Scrapper Discipline
Image by Nicco Salonga
Also called Ironskin training, this Discipline is for those who wear body armor, heavy armor or ultraheavy armor. Invest in this Discipline if:
You want to focus on toughness and resilience
You want to improve on armor-dependent abilities
You want to play an unbreakable mountain or an unstoppable force.
Relevant Rules:
Resolve is a special resource pool that persists until depleted, until 10 minutes pass, or until the current combat ends. Receiving any damage depletes Resolve before it depletes HP. Some effects can increase this amount. Receiving Resolve always overlaps with and never adds to your current Resolve total.
Patched Status: Some skills can give armor wearers the Patched status. While “Patched”, an individual can expend it to use “Aegis” without spending from their own Aegis pool. This is invoked as “Patch Aegis” and cannot be augmented further. Unless granted as a “Lasting Patch”, this status falls off after 10 minutes or after the current combat ends (whichever happens last). “Lasting Patches” fall off at the Event’s end, if unused.
Armored Toughness: Increase your maximum HP further while wearing armor.
Armor Expertise: Use armor to negate attacks upon you.
Faith in Steel: Get greater usage out of Heavy and Ultraheavy armor
Armored Dodge: Gain the ability to Dodge while wearing Body Armor.
Armored Rush: Plod implacably forward despite ranged bombardment.
Elemental Endurance: Defend yourself against flame, frost, and lightning.
Full Coverage: Increase your HP further when you wear more Armor pieces.
Human Fortress: Use your armor to guard others
Armored Resolve: Expend all of your Resolve to negate damage.
Grim Recovery: Concentrate to remove all Wounds and Strike effects from yourself.
Iron Fortitude: Recover quickly while Downed vs. certain weaker attacks.
Supreme Toughness (1/P): Shrug off all Strikes, Wounds, and Blight and heal yourself.
Unmoving Mountain: You can resist attacks that would move you around.
(Basic Scrapper/Survivor/Weaver; Active-Aegis, Defense-Melee/Ranged)
You are skilled in wearing armor and using its defense to deflect blows. This skill starts you with a “Maximum Aegis” of 1 Aegis and has several subfunctions:
Use Aegis (-Aegis)
Step 1: Wear Body, Heavy,, or Ultraheavy Armor and receive an attack
Step 2: As a Reaction, expend 1 Aegis. If you have 0 Aegis, stop here.
Step 3: Invoke “Aegis” as a defense
Step 4: Safely stop your momentum and/or take a step away from your attackers
Step 5: This will negate all the attacks you received in the last second except as below
-- No “Master” attacks: These will be prefixed with “Master” (e.g. “Master: 5 damage”)
-- No “Ambush” attacks: These are usually not prefixed but they hit a subject from behind AND upon their back torso.
Refit Armor (long task): The primary method of regaining expended Aegis is to spend 5+ minutes roleplaying your armor’s upkeep and resting. Upon completion, you regain 2 Aegis, up to your maximum Aegis for every 5 minutes spent. Take note your Aegis cannot exceed the Aegis cap of 5.
Prop Requirements: Body Armor, Heavy Armor, or Ultraheavy Armor
(Basic Scrapper; +HP)
Wearing armor is second nature to you, improving your resilience while doing so.
While wearing Body, Heavy, or Ultraheavy armor, your maximum HP is increased by one – this may not allow you to exceed 10 HP (aka the HP cap).
Prop Requirements: Body Armor, Heavy Armor, or Ultraheavy Armor
(Basic Scrapper; Active-Armor, Defense, +Aegis)
Requires: The ability to use Aegis
You have honed your skills with heavier armors, using them to absorb the worst of attacks. This skill has the following subfunctions:
Heavy Metal (+Aegis): Your maximum Aegis is increased by +1 while you wear heavy and ultraheavy armor. This cannot exceed the Aegis Cap.
Heavy Aegis (Skill Aug; Resolve) Wearing heavy/ultraheavy armor has an additional benefit. You can augment and invoke the Aegis defense as “Heavy Aegis”. This has the following effects.
As an Aftereffect, invoke “Resolve 2” afterward, gaining that benefit.
That use of Aegis cannot be augmented further.
With Ironsoul Bravado or Ultraheavy armor, this is “Resolve 3” instead.
Prop Requirements:
Heavy armor is relatively flexible torso armor that is made of flexible metal materials such as chainmail or non-flexible non-metal materials.
Ultraheavy armor is torso armor that is made primarily of metal and is generally rigid and inflexible, such as plate armor, brigandine, or similar armor.
(Complex Scrapper; Defense-Aug)
Requires: Any two Basic Scrapper or Runner skills plus the ability to use Dodge or Aegis
You can use your natural agility even while armored.
Armored Dodge (requires Dodge; Skill Aug, -Focus): You may augment and invoke the Dodge Defense as “Armored Dodge”. This has the following benefit: this use of Dodge can be done while wearing Body Armor or Heavy Armor, but not Ultraheavy Armor.
Uncanny Aegis (Skill Aug, -Aegis): If you are wearing Heavy or Ultraheavy Armor, you are able to augment the Aegis defense and invoke it as “Uncanny Aegis”. This augmented defense can be used against Ambush-type attacks to negate them. This can also be used while under the “Blind” effect.
Ambush attacks are those ranged or melee attacks that come from behind and hit your back torso.
(Complex Scrapper; Active-Aegis, Resolve-Aug)
Requires: Any two Complex Scrapper skills and any two Basic Scrapper skills including the ability to use Aegis
You can barrel headlong into enemy fire without slowing.
To use this, expend 1 Aegis. Replace its effects/Aftereffects with the following:
Point with a hand or a weapon at a single target you can see. Invoke “Armored Rush” to gain that status and the following benefit
Unfettered Movement: You do not need to halt forward momentum or step back when struck by ranged attacks or using defenses (e.g Dodge, Aegis, etc) against them.
Take note that you are still suffering from these effects.
No Running: For safety reasons, you cannot run, but you can move at a fast walk
Armored Rush ends when you desire or when any the conditions below occur:
Time Limit: Approximately one minute has passed
Halted Movement: You stop moving for any reason or you move away from your target. This includes being Downed or suffering from an immobilizing Control effect. Holds or similar mechanics will not interrupt an Armored Rush.
Interference: Being struck in melee immediately halts your approach.
Lost Target: You stop pointing at your target or lose sight of them for 5+ seconds
(Complex; Active, Defense-Flame/Frost/Lightning)
Requires: Any two Basic Scrapper skills
You can negate certain Flame, Frost, and Lightning attacks against you. This skill has two subfunctions below:
Energy Endurance (-Focus)
Step 1: Be subject to an attack that inflicts Flame, Frost, or Lightning while wearing any armor.
Step 2: As a Reaction, expend 1 Focus
Step 3: Invoke “Elemental Endurance”
Step 4: This defense negates all Flame, Frost, and Lightning damage that you received within the last second.
Step 5: For the next 10 seconds, invoke “Minimal” when hit by the above types of damage to reduce their amount to 1 point — this only affects the next three such attacks.
Elemental Aegis (-Aegis)
While wearing Heavy or Ultraheavy armor or wearing a Shield, you can use Energy Endurance above except that you expend Aegis instead of Focus and you invoke the skill as “Elemental Aegis”
(Complex Scrapper; +HP, +Aegis)
Requires: Any two Basic Scrapper/Weaver skills plus the ability to use Aegis
Protecting your limbs allows you a greater capacity to absorb or deflect attacks.
You are considered “Fully Armored” if you fulfill the following requirements:
Torso Armor: Wear Body, Heavy, or Ultraheavy Armor
Armored Limbs: Wear armor or armor-like clothing on both of your arms/hands and both of your legs/feet.
Refit Armor: Use the Refit armor action (see Armor Expertise) to regain “Fully Armored” to gain “Fully Armored” when you don’t have it.
You lose the “Fully Armored” benefits if you spend more than 5 minutes not wearing the required props. Therefore, you can take off your gloves or your boots for a short time without needing to Refit.
Fully Armored Benefits:
Improved Grit (+HP): Your maximum HP is increased by one. This will not allow you to exceed 10 HP.
Increased Armor (+Aegis): Your maximum Aegis is increased by one point, but this cannot exceed 5 Aegis.
Prop Requirements: You must be wearing armor props on all four limbs, such as bracers, chain sleeves, tall boots, greaves, chain hauberk, etc These must be made of thick or rigid material such as quilted cloth, leather, plastic or metal. Optionally, they may feature rigid material in their make. These are untagged items and must provide 50% coverage per limb when combined with any pauldrons, sleeves, skirts, etc
If a Stigmata prosthetic/covering for an arm or leg appears armored/reinforced and fulfills the coverage requirements, then it can count as arm or leg armor for this Skill.
(Complex Scrapper; Active-Aegis)
Requires: Any two Basic Scrapper skills
Your skill with armor can also protect others, not just yourself.
Guarding Aegis (-Aegis) You can intercept an attack to mitigate it with your armor.
Step 1: Be wearing any Armor while a nearby ally receives a melee attack
Step 2: As a Reaction, expend 1 Aegis.
Step 3: Augment and invoke this defense as “Guarding Aegis”
Step 4: Touch your ally with a hand or a melee weapon
Step 5: You negate all melee attacks that they received within the last second, except for those prefixed with “Master”.
Armored Guard (Non-Aug; Aftereffect): Shelter others with your armor. When you use Aegis or Patch Aegis, you have access to the following Aftereffect:
Within the next 3 seconds, invoke “Armored Guard”
This applies the Guard defense to an ally you touch with a melee weapon/hand
This functions like an augmented version of Guard and it does not require Focus to function.
(Erudite Scrapper; Active-Resolve, Aftereffect, Defense)
Requires; Any two Complex Scrapper skills and any two Basic Scrapper skills
Confidence and skill allow you to negate physical damage upon your person. This is especially useful while supported with a source of Resolve.
Step 1: You must be wearing Heavy or Ultraheavy Armor and have Resolve 3 or more.
Step 2: You are subject to an attack that inflicts “Damage” (i.e. Physical-type damage)
Step 3: As a Reaction, expend all of your Resolve, mentally noting your new total
Step 4: Invoke “Ironclad, negate” as a Defense
Step 5: This negates the attack
-- This cannot be used on attacks with the Piercing or Master prefixes
Elemental Resolve: “Ironclad” has additional functions if you are wearing/wielding an Armor or a Shield with an Augment that reduces or negates Flame, Frost, Lightning, Psychic, Corrosive, or Shadow damage or grants a Skill that does so. The presence of this Augment allows you to use “Ironclad” to negate such attacks. (E.G. Coldproof weave augment allows Ironclad to negate Frost)
(Erudite Defiant/Scrapper; Active-Conc, Cure Wound)
Requires: Any two Complex Scrapper/Defiant skills and any two Basic Scrapper/Defiant skills
You can power through hurts and wounds even without using Focus.
Step 1: Be suffering from a Strike and/or a Wound
Step 2: Receive a “Self-inflict 2”*
Step 3: Perform Conc-30. This is augmented by and prefixed with “Painful” (e.g. Painful concentration 1, etc)
Unlike normal concentration, this can be performed while affected by a Control effect (except for Dominate and Frenzy)
Step 4: Upon completion, invoke “Grim Recovery”
Step 5: You are Cured of Wounds and Strikes.
*If this damage brings you to 0 HP, you are brought to your Critical Death Count and will die in 30 seconds if unassisted.
(Erudite; Active-Concentration, Self-Revive)
Requires: Any two Complex Scrapper/Survivor skills and any two Basic Scrapper/Survivor skills
Your skill with armor means that lighter blows are easier to recover from.
To use this skill, you must be wearing Heavy or Ultraheavy Armor. Optionally, you can use this if your maximum HP is 10. This has the following benefits:
If you are brought to 0 HP by a melee or ranged attack that inflicts only 1 point of damage, your Self-Revive while Downed requires only 10 counts instead of 30 counts.
Replace “first aid” with “Iron Fortitude (e.g. “Iron Fortitude 1, Iron Fortitude 2, etc).
You are not able to use this Skill while you are in your Critical Death Count or if you receive 2 or more damage (any type) from a single attack while you are Downed.
(Erudite Scrapper; Active-Periodic, Defense, Aftereffect, Resolve, Cure-Blight)
Requires: Any two Complex Scrapper/Survivor skills and any two Basic Scrapper/Survivor skills
Your grit and resilience allows you to withstand the worst of attacks with a grin.
Once per Period, choose one of the options below to use this Skill. As a Periodic Skill, once this is used, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.
Option 1: Is that all?
Step 1: Receive a melee or ranged attack or a trap
Step 2: As a Reaction, invoke “Supreme Toughness, no effect”
Step 3: Stop your forward momentum and/or take a step away from your attacker.
Step 4: This negates all attacks that you just received within the last second. This includes Ambush-type attacks and those prefixed with “Master”.
Step 5: As an Aftereffect, invoke “Resolve 5” and gain this effect. This bypasses any limitation on granting Resolve that you may have but it cannot be increased.
Option 2: Juggernaut
Step 1: Invoke “Supreme Toughness”
Step 2: gain the “Impervious-10” status and begin counting “Impervious 1, Impervious 2, etc”
Step 3: When this status ends, invoke “Resolve 5” and gain this effect. .This bypasses any limitation on granting Resolve that you may have but it cannot be increased.
Relevant Rule: Impervious-10 status
-- This lasts for 10 counts or 10 seconds (whichever comes first)
-- No damage from basic melee attacks and they stop forward momentum
-- Other attacks have their damage reduced to 1 point except for Bane damage and Siege damage (i.e. Piercing 7+ damage), which disrupts this status
-- Walk or slow walk only.
-- For this Skill use, Shadow damage is bane to you unless something else is your Bane. In that case, use the Banes that are inherent to you.
(Erudite Scrapper; Active-Damage, Defense, Self-Inflict)
Requires; Any two Complex Scrapper skills and any two Basic Scrapper skills
You can root yourself in place, becoming difficult to move or to toss aside. To use this skill, see the procedure below
Step 1: Be wearing Body, Heavy, or Ultraheavy Armor
Step 2: Receive a Knockback or Pull effect
Step 3: As a Reaction, receive a “Self-inflict 2”
Step 4: Invoke “Immovable”
Step 5: This negates the effect.