Psionic LORE
Image by Nicco Salonga
Also called Tellurians or Gemlings, those with the Psionic Stigmata are usually and simply called Psions by most folk. They are known for the gem-like organs they have upon their foreheads, which appears to act as a receptor for psychic and magnetic stimuli. Psions are possessed of powerful psychic energy and potential, allowing them extra-sensory perception, limited telekinesis and even the ability to hurt or bolster the minds of others.
Because of these powers and despite their frailties, Psions are often sought after by communities and groups. Unfortunately, Psions tend to be more than capable of defending themselves or fleeing those that hunt them – therefore, such groups must default to using persuasion and negotiation to gain that Psion’s service.
Choose this Stigmata if:
You want to play a psychic healer, a psychic warrior, and/or a psychic blaster.
You want to play a character focused on intellect and mental/psionic powers
You want to play a Stigmata with minimal paint and prosthetic requirements
Afterfall scientists place this phenomenon as a mutation that occurred as a reaction to some individuals to the Etheric Delirium that the worldwide population suffered, which a significant portion perished from. That said, the concept of psychic powers has been known to the World that Was since the beginning of time immemorial, its hallmarks being the reading of minds, the bending of spoons and the telling of the future.
Psions in the world Beyond the Fall have some of these “hallmarks”, although they can do much more if their talent is cultivated through experience and instruction. Raw Psionic talent tends to be less versatile than actual Arcana, although the former can be a solid gateway to the other.
The Psionic Stigmata occurs all over the world, though rarely as spontaneously as it did immediately after the Etheric Delirium. As it is with most inherited Stigmata, it is passed along genetic lines, from parents to their children – it is uncommon but possible that such manifestations “skip” a generation or two before occurring again.
Besides the manifestation of their third eye (called a Kha by the Templars and the Scavengers), Psions are much the same as humans on a biological level and in terms of lifespan. There are some marked differences that continue to stump researchers, owing to the novelty of the Stigmata and the lack of resources available.
For one, Psions tend to be much more frail than those without this particular Stigmata. Their nervous systems are far more in key with their body, resulting in extra-sensory abilities but also a sensitivity to pain and a vulnerability to injury.
Scientists have theorized that the lifespan of Psions tends to be shorter than most other individuals, with organs deteriorating at a rate that suggests a lifespan of about 50 to 60 years on average.
Reproduction and natal processes for Psions resemble the majority of human processes, although it is a little longer at 10 to 12 months. There is a phenomenon called “Pre-Natal Dreaming” wherein the mother and the child converse and discourse during the pregnancy (usually after six months) through their dreams. This occurs more often with a Psion mother, but those mothers of other Stigmata or those without it can also experience this regular happenstance. The child remembers little of this when it is born -- however, Psions develop mental skills such as language, mathematics, and other capabilities with great speed.
Some Psions claim to remember their own Prenatal Dreamings when they are older, recalling events from their mother without being physically outside the womb at the time of the happening. Reports of fetuses waking up their pregnant mothers to ambushes or attacks are rare enough to be regarded as rumor rather than truth.
In other matters of reproduction, the Psionic Stigmata is less likely to manifest (30%) in children of mixed parentage.
With their mental prowess, Psions are able to become Arcanists and gain the Etheric Arcana skill. These individuals tend away from the physical to focus more on the intangible, such as the Spheres of Obfuscation and Detection. Still, there are a small number of Psions that embrace destruction and chaos through their powers.
Among their communities, they are often respected for their insight rather than feared for their Sorcery. There will always be those who do not understand them -- but this ignorance is easily dealt with -through guidance, understanding, or, if necessary, obliteration.
These are simple role-play notes that you may choose to add to your character that reflect the influence of the Psionic Stigmata upon their personality. You may pick any or none of them for your character.
— Bookish: Moreso than other people, Psions tend to savor learning new concepts and new words. This can manifest in a love of written work, a thirst for rediscovering old world artifacts, or even a wanderlust that brings them to strange places. This extends to relaxation as well. Some Psions favor curling up to an old book. While more talkative Gemlings tend toward light discourse on esoteric topics to expand their mind during times of respite.
— Distant: Because of their abilities, Psions tend to seem distant and in thought, usually pondering matters and issues beyond the now. It is a common remark that a Psion will not be thinking of the food in front of them, but tomorrow’s breakfast. This is not to say that they are oblivious or neglectful, but they tend to be foresighted, mindful individuals rather than impulsive go-getters.
— Passive: These individuals are the last to volunteer, staying (almost stubbornly) at the back of the line. In social situations, they shy away from the limelight and in battle they tend towards roles of support, as opposed to the vanguard. Their slowness to act can be a huge flaw because being overly cautious can suffer vs. taking initiative and snatching victory from defeat.
The Traits of the Psionic Stigmata are divided into three different “Subtypes”. Each Psion may only have Traits from one Subtype, although some are able to breach this restriction and possess Traits from two Subtypes. Once per character, you may expend a Milestone and get the Unique Subtype Milestone to get access to a Subtype beyond one you chose at character creation.
Empath Subtype: Though more fragile because of their psychic bonds, these individuals make excellent Counselors and healers, made stronger by their associations with their fellows and their allies. The gems of these individuals tend toward clear and lighter colors.
Far Mind Subtype: These individuals are suffused with mental strength that they can use to affect the world around them through sheer will. The gems of these individuals tend toward blue or purple colors. .
Soul Knife Subtype: Tellurians of this Subtype are well suited to being slayers of humans or monsters, possessed of a bestial viciousness and the spiritual strength to inflict it upon others. The gems of these individuals tend toward red colors.