The Kindly Cartels
The Kindly Folk, Suits
“The Blade and the Lotus — this is our way and how we protect it”
Artwork by Nicco Salonga
It is known that the Cartels are obsessed with trade, reagents and the order that such processes require. They seek out humanity’s salvation in their own way, bridging communities with trade routes and diplomacy. But there are many that see them as ruthless vultures and parasites, lining their pockets with whatever they can and terminating whatever rivals get in their way. Until the Archfactions arrived, there were few that could rival the Cartel in Mid-Atla.
The bladed lotus, representing their benevolent nature and lethal capacity. In more simplistic iconography, it is simply a square placed over an equilateral diamond. Many wear flowers or lotus-like adornments on their lapels, if not their own Cartel’s symbol.
LORE: Low Medium
Cartel lore is more involved, with the traditions and histories of a person’s Cartel of being prime importance. However, the concept of a yakuza or mafia-type character is easy enough for many players to grasp
This Suit makes an exception and decides to give his target a slug for free.
The individuals from the Cartels are often called “Suits” with good reason. Washed vests and suits with mended rips and indelible stains. Spectacles, shaded and scavenged from the ruins of a World that was Lost. Cuffs, hands ringed with metal bands, and scuffed and armored dress-jackets. And buttons, of course. Many have ripped sleeves that show distinct Cartel-affiliated tattoos. Even more Suits, especially Enforcers, carry weaponry and tokens that display their loyalty to the Faction that clothes them and protects them from the chaos of the world.
Aggressive Politeness: “Please” and “thank you” were considered the basics of common courtesy in the old world. This remains so with the Cartel who tend to pursue this decorum while they have their Suit. This may even sound strange as it persists in heated moments, where a Suit is directing an ally or threatening an enemy. In a similar sense, Suits tend to refer to their allies within a Cartel as “cousin” or “comrade”.
Business and Battle: It is said that the Cartels view business and battle with the same need-to-win mindset. Though known for their viciousness, the Cartels prefer to trade and traffic with living rivals over looting dead ones. At the negotiating table, Suits tend to be assertive with their demands, becoming pliant or giving way when needed. Tactically, Suits are known for the same aggressive yet adaptable methods, striking brutally at enemy weak points and drawing back when foes strike back.
The Family Business: Despite their callous exteriors and business minded nature, the Cartels tend to look kindly upon even their lowliest members rather than as expendable fodder or simple followers. Directors encourage a filial devotion among Suits within a Cartel, expecting their fellows to guard one another in a world where a moment’s distraction can mean gruesome death. These bonds are nurtured for the Cartel’s profit and benefit, there is no doubt -- however, many Suits do think of their organization, or at least their immediate Cartel as a big family that is there to feed and protect them.
“So… let’s make a deal”
Professionalism: Far from the gangs and the triads of old, the Cartels are known to conduct themselves with professionalism. The definition and the strictures of this may vary from group to group but the ideal Suit is loquacious when they need to be and silent and vicious when the time calls for it. This typically means that Suits do not engage in loud displays of intimidation or aggression when quiet and meaningful threats align more easily to their aesthetic. This aesthetic may fly out the window during a Suit’s downtime however, with some individuals choosing toward wildness and chaos when they are “off the clock”.
Suit Up: Outside of one’s family, the world requires a member of the Cartel to “Suit up”. Beyond its literal meaning, this also represents steeling oneself against emotion, to weakness, and to distraction. This does not mean that such things are “disallowed”, but among the Cartel, the ideal is that Suits are put on and stay on until removed (when relaxing with friends and family).
Understatements: Suits are known for their tendency to understate their language instead of using exaggerations or overstatements. The aftermath of a brutal battle may be described as a bit of a mess. A particularly raucous feast may be spoken of as a moderate celebration. When precision is required, they will use numbers or percentages to give a better idea of their statements.
The Kindly Cartels are known for their professionalism and demeanor. It is of little surprise then, that their names tend to reflect such values, simply prefixing their names with their title. Because of their active recruiting policy across the Mid-Atlantic, their members come from a plethora of cultures and communities.
Example Names
Associate (Junior) Jeremiah Zhao is newly minted into the organization. Skilled in sword and auto pistol, Associate Jeremiah is no stranger to the grit and blood that his messier missions may require.
Associate (Senior) Anika Anand is sourced from outside the Cartel and aligned communities for her interpersonal skills and her proficiency with the Arcane. This Seraph ornaments her stylish hats from the Haberdasher Cartel with an aspect of her spiritual companion.
Supervisor (Junior) Marianna Beneventi comes from the core families of the Golden Fortunes, but was able to avoid the internecine feuds that almost destroyed it. This comes primarily from the cunning and insight that a Guild Broker absolutely requires.
Example Character Ideas:
The following are some character concepts that may be seen from this Free Tribe. If desired, feel free to use or alter one of these for your character.
Auditor: There are times when the Cartel needs to gather information in an area or perform surveillance activities. When they can afford to, they send an Auditor, a Suit trained in observational methods and practices to discover what they can. Some Auditors are trained in magical means, using Shamanistic divining, spiritual guidance, or other similar eldritch powers to ferret out secrets. On occasion, these individuals are garrisoned in high traffic or high “chaos” vicinities, to monitor any changes to Cartel leadership.
Suggested Classes: Arcanist, Ranger
The cane is for fashion and the sword is for business.
Cartel Apothecary: The Cartel is known for their trades and few crafts are as in demand as the Apothecary. The Verdant Gardeners Guild uses these individuals the most, but all Guilds within the Cartel hold a roster of these experts in chemicals and hospitality. Whether these folk offer on the go “refreshment,” over the counter “enhancement,” or simply oversee in-house “entertainment,” such is the demand for their services that Apothecaries never go out of business.
Suggested Classes: Builder, Counselor
Executive Enforcer: These are the military divisions of the Cartels, trained in warfare and defense of their faction’s interests. They look as sharp as their weapons and have a precision to match. Enforcers are often garrisoned to defend Cartel holdings in a town but, just as often, they can be recruited or employed in a region’s defense; protecting a store or an industry means nothing if the community around it is slaughtered by mantids.
Suggested Classes: Ranger, Warrior
Guild Broker: The Kindly Cartels value trade and peace above all, though in practice, they prefer the former to the latter. Brokers are persons in a web of contacts and connections, befitting the Cartel’s own ethos. They value favors more than they do currency, allowing them more breadth and resources than their own personal skillset would normally allow.
Suggested Classes: Builder, Counselor
Hunter-Assassin: There are times where the destruction of an irritant to a Guild becomes an internal matter or one where the imprecision of outsiders is not appreciated. Enter the Hunter-Assassin, Cartel operatives that are as efficient as they are deadly. Unlike the rest of their fellow Cartel members, they are afforded some measure of erratic idiosyncracy or strangeness. Some seem completely unlike the Cartel until they Suit up, with their Suits showing odd ornamentation that marks them as immensely different. Regardless of their appearance, they are valued for their professionalism and their skills.
Suggested Classes: Arcanist, Ranger
Each Cartel is governed by a Director. However, each Director is said to answer to the Executive Court: the five Chairs of the Cartel (who are also the Directors of their own Cartels). Also called the “Big Five”, these individuals meet yearly and correspond frequently. Their typical discussions revolve around inter-Cartel conflicts, threats to Mid-Atla, and the resolution of said issues. The Big Five are usually content to let the Cartels self-govern, but Directors (or their Executors) are expected to show up whenever the Big Five calls an Executive Summit.
Resources flow to and from the Court -- they receive a cut of yearly Cartel profits as part of membership. However, they are expected to send martial or economic assets to Directors who request them. Furthermore, the Executive Court is honor-bound to act within the Cartels’ interests and reputation. This means uniting to eradicate wayward Cartels, “strongly advising” Cartels to budge when needed, or ensuring that Cartels’ in debt pay their dues.
Becoming a Chair in the Executive Court requires a vote from four of the Big Five. This is also one way to lose a Chair position in the Court.
Currently, the Big Five consists for the following Cartels: the Golden Fortunes, the Patient Scriveners, the Peace Makers, the Royal Haberdashers, and the Tranquil Gardeners.
Note: the yearly dues are assumed to be part of a Character’s normal maintenance and does not cost them anything.