Image by Nicco Salonga
The aptly named Junker Discipline, or Foraging training, is a catch-all discipline dedicated to those who have scrounged and scavenged from the ruins of the old world and from the unfortunates of the new one.
Invest in this Discipline if:
You want to play a pack rat, a scavenger, or a treasure seeker.
You want to be able to assemble items without being a builder.
You want to be able to find things and avoid
Conceal Item: Hide certain items on your person and prevent others from finding them
Disarm Device: Disarm a basic lock or trap.
Scrounger: Quickly search a container or a body for items
Clockwork Gadgeteer (Craft): Modify an Advanced Scrap Kit with a useful gadget.
Junk Diver: Quickly repair items or disarm advanced locks and traps.
Junkyard Ingenuity (Craft): Maintain or upkeep an item
Scholastic Scrutiny: Discern details and features of items and creatures
Trap Springer: Defend against a Trap when it springs
Crafty Improvisation (Craft): Assist a Crafting ally in their task
Explosive Elementalist (Craft): Create and use volatile, elemental vials
Metabionic Gadgeteer (Craft): Become an expert in Metabionic tech
Superior Disarmament (1/P): Quickly disarm conjurations and superior devices.
Trophy Hunter: Take a trophy from a creature, gaining some Resolve in the process.
(Basic Junker/Shadower; Search-Defense, Conceal)
You are able to smuggle items so that they are harder to find upon your person.
Smuggle Item: Whenever someone uses Scavenge upon you, you can withhold items items the size of or smaller than a fist or a 2-foot long dagger upon your person. This can’t be used on items you are holding in your hands.
This can be defeated by an “Unveiling” effect that is used directly on you while they are next to you.
Mask Item: Whenever an individual uses an Inquiry effect that asks about the small items on your person, React with “No effect” if the items are small-sized as per above.
Smuggle Item and Mask Item are abstract representations of how well you hide these items. Thus, you can use them even if you are dying, dead or unable to use Defenses.
Quickdraw (-Focus): You are able to confuse foes with sleight of hand while using a Knife Pack, Hand Crossbow, or Pistol. While your weapon is holstered or your off-hand hand is empty, invoke “Quickdraw” and expend 1 Focus to perform a basic ranged attack without a Targ count. You can instead inflict “Knockback 5”, “Mangle”, or “Hobble”. Veiled Aspect, Shot in the Dark, and Veiled Visage improves upon this Skill.
(Basic Junker/Tinker; Active-Conc, Disarm)
You are able to dismantle lockboxes, traps, vine walls, and similar items. Individuals with these skill sets, whether magical or technological, are colloquially called Lockpicks or Defusers.
Step 1A: Be within arm’s reach of your target object or creature
Step 1B: Have a Scrap Kit and a hand that is not holding anything
Step 2: Perform iConc-30 while remaining within reach of the target
Step 3: Invoke “Basic Disarm”
Step 4: This destroys a lock, trap, or similar device of basic quality or worse. This may accomplish a mission objective or remove an obstacle to doing so.
Such hindrances and hazards are typically clarified or labeled accordingly. Basic Locks are designated with a Padlock symbol or a “L” while Traps are designated with a “<” or a “T”. Advanced Devices are encircled while Superior Devices have their symbols or letters enclosed in a rectangle or a circle and a rectangle.
Cooperative Effort: If you work together with another Lockpick or a Versatile Artisan, you can declare that you are cooperating with them. This functions as the process above except that you collectively designate the action’s leader -- they invoke the Conc count, halting if any of you are disrupted. This lowers the count to iConc-10.
Disarmed Scrap: Disarming a Device using this skill, effectively turns it into useless scrap. You may turn in the Device item tag to Logistics in exchange for a Minor CMP (usually metal or earth).
Prop: It is recommended that you carry a pair of dull scissors or a dull knife for use in cutting strings or tape.
(Basic Junker; Active-Concentration, Sense-Aug, Sense)
When you are Concentrating to search an individual or container for items, you may invoke “Scrounger” at the end to augment this action so that it only requires 10-counts of Concentration. Normally, this requires 30-counts of Concentration.
As it is with all role-play, do not touch any other player without their express permission. To simulate a Scavenge action without touching your target, keep your hands at least 1 foot away from the person or item you are Scavenging, but it must be apparent what you are doing and who/what you are doing this to.
Discern Valuables (-Focus; Sense): When you use the Scavenge baseline skill, you can invoke “Quick Scavenge” after at least 3 counts. This costs you 1 Focus.
(Complex Junker/Tinker; Active-Craft/Ritual, Aug)
Requires: Any two basic Junker/Tinker skills
You are skilled with grinding gear and winding spring, able to tease them into instruments of immense utility and flexibility.
Clockwork Equipment (requires Scrap Kit): When you use Device Maker, you have new options below:
-- Clockwork Equipment
-- Warming Lantern
-- Purifying Lantern
Clockwork Gadget Proficiency: Add Clockwork Gadget Augments to your options for when you make/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Scrap Kit. Halve the Concentration required when you use Clockwork Gadgets (rounding up). These cannot be lowered further.
Tweak Skill Kit (requires Scrap Kit, long task): Modify a Skill Kit by adding mini capacitors or heat sinks.
Step 1: have an non-Tweaked Skill Kit with a Vial or Gadget augment
Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of simulating this process
Step 3: Choose between Flame, Frost, and Lightning (see effect)
Step 4: Clarify the effect below, if necessary to the item’s user.
Effect: For the current Period or the next hour (whichever is longer), the user of this Vial or Gadget can have its attacks inflict XX instead of its normal damage type. XX is the choice made by the Tinker.
(Complex Junker; Active-Craft, Weapon/Armor/Device)
Requires: Any two basic Junker skills
Your skills in scavenging and improvised maintenance allows you some measure of self-sustenance in keeping together your items.
Refurbish Item (Craft): You may expend a Craft action and at least 10 minutes of simulated repair to Upkeep an Advanced Skill Kit, Weaponry or Weaver item -- this also reapplies any Augments that it had. This skill requires a Scrap Kit (unless the Skill Kit in question is being upkept) and the normal CMP cost for the task at hand.
This skill also allows you to Upkeep an item up to two Events after it has regressed to its Basic version, so long as you can tell what it was before and its owner still has access to its Item tag. This can be used to recreate items that have been destroyed.
Augmented Crafting: If this Craft action is Augmented (e.g. when done during Market Hour), choose one of the two choices below:
Bonus Output: you may upkeep two additional items.
Bonus Quality: you may upkeep a Superior-quality item
(Complex Junker; Active-Conc, Disarm)
Requires: Any two Basic Junker skills
This Skill represents a Junker’s expertise in scavenging, manipulating, and re-using technological items.
When you use the Disarm Device skill, its functionality is improved by this skill At the end of your Concentration count you may invoke one of the following below instead of “Basic Disarm”
-- Greater Disarm: Disarm locks or traps of Advanced quality or worse, turning them into scrap.
-- Disrupt Conjuration: Disrupt a Conjuration or drive away a Spirit within melee reach for 10 minutes. This does not require that you Concentrate next to your target.
-- Dive System: Dive into a Pre-Fall computer to peruse its contents.
Ancient Tech: This skill also grants you some knowledge of Ancient Tech and you are able to understand the majority of a computer’s files. Take note that most files are corrupted and the amount of information that you can glean from a Pre-Fall computational device is incredibly limited, if such devices have not been destroyed by the Magnetic Mana Storms that ravage the planet.
Junkyard Repair: You may field repair weapons and armor, similar to the Repair Weaponry and Repair Armor skill. However, you cannot utilize their Quick Use subfunctions.
Cooperative Defusing (requires Scrap Kit, iConc-30): If you have 2 other Lockpicks or Versatile Artisans working with you, the leading Lockpick can invoke a “Superior Disarm” after an iConc-30 which cannot be lowered (even by Cooperative Effort). This allows you to disarm Superior Traps and Superior Locks, but your Conc is disrupted if any of your group is disrupted.
This is usable with Explosive Elementalist below.
(Complex Junker/Scholar; Active-Conc, Examine)
Requires: Any two Basic Scholar/Junker skills
With this skill, you are better able to study and discern things of greater complexity.
Discern Creature (qConc-3): This works like the Lorekeeper and Discern Details subfunction of the same name.
Discern Flaws (qConc-30; Examine): discern a creature’s weakness or resistances
Step 1: Be within arm’s reach of a living or dead creature, ideally immobile
Step 2: Perform qConc-30 while remaining in reach and simulating study
Step 3: If uninterrupted, ask one of the questions below.
-- Option 1: “Examine <species> - What are you vulnerable to?”
-- Option 2: “Examine <species> - What are you resistant to?”
Step 4: If the correct species is spoken, the PC or NPC being asked must answer truthfully OOG. Due to the vast cosmos, there are entities that defy identification.
Read Ancient/Alien Script (qConc-10): After a qConc-10 wherein you study some writing, you may read notes that are marked as “Ancient Script” or “Alien Script”. Said notes must be within arm’s reach of you while you are Concentrating but this subfunction’s benefit lasts for the next 10 minutes.
Identify Item (qConc-30, Examine): When you use Discern Flaws above, you can instead target an item that someone is holding/carrying that you can see. Add the following questions to the options:
Item Augment: “Examine! What are these item’s Augments?”
Type/Quality: “Examine! What is this item’s type and quality?”
Research Item (Craft, Aug): You can take a deep dive into an item’s characteristics and/or history. This allows you to Research an item, as per the Researcher Skill. If you already have Researcher or Detect Truth, you can augment either so that you ask a second question. Both questions must be concerning the same object or a related object.
(Complex Junker; Active-Focus, Trap-Defense)
Requires: Any two basic Chemist/Junker skills
Reflecting years of bad experiences in adventuring, you may also use this Skill to reduce the damage inflicted upon you by Traps, Hazards, or Backlash effects from volatile corpses and creatures.
Step 1: You OR an ally within arm’s reach receive 5 or less points of damage from a Trap or a Backlash.
Step 2: As a Reaction to this, expend 1 Focus and invoke “Trap Springer”
Step 3: If you are defending an ally, tap their shoulder
Step 4: Stop forward momentum or step away from the attack’s source
Step 5: This negates the damage (and only the damage) from the Trap or Backlash, even if it is a “Master” effect.
Master of Elements, Uncanny Defenses, or Supreme Disarmament skill: You can negate a Trap or Backlash of 10 damage or lower.
(Erudite Junker/Scholar; Active-Craft, Admixture)
Requires: Any two Complex Junker/Scholar skills and any two basic Junker/Scholar skills
You have delved into many books on theories and ideas, some crazier than others. This has given you your own ideas on several matters, including that of crafting.
As a Craft action, you may assist up to five individuals’ Craft/Ritual/Task actions, provided that they are doing that action within the next hour. Take note, after performing a Craft-Ritual action, you cannot perform another one until the current Period has passed.
This Skill allows you to choose one CMP type (e.g Earth, Fire, etc) -- the individuals you are assisting may consider the Minor, Basic, and Rare CMP that they are using to also be of that type. You need to be actively assisting at all of these actions.
Quench Element (requires Herb Kit and a prop): Your knowledge allows you to extinguish flame and neutralize acid, similar to a Chemist.
Step 1: You OR an ally within arm’s reach are hit by Frost, Flame or Corrosive damage of 3 points or less.. This cannot be used vs. Ambush or Master-type attacks.
Step 2: As a Reaction, invoke “Quench”
Step 3: Stop forward momentum or step away from the attack.
Step 4: pat the damaged area with a rag prop. If you are using Quench on an ally, you may only pat their shoulder with a rag unless you have explicit permission.
Step 5: This negates the Frost, Flame or Corrosive attack.
Use Limit: Once this is used, you need to prepare a new concoction via a qConc-10 on your Herb Kit before you can use it again.
(Erudite Chemist/Junker; Active-Craft, Create-Aug, Disarm)
Requires: Any two complex Chemist/Junker skills and any two basic Chemist/Junker skills
You are able to create chem vials of greater potency and use chemicals to destroy locks, traps and conjurations.
Controlled Splash: When using attacks from the Chemical Vial Augment, your ranged attacks may be prefixed with “Piercing”. This allows them to affect the wielders of weaponry you hit.
Elemental Vials: if you are able to craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Herb Kit, this skill lets you choose from the Elemental Vials list when doing so. Also, halve the required Targeting (round down) when you use Elemental Vial Augments. When lowered, the required count may not be lowered further.
Greater Disarm (requires Herb Kit): Bust items open with the use of your Herb Kit. This also allows you to assist individuals with Disarm Device, Tech Diver, Junk Diver, and similar skills as a “Lockpick”.
Step 1: Be within arm’s reach of your target object or creature
Step 2: Perform iConc-30 while remaining within reach
Step 3: Invoke “Greater Disarm” or “Disrupt Conjuration”
Step 4: This destroys a lock, trap, or similar device of advanced quality or worse. Alternatively, it disrupts standard-tier Conjurations.
(Erudite Junker/Tinker; Active-Craft, Aug)
Requires: Any two complex Junker/Tinker skills and any two basic Junker/Tinker skills and the ability to craft or upkeep Scrap Kits
You are learned of the new sciences aka Nueva Ciencia, especially magnetic mana technology. This skill allows you to create and utilize these knowledges accordingly.
Magna Tech Engineering: When you use Device Maker, you can now choose from the options below. Some of them require that the crafter generates a Magna Field to power the creation process and the product. Skill Kits with the Magna Batt augment and the Magna Forge Workshop are the main methods of doing so, but other ways exist.
-- Magna Forge (requires Scrap Kit)
-- Magna Powered Gadget Augments for Scrap Kits
-- Magna Tech Lantern
-- Motorized Equipment (requires Magna Field)
-- Scrap Shop
-- Superior Scrap Kit (2 Augs)
-- Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs)
-- Superior Weaver Item (Requires Scrap Kit; has 2 Augs)
Magna Tech Resistance (requires Scrap Kit): Constant use of Magna Tech has granted you the use of the Resist Magna Storm skill as though you had it, with the following exception:
-- You must be wielding a Shield or a metal/mostly metal weapon when you use this Skill. Furthermore, whenever you use Resist Magna Storm, stomp your foot or raise your shield/metal item to ground the electricity.
Metabionic Surgery: You can implant of Metabionic equipment into a person.
Implant Metabionic Graft: You are able to grant the Metabionic Stigmata on a willing, non-Grafted ally This painful process is outlined in the Metabionic Stigmata section.
Implant Metabionic Trait: You can implant a Metabionic Trait upon a willing Metabionic ally (see Metabionic Stigmata)
(Erudite Junker/Tinker; Active-Conc/Periodic, Disarm)
Requires: Any two complex Junker/Tinker and any two basic Junker/Tinker skills
You can leverage mechanical expertise and precision into a single moment of prowess.
Once per Period, while wearing a Scrap Kit, perform a Conc-5 and then choose one of the options below to use this Skill. As a Periodic Skill, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.
Option 1: “Supreme Disarm” - This instantly disarms a Superior Lock or Superior Trap. If there is an item or effect tag for the trap, you may return it to the Logistics room in exchange for a minor CMP, as per Disarm Device
Option 2: “Supreme Mending” - This allows you to imbue a “Field-Repair” on up to five Sundered Weaponry items you touch in the next 5 seconds. You may not move your feet or this skill’s use is disrupted.
Option 3: “Supreme Patch” - This allows you to Quick Patch up to five armored allies you touch in the next 5 seconds. You may not move your feet or this skill’s use is disrupted. You can choose yourself as one of the targets.
(Erudite Junker; Active-Conc, Sense, +Resolve)
Requires: Any two basic Junker skills and any two complex Junker skills
The thrill of discovery and finding things can push you further to greater things, even when you come up empty handed.
Carve a Trophy: If you use the Scavenge skill and you find nothing, you can opt to carve out a minor trophy or keepsake for yourself if you are wearing an Herb Kit or a Scrap Kit. This immediately grants you 1 point of Resolve as an Aftereffect. Invoke this as “Trophy Hunter, Resolve 1”.
Will to Survive, Willful Tenacity, and Tough as Nails skills: If you also have Attunements from all three mentioned skills, then this grants Resolve 2 instead.
Weaponized Trophies: Within the next hour or current Period (whichever ends last), you can Tweak your weapon, similar to the Chemist’s Venomologist skill. However, this only allows you to Tweak a melee weapon or ammo pack to a damage-type that was inflicted by your Trophy target. Sometimes this is easy (e.g. Flame Geist) and other times it’s less obvious (e.g. Forge Beast) -- but if you saw it and don’t remember, ask Game Staff.