Macana, Magisters, Magistrados, El Magistrados de Orden Publico
“Integrity, Ferocity, Victory”
Artwork by Nicco Salonga
These are the main governing bodies of the Illustrados’ military, concerned with the protection of the ArchFaction’s interests, citizenry, and protected states. They are soldiers, medics, engineers, scouts, and above all -- protectors of humanity. In times of battle, their power-armored troops punch into monstrous horrors with holo-spears and vibro-machetes while the thunder of their fleet-borne artillery and their auto-Shortarms echo across the warscape.
Beside the Mariana Sun, a spear crossed with a macana club on a shield. Some versions replace the shield with a simple circle.
Lore: Medium
Magistrados lore is more involved, with the traditions and histories of a person’s Branch being prime importance. However, the concept of a soldier or trooper-type character is easy enough for many players to grasp.
This mariner is off the sea but not out of his depth.
The Magistrados are noted for adding collars and rank emblems on their “Vayan”, mantles and half-cloaks favored by the Illustrados. These tend to be less colorful and more drab than their peers, adhering instead to specific colorations and patterns of their ranks and units. Armored vests are usually worn beneath the Vayan, along with more utilitarian garments such as belt pouches, bracers, combat boots, and other items with more function than fashion. Armored helmets are worn on the head on occasion, but many of the Macana prefer keeping the “Cara” of their spirit ally at the back of their head (to watch their blindsides). With the dangers of battle, Metabionics are a common sight among these folk, given even less of a thought than other Stigmata. Ultimately, the Magistrados tend more toward protective attire, and military gadgets than their fellow Illustrados.
Law and Order: Whether they are at home or abroad, the Macana are instructed to follow the dictates of local law. They recognize that they are not conquerors, but protectors. That said, this respectful adherence to order is not blind obedience. While they may follow laws for taxation or tolls, they will refuse when one of their own or one of their allies is attacked and the Magistrados do not follow laws that hurt people.
Protect the Weak: Coming from a culture of technology and sophistication, the Magistrados need to justify their armaments and tactics. They believe that these are necessary for survival in the hazardous hinterlands of the world beyond their cities. Furthermore, the Magistrados believe that their strength is used primarily to protect humanity from monstrosities. This attitude can seem condescending or controlling to others, but these soldiers are expected to place the lives of people first before seeking out glory or “kills”.
Respect the Rank: One’s rank is important to the Magistrados. The structure of command is of high priority to them, especially in combat or other stressful situations. They will always introduce themselves as their rank or title, so that others in their group know to defer to them or to command them. The usual format is “Rank” then “family name”, although “Rank” then first name is used when two or more members of the same family name are present. Introductions involve “Rank” followed by “Full name”. That said, members of a unit will often address each other by name or nickname. Non-Magistrados are either addressed by their title/rank (if they are introduced with one) or simply by their name.
Rules of Engagement: Though they are soldiers, the Magistrados do not always jump to violence first when dealing with people. They will seek to speak, to persuade, and even to compromise before opening fire. They kill only in defense or to defend humanity. That said, some of these folk have no compunction with negotiating behind the barrel of a firearm (though this damages the process). Furthermore, they possess little in the way of mercy when dealing with inhuman monstrosities, especially creatures that resemble their Juracan enemies.
Watch your Back These soldiers are instilled with a honed vigilance and readiness. This means assessing the strengths of non-allies and allies alike. This also means being prepared for battles by keeping a weapon on the ready or being mindful of entrances and potential ambush locations.
Magistrados follow the naming conventions of their locale, usually of the Illustrados themselves (first name, middle name, both last names of their parents). Of equal importance to their names is their rank and title. They usually include their title in their introduction and are referred to normally with their title and their first-family name. Those Illustrados who prefer brevity will stick to a first name and first family name introduction.
In the current era of the Illustrados, the first family name of a person is decided in advance by their parents. Tradition dictates that they take the name of the birthing parent, but this is often ignored by the working class in favor of their own preferences. The more entrenched and well-off families stick to old matrilineal traditions.
Starting Title and Rank:
Most Player Characters begin at the Soldier rank, although Characters with the Distinguished Perk may start a little higher up. Although their official title includes their branch of the Magistrados, most go with just the title in normal parlance (e.g. Guarda <first surname>). Not featured are the Jaguar Sentinels of the Inquisidores, though their nomenclature follows a similar pattern. The four branches of the Magistrados are below. Despite the fact that the language these ranks are taken from are gendered, most use the form featured below regardless of gender.
The Sledge Troopers aka Martillador: heavy armored infantry that brave the fray and protect their allies.
The Lancer Mariners aka Lanceros: sailors and engineers, trained with weapon and vessel technologies.
The Spider Scouts aka Guaga: reconnaissance and outriders, skilled in subterfuge, investigation, and diplomacy.
The Jaguar Sentinels aka Inquisidores: the defenders of the Senate and inspectors that watch the other branches.
Example Names:
Alberto Rodriguez Lopez-Salazar is a Guarda-Martillo of the Magistrados, a rank and file trooper of their armed forces. He prefers the shorter Martillador Lopez in his dealings, even going by “Loop” among his closest allies.
Josefina Alexa Cassar-Baptiste is a Sargento-Lancera of the Magistrados, earning her way up through victory and tactics. The Marina or Marine Corps are the navy of the Magistrados. She is content to go by Sargento Cassar by those who know her rank but simply her nickname of “Tera” with most others -- it references her panther-faced Cara.
Sharp Caswell is a Mid-Atlantic recruit to the Magistrados, specifically the Guaga or Spider Scout Corps. He is only of the Guardia rank but his discoveries and his successes put him on the fast track along the Magistrados’ eyes.
Example Character Ideas
The following are some character concepts that may be seen from this Gremio. If desired, Feel free to use or alter one of these for your character.
The Harbingers’ doom was pronounced by these ship-borne cannons.
Combat Medic: In the hazardous duties of the Magistrados, injury is guaranteed, whether it be upon one’s comrades or on an innocent civilian. Combat Medics are the blood-soaked guardian angels of their squad, reviving patients and bringing their allies back into fighting shape. Some of these individuals use magic in lieu of medicine and chemistry, calling upon their talents in Restoration and Transmutation to render aid.
Suggested: Arcanist, Builder
Field Legate: The Magistrados are the military force of the Illustrados, but they are not only comprised of fighters. Among them are individuals with talent and training to lead and to speak. These Field Legates exhort their comrades in battle, but are just as capable of de-escalating dangerous situations. Not every squad among the Macana have a Legate to lean on, but those that do find themselves better off. Even when the Legate does not lead, they help everyone around them bring their best to the fore.
Suggested: Counselor, Warrior
Mayana Soldier: Named for the stone hatchets of the Illustrados’ ancestors, these warfighters mix technological supremacy with martial might. Those monstrous hordes who brave the Illustrados artillery and gunfire are met with vibro-hatchets and shock-maces. Their elite Falange counterparts wield holo-lances that spear into closer foes and carve fiery holes into distant ones. Ultimately, these soldiers are the pillars with which the Illustrados uphold the peace of their territories.
Suggested Classes: Builder, Warrior
Spider Scout: Spider Scouts are the eyes and ears of the Magistrados, leading expeditions into the dangerous wilds or warning settlements of an oncoming invasion. They are named for their distinctive and many lensed spider-goggles, though not all such scouts wear them. The Jaguar Sentinels are their feared and hated counterparts, believed to be spies on the populace by the ruling powers of the Union or the favored branch of the Senate.
Suggested Classes: Ranger, Warrior
War-Engineer: Whether it's in the bowels of a dreadnought or on the field wielding a Rail-Caster, War-Engineers have a solid place among the ranks of the Magistrados. They are often under the protection of their hardier allies, though many of them wear armor. Some War-Engineers utilize magics, specifically that of Infusion and Transmutation, to facilitate their duties -- and despite their rarity, they are no less well-regarded for their alternative abilities.
Suggested: Arcanist, Builder
In addition to their relationship with the Senate, the Cacique-General is the leader of all the Magistrados branches. This ten-year office is an elected one by said Senate, though they are expected to choose from experienced and decorated candidates (Marisol Celso being the main exception).
The Cacique-General is thus subject to politics and influence from the Illustrados Senate. However, they are otherwise allowed full rein of the Union’s military forces in logistical, strategic, and most other senses. The Commanders that lead each branch must follow the Cacique-General’s lead, although a wise General should listen to their subordinate’s advice.
The seventh and current Cacique-General of the Illustrados, General Roca prefers the Magistrados to be non-interventionist. Her detractors call her more politician than general, but her supporters claim that she has Illustrados and Magistrados lives first and foremost in her policies.