Runner Discipline
Image by Nicco Salonga
The Runner Discipline, sometimes called the Dexterity Discipline, involves itself with dodging attacks and fleeing danger.
Invest in this Discipline if:
You want the ability to exit danger without pursuit
You want to focus on the Dodge defense and improving it.
You want to play an elusive fugitive, a shadowy scout, or an agile swashbuckler
Artful Dodger: Expend 1 Focus to negate attacks upon your person
Flee the Scene: After studying your situation, exit an area without being pursued.
Fleet of Foot: Use “Flee the Scene” without expending Focus
Armored Dodge: Gain the ability to Dodge while wearing Armor.
Athletics: Perform certain feats of athleticism.
Escape Artist: Use Flee the Scene and elude pursuers.
Lead the Exodus: Bring others with you when you escape an area.
Dodger Aspect (ATN): Assume an aspect of swiftness to allow you to Dodge easily
Doubled Defenses: Augment your defenses to use them quickly in succession.
Like the Wind: Elude all but the most Skilled attempts to follow you when you Escape.
Supreme Exodus (1/P): Suddenly hide or escape.
Uncanny Defense: Augment your Dodge so that you can even Dodge attacks from behind.
(Basic Runner; Active-Focus, Defense, +Resolve)
You gain the use of the Dodge defense as per below, also gaining Resolve after doing so.
Dodge: Invoke “Dodge!” and expend 1 Focus to negate all melee and ranged attacks that hit you within the last second. The following conditions must be fulfilled
No Armor: You are not wearing any Armor (see Armored Dodge skill below)
Mobility: Your character’s legs are not impaired in-game such as through Mangle, Snare, Grapple or similar effects.
No Ambush attacks: None of the attacks come from behind you and hit your back torso (aka Ambush attacks)
No Master attacks: None of the attacks are Master-type attacks
Artful Alacrity: As a response to using the Dodge defense to negate an attack, invoke and gain “Resolve 1” as an Aftereffect. This represents your artful poise while dodging. If you have Ironsoul Bravado or the Willful Tenacity ATN active, you gain “Resolve 2” instead.
Take note, you may only use one Aftereffect at a time in response to a specific action or event. Your Aftereffects may never trigger other Aftereffects from you. Additionally note that gaining Resolve overlaps with and does not add to your current Resolve.
(Basic Runner; Active-Conc/Focus, Escape)
You may attempt to leave an area so quickly that only someone extremely skilled may attempt pursuit. Needless to say, this is useful for those who wish to survive a losing fight or leave an ambush.
You must fulfill the following requirements beforehand. You must be:
Unencumbered: No Heavy/Ultraheavy Armor
Mobile: You must not be immobilized by any effect (e.g. being tied up/hobbled)
Not Trapped: You must be in a place where you can run away. Locked rooms, prisons, pocket dimensions, etc will prevent the use of this skill.
To activate this skill, follow the instructions below.
Step 1: Perform qConc-10 while studying the area and looking for a way out.
Step 2: Expend 1 Focus. If you do not have any Focus, you cannot use this skill.
Step 3: Invoke "Flee the Scene"
Step 4: Begin an audible “Escape count” that goes up to 60, while slow or fast walking.
-- Put your hand or weapon atop your head to show that you are "out of game".
-- No one may interact with or pursue you without the proper Skills.
Step 5: Ensure that these last 10 counts of the Escape effect are extra audible to indicate your return to the game environment
Step 6: At “Escape 60”, lower your hand/weapon from your head, going back “in-game”. Take note that you may not return to the place where you fled from for 10 minutes.
Pursuit effects: Other creatures may use “Pursuit” effects to follow you. They will exit the game and enter the game at the same time you do so. Similarly, other characters may join your escape by using their Skill simultaneously to your own use.
(Basic Runner; Active-Fleeing/Focus, Escape-Aug)
This skill grants you a greater expertise in escaping and eluding the danger of battle, allowing you to do so even when you are tired and unfocused.
If you have Flee the Scene, you can augment and invoke the skill as “Expert Flee the Scene”. This has the following adjustments:
Waive the Skill’s Focus cost
It requires qConc-15 instead of qConc-10
You take a “Self-inflict 2 damage” effect, which cannot be negated by the user or redirected to someone else, although it can be cured or healed.
Since this use of Flee the Scene is Augmented, it cannot be Augmented further.
(Complex Runner; Defense-Aug)
Requires: Any two Basic Scrapper or Runner skills
Armored Dodge (requires Dodge; Skill Aug, -Focus): You may augment and invoke the Dodge Defense as “Armored Dodge”. This has the following benefit: this use of Dodge can be done while wearing Body Armor or Heavy Armor, but not Ultraheavy Armor.
Uncanny Aegis (Skill Aug, -Aegis): If you are wearing Heavy or Ultraheavy Armor, you are able to augment the Aegis defense and invoke it as “Uncanny Aegis”. This augmented defense can be used against Ambush-type attacks to negate them.
Ambush attacks are those ranged/melee attacks that come from behind and hit your back torso.
(Complex Fighter/Runner; Active-Self-Inflict/Focus, Aug)
Requires: Any two basic Runner or Fighter skills
You can exhaust yourself to perform feats of physical quickness and skill.
Step 1: Invoke “Athletics”
Step 2: Receive a “self-inflict 2”, mentally deducting 2 points from your HP.
Self-inflicts cannot be negated or redirected.
Step 3: If you still have 1+ HP, you can choose one of the effects below
Climb: Halve (round up) the required Climb count of an obstacle (Normally Climb-10). This requires one or two free hands
Dash: If you use Flee the Scene, augment and invoke it as “Athletic Flee the Scene”. This reduces the required Concentration count to a Conc-3.
Duck: If you use the Dodge defense, you can augment it and invoke it as “Athletic Dodge”. When you do this, you may respond “Negate” to 3 different Ranged attacks within the next 3 seconds.
Slip Free: Escape a Basic Rope or Chain while it is binding you
Swim: In a hazardous water or quicksand scenario, invoke “Athletics, 5 seconds” to keep afloat and move normally for 5 seconds before you sink and drown (unless you can breathe water). This requires one or two free hands. Normally, characters can swim and float in calm waters.
Other: Game Staff may designate a scenario specific use for “Athletics”
Use Focus (1 Focus): You can augment this Skill, invoking it “Focused Athletics”. This allows you to spend 1 Focus instead of receiving “Self-inflict 2”
(Complex Runner; Active-Conc/Focus, Escape, Resolve, Cure Strike)
Requires: Any two Basic Runner skills including Flee the Scene
You cannot be easily captured or made helpless, a true artist of escaping.
When you use the Flee the Scene skill,, you augment and invoke the skill as “Artful Flee the Scene, Cure Strike (or Slip Free)”. This has the following effects:
It clears Strike effects from you, if they would prevent you from Escaping.
You can use the Skill while being bound by a Basic/Advanced Rope or Chain.
Since this use of Flee the Scene is Augmented, it cannot be Augmented further.
When you re-enter the game environment after using an Escape effect, gain “Resolve 3” as an Aftereffect.
Slip Free (Self-inflict 2): You can also invoke “Escape Artist” to Slip Free of a Basic Rope or Chain that is binding you. If you also have Athletics, Escape Artist allows you to slip free of Advanced Rope or Chain as well as Grapple effects.
(Complex Runner; Active-Conc/Focus, Escape, Resolve, Cure Strike)
Requires: Any two Basic Runner skills
When you escape a dangerous situation, you can take allies with you.
When you use the Flee the Scene skill, you may choose to gain the following benefit:
You may bring along one ally with you.
They must be within an arm’s reach and a step of you.
If any of them are disrupted (i.e. made ineligible by an effect or Downed), you must either leave them behind or restart your own count.
The mechanics for escaping remain the same as above although your allies can wear Heavy or Ultraheavy Armor.
Bonded Allies: You may bring up to two allies with you if they are Bonded to you via Blood, Oath, or Allegiance.
This is not a Skill Augment, therefore Flee the Scene can still be Augmented by other effects such as Athletic, Artful, or Expert.
(Erudite Runner; Active-Task/ATN,, Defense-Aug, Aspect, Aftereffect)
Requires: Any two Basic Runner skills and any two Complex Runner skills
This skill allows you to mantle your body and mind with swift athleticism and preternatural awareness, to the exclusion of other aspects of your personality. When you learn this Skill, you choose one of the Dodger Aspects below and you are stuck with that choice unless you unlearn this Skill and learn it again.
Becoming Valorous: Strike an enemy in melee to become Valorous for 5 minutes, until you expend it, or until you take any damage or Control effect. Also, you cannot become Valorous while suffering a Control effect.
Expending Valorous: Augment a Dodge as “Dancer Dodge” to waive the Focus cost. You may only use this defense against an opponent you’ve struck within the last minute (approx). As an Aftereffect, you self-inflict “Pain 10” immediately afterward from the strain of doing so - you cannot replace this Aftereffect.
Restriction 1: Unfettered -- You may not become or remain “Valorous” while wearing Body Armor, Heavy Armor, or Ultraheavy Armor.
Restriction 2: Distracted Mindset -- The Healing or Resolve you grant to yourself or others may not exceed 1 point. Individuals with this Aspect are prone to be easily distracted or prone to multitasking as they attempt to pay attention to as many stimuli as possible.
Becoming Valorous: After taking 15 steps that cover at least 15 feet away from where you started counting, you become Valorous for 5 minutes, until you expend it, or you stop moving for more than 5 seconds, or take any damage/Control effect.
Expending Valorous: Augment a Dodge as “Zephyr Dodge” to waive the Focus cost. As an Aftereffect, you self-inflict “Pain 10” immediately afterward from the strain of doing so - you cannot replace this Aftereffect.
Restriction 1: Unfettered -- You may not gain or expend “Valorous” while wearing Body Armor, Heavy Armor, or Ultraheavy Armor.
Restriction 2: Distracted Mindset -- The Healing or Resolve you grant to yourself or others may not exceed 1 point. Individuals with this Aspect are prone to be easily distracted or prone to multitasking as they attempt to pay attention to as many stimuli as possible.
(Erudite Defender/Runner; Defense-Aftereffect)
Requires: Any two basic Defender skills and any two Complex Defender skills
Your skill allows you to buttress your defensive techniques with even more defense.
Any Style (Aftereffect)
Step 1: Use “Dodge”, “Parry” or “Guard”
Step 2: Within the next 3 seconds, invoke “Expert Guard” to defend a nearby ally.
-- “Expert Guard” is augmented and is an Aftereffect to the initial defense and does not cost additional Focus to use.
Beastclaw Style (Aftereffect)
Step 1: Use “Parry” while wielding two Small/Medium weapons,
Step 2: Within the next 3 seconds, invoke “Off-hand Parry” to negate a melee attack
-- “Off-hand Parry” is augmented and is an Aftereffect to the initial defense.
Phalanx Style (Aftereffect)
Step 1: Use “Block”
Step 2: Within the next 3 seconds, invoke “Off-hand Block” to negate an attack
-- “Off-hand Block” is augmented and is an Aftereffect to the initial defense and does not cost additional Focus to use.
(Erudite Runner; Active-Fleeing/Focus, Escape, Pursuit-Defense)
Requires: Any two Basic Runner Skills and any two Complex Runner skills
You are swift as the wind and more slippery than a shadow. When you flee, you twist through labyrinthine paths, turning corners, and leaving branches untouched.
When you use the Flee the Scene skill and expend 1 Focus, you may invoke its effect as “Superior Escape” to prevent those with Pursue skills from following. Only a “Master Pursuit” skill may allow someone to chase you.
Supreme Exodus -- You can use Like the Wind and Supreme Exodus together, to quickly grant yourself a “Superior Escape” effect
(Erudite Runner/Shadower; Active-Periodic/Concentration, Conceal/Escape)
Requires: Any two complex Shadower or Runner skills and any two basic Shadower or Runner skills
Your mastery of evasion and subterfuge has led you to this Skill, which allows you to immediately vanish from the sight of everyone there, although whether you are still present or have left the area is up to question.
Once per Period, invoke “Supreme Exodus”. This has one of two effects, chosen by you at the time of the Skill’s use.
Instant Concealment: You instantly enter Concealment. You must still fulfill all the normal requirements except the Concentration count and the Focus cost.
Instant Exodus: Grant yourself a Basic Escape effect. You must still fulfill all the normal requirements except for the Concentration count and the Focus cost.
Fade into Shadows skill: If you have this skill, you may imbue yourself with a Superior Conceal effect when using Supreme Exodus. When affected by an Unveiling, you may respond with “Superior Conceal” to continue hiding and take up to three steps away from your position. Only the incredibly rare “Master Unveiling” may reveal your location.
Like the Wind skill: If you have this skill, you may imbue yourself with a Superior Escape effect when using Supreme Exodus. When someone attempts to use a Pursue effect upon you, pause your count and clarify the effects of a Superior Escape if necessary. Only the incredibly rare “Master Pursue” may see through your evasions.
(Erudite Defender/Runner; Defense-Aug)
Requires: Any two Basic Defender/Runner Skills and any two Complex Defender/Runner skills
Your skills are honed well enough to protect you even from sneak attacks.
Step 1: You receive 1 or more attacks, including an Ambush-type attack
Step 2: You are about to use “Block”, “Dodge”, or “Parry” as a Reaction to them.
Step 3: Invoke the defense but prefix it with “Uncanny” (e.g. Uncanny Dodge)
Step 4: This works as normal, but you can also negate Ambush attacks.
In addition, if you are suffering from a Blind effect of any duration,, you are able to use these augmented defenses. Normally, you would not be able to use most defenses while Blinded.