Sun, this is an influential religious and academic institution among the Illustrados. Just as the medicine women and men of pre-Fall earth collected lore, cures and stories for their communities, the Iglesiars are women and men of science and spirituality. They are responsible for funding and peopling the universities and schools of the world beyond the Fall -- they seek to reclaim and archive the knowledge of times past, without the myopic fascination to technology of the Technocracia.
Faith, science, and steel - the hallmarks of the Redeemers.
A stone sunburst surrounded by 5 stars or circles.
Lore: High
Iglesia lore is heavily involved. Players need to be familiar with the organization’s faith, history, and the details of one’s order. The concept of a tech priest is a not an utterly alien concept but the implementation of all of these factors into one can be intimidating.
Contrary to most of the other Illustrados, the Iglesiars are often noted for their more spartan and ascetic clothing, in particularly, the stone-grey robes that they are known for. These are worn with Cara (guide masks), Vayans (cultural mantles), beaded necklaces, and colored sashes. Higher ranked Iglesiars are seen with runed stoles, amulets, or other symbols of position. A significant portion of these people are Arcanists, so they wear and wield Talismans or Anima Crowns accordingly. Defying and adding strangeness to their more simplistic attire are the various technological gadgets that they favor, especially when it comes to crafting technical wonders or deciphering old world ruins. This gives them an appearance that resembles a “technological monk” to certain observers.
The Iglesiar are a group that intersects with the Solarites. Solarites are the faithful of the religion while Iglesiar are actual members of the Church organization, both laity and clergy. All Iglesiar are Solarites, but not all Solarites are Iglesiar.
Charity/Caridad: The Sun is radiant and ever giving. So should it be that we too give of ourselves to those in need. Whether clergy or layperson, a Solarite is expected to help others, though not at great cost to themselves. This assistance can be material, monetary, a good deed, or even a kind word. It is the belief of the Church that such actions can cascade into good for others and in the darkness after the Long Fall, humanity can find light in itself.
Humility/Reflexion: Just as the Sun reflects and illuminates all, so too must we reflect and study our memories and surroundings to see the truth in things and beyond ourselves. Though they may have the advantages and strength of the Iglesia behind them, the Iglesiar are expected not to lord it over others. This applies not just to measures of wealth and power, but also to knowledge. To be humble is to be freed of one’s prejudices and thereby see a situation as it truly is.
Inquiry/Curiosidad: New and old sciences await our minds in the darkness of ignorance. We must seek them out through study and learning. Knowledge and lores are high priorities for one of the Iglesia. This applies not only in their explorations of ancient ruins and foreign libraries but also to the basic skills of life. An Iglesiar can be surprising in what they know based on their love of knowledge -- for example, a Sun-Priest can have knowledge on how to cross a desert or how to deal with an animal they’ve only heard of.
Loyalty/Pureza: A Solarite is beloved of family and of friend, seeking to protect them against harm and nurture them to greatness. This Solarite Virtue is reflected in an Iglesiar’s treatment of their fellows. They are staunch supporters of one another. This means treating allies with respect and helping them with their goals.
Temperance/Templanza: In deed and in word, a Solarite must be measured and balanced in their efforts. Though they have great loves for knowledge, family, and friends, the Iglesiar are expected to balance these with their own needs. These individuals are proponents for moderation in daily matters as well -- such as speech, drink, wealth, and emotions. The usual result is that the Iglesiar are not seen as “fun” or “wild” folk, but as stable, mindful people.
For the Laity, most follow tradition and use their(first name, middle name, and both last names of their parents. In the current era of the Illustrados, the first family name of a person is decided in advance by their parents. Tradition dictates that they take the name of the birthing parent, but this is often ignored by the working class in favor of their own preferences. The more entrenched and well-off families stick to old matrilineal traditions.
Clergy of the Iglesia forsake the surnames of their parentage, though not their heritage entirely. These individuals are granted a rank and title upon their ordination. The Laicado Solar secular arm of the Iglesia Solar progress on a familiar path of novice (Novato), to artisan (Pericial), to master (Maestro) in their particular craft or service.
Starting Title and Ranks:
Iglesia Solar: Below are the ranks and titles of the clergy within the Iglesia Solar.
La Vela: Every novice among the Iglesia starts as a candle, bringing light to the world.
La Tea: From the dim light of a candle, an Iglesian priest can become a blazing torch.
Las Hoguera: Bringing the light and warmth of knowledge are the Hoguera, the apostles of the Iglesia.
Laicado Solar: The Laity or secular branch of the Iglesia Solar are an important part of the organization. These are not required to fulfill the inner vows and oaths of the clergy and they assist the Iglesia in their duties and their routines. Some are soldiers or bodyguards that are aligned with the Iglesia.
Novato: These are the apprentices and novices among the Laity and they are students of their particular areas of expertise, but not necessarily without skill.
Pericial: These are individuals of skill and talent who are considered professions and experts of their fields and/or crafts.
Example Names:
Alessandro Henrico de la Vela has begun their journey along the Iglesia’s path, but his knowledge of chemicals and medicine will be of great use in his missions for the Redeemed Sun.
Corazon Manuela Valencia-Beltran or simply “Cora” is a Novato in her duties as a mechanic for the local cell of the Iglesia, but her rank belies her proficiency and talent in the technical arts. Her superiors know her promise only needs experience for her to truly come into her own.
Balthazar de la Tea is a skilled Arcanist of the Animancer tradition. Unlike many of their order, they are from the Mid-Atlantic region and have focused their magics on the destructive arts of Projection.
Example Character Ideas
The following are some character concepts that may be seen from this Gremio. If desired, Feel free to use or alter one of these for your character
An antiquarian ready for her next Delve.
Antiquarian: These scholars of the Iglesia seek out relics and ruins of the ancient and recent history to study. Some of these are content to work in the monasteries and universities, but others are more active in their pursuits. Whether it is a technical manual from the World that Was or an eldritch artifact from the Ember War, Antiquarians are more than willing to brave the journey to glean whatever knowledge they can about these treasured items.
Suggested Classes: Counselor, Ranger
Iglesian Herbalist: With Herb-kit or spellcraft, these Iglesians tend to the wounded and the afflicted that are brought to their monasteries, universities, and clinics. Some of these individuals choose assignments to distant and dangerous landscapes, using medicine and care to bring succor to those who need it. Few of these folk are utterly altruistic, of course -- they perform their duties for Components, for prestige, or for experience. Some even choose the most hazardous areas they know for the thrill of it.
Suggested Classes: Arcanist, Builder
Iglesian Hospitaller: The Iglesians are no stranger to conflict and danger. Thus, they recruit and train individuals to serve as shields for their more vulnerable members and holdings. These guardians are armed with the best defenses their order can grant, armed and armored for any that would prey upon their charges. Even bold beasts and foolhardy brigands are given pause when a relic-carrying Iglesian or a tent clinic is guarded by armor-vested guards, wielding shortarms and rune-wands.
Suggested Classes: Arcanist, Warrior
Monastic Mechanist: In the workshops and foundries of the Iglesia are their mechanists and engineers, crafting their tools and maintaining their vehicles. They are students of the Iglesia’s cloistered and hard-earned knowledges, keened to perfection beneath ruthless instructors — many even take to the gear, Forging themselves with steel and lightning. Whether they are flesh or metal, Mechanists are often sent out to the holdings of the Iglesia or as aides to its allies— often with some culture shock as to the reality of the world beyond monastery and university.
Suggested Classes: Builder, Ranger
Stone-Sun Historian: The stone sun is not merely a symbol of the Iglesia Solar, it is also the promise of a new dawn for humanity. Through diligent research and theory, these folk have dedicated themselves to piecing together pieces of the World that Was for study and for progress. Unlike their Antiquarian colleagues, their work is in recording and deciphering, not in cataloguing and hoarding items. Many Historians are avid travellers, bringing back records and results to Iglesian universities for further analysis.
Suggested Classes: Arcanist, Counselor
The Sinodo del Sol (the Solar Synod) provides the leadership of the Iglesia, whether in their headquarters on the Yucatan Peninsula, on the Illustrados islands, or even far afield in Mid-Atla. The five individuals that make it up deliberate and decide on Iglesian policy, on Iglesian dogma, and on major tribunals. These Espejo del Sinodo (eng. “Mirrors of the Synod) are led by one of their own, called an Arbitro who administers discussion and debate, only lending their vote in ties.
The current Arbitro del Sinodo is Aguilar Alphonso Caamal-Lopez, a Psion respected for his prudence and his skill in Talismanic magics. While politically neutral, he is known to be of the technologist sect within the Iglesia - they focus on the implementation of the new sciences over the veneration of spirits.