Soother Discipline
Image by Nicco Salonga
Also known as Convalescence Discipline, these Skills can grant rest and repose to those with troubled hearts and souls. Invest in this Discipline if:
You want to play a singer, a preacher, den parent, or a balm to allies’ hurts
You want to heal as well as a doctor and cure spiritual afflictions
You want to play a Counselor with a focus on support and non-combat abilities
Calming Confessor: Use your words to lend healing to your ally’s spirit
Restful Composition: Grant Rest to those who listen to your oration or songs.
Treat Injury: quickly heal wounds or examine injuries.
Fiery Exorcism: Remove Curses and Hauntings from your allies through force of will.
Soothing Composition: Grant Rest to a greater number of people.
Soothing Aspect (ATN): Your inner peace is able to help with the mending of others.
Place of Peace: Maintain a hallowed place that strengthens this discipline.
Greater Soothing Aspect (ATN): Your Soothing Aspect gains more abilities.
Quell the Warp: Protect yourself and allies against Warp effects
Supreme Composition (1/P): You may grant Rest to all who hear you.
Symbol of Peace: Become a Place of Peace for others.
Unflinching Spirit: Protect yourself against the pain, rot, and curses of the world.
(Basic Soother; Active-Task, Imbue-Cure/Faith)
Soothers are known for their ability to lend respite and rest to their allies. This Skill reflects that by allowing you the subfunctions below:
Calming Healer: You are able to bestow healing on patients when out of combat (no fighting w/in 50 ft, sight, hearing). You use this on yourself, replacing Step 2 with simple meditation.
Step 1: Select 1-2 persons within 10 feet as your patient(s).
Step 2: For at least 1 minute, soothe them with conversation, hear them out, and/or pray over them.. Combine this with a simulation of bandaging or similar healthcare activity.
Step 3: Invoke “Heal 10, Cure Wounds and Blight” to bestow those effects on your patient(s)
Enkindle Faith: Enkindle your faith in others, that it may one day flourish within them.
Step 1: Select 1-2 persons within 10 feet as your patient(s).
Step 2: For at least 1 minute, pray over them
Step 3: Write “Enkindled Faith (X)” as an ATN on the character’s backsheet, where “X” is the name of your faith or its god/divinity.
Becoming Faithful: Enkindled Faith takes up one unoccupied Attunement (ATN). After an Event, it no longer requires an ATN and becomes a semi-permanent part of a character. One’s faith can be renounced at any time, but returning to it requires a repeat of the above procedure. If “Enkindled Faith” is renounced while it is an ATN, that slot doesn’t become unoccupied until the next Event.
Some beneficial Skills have improved effects when used on a person of the same Faith.
(Basic Soother; Active-Task, Rest, Vocal)
You are able to revitalize your allies with your words. This must be done out of combat (no fighting within 50 feet and within sight/hearing). To do this, follow the procedure below:
Step 1: Execute a performance (musical, prayerful, and/or oratory) for at least 5 minutes
Step 2: Determine your Audience (anyone w/in 50 ft). They must be actively listening, applauding, or even participating in your performance. Include yourself, if desired.
Step 3: Clarify this Skill’s effects, choosing one of the options below.
-- Option 1: Heal 10 plus Cure Strikes and Wounds,
-- Option 2: Lasting Resolve 2** (can be chosen multiple times, increasing by +1, max 5)
-- Option 3: Imbue Invigorated Status (requires 2+ helpers, counts as 3 picks)
When a character gains this status, they remain “Invigorated” for the remainder of the Event unless they drop to 0 HP or they expend the status.
To do the latter, they simply invoke “Invigorate, Heal X”, where X is half their max HP (round up). This reflects that the character is rested enough to draw upon their inner reserves for a second wind to keep fighting.
Helpers: You can use this Skill cooperatively with allies who are using Restful Composition, Soothing Meal, or Restore Focus. Each skill user can add an effect from their own list.
(Basic Doctor/Soother/Survivor; Active-Conc/Focus, Imbue-Heal/Cure, Examine)
You are able to quickly patch an ally, even through the stress of combat.
Step 1: Wear an Herb Kit
Step 2: With an empty hand, touch with your patient’s shoulder with one empty hand and/or simulate bandaging them
Step 3: Perform iConc-7 while doing the above
Step 4: Upon completion, invoke one of the options below to bestow their effects
Option 1: “Remedy - Heal 1”
Option 2: ”Remedy - Cure Wounds”
Option 3 ”Examine - What Diseases are affecting you”
Option 4: ”Examine - How many Grave Scars do you have”
Option 5: ”Examine - What Control effects are you suffering?”
Swift Remedy (-Focus): If you expend 1 Focus when using this skill, you can invoke “Remedy” as “Swift Remedy” to lower the required iConc to iConc-2, and increase the effect to “Heal 3”.
(Complex Soother; Active-Task, ATN, Purify-Aug, Dispel)
Requires: Any two basic Soother skills, including Calming Confessor
Through words, willpower, and fiery reagents, you can drive out Curses from a patient or repel. This requires that you be at a Hallowed Shrine to your faith or be attuned to “Soothing Aspect” or “Inspiring Aspect”. This Skill allows for the following subfunctions:
Cure Curses (Long Task): Use the Calming Confessor skill with the following alterations:
This requires a Long Task (5+ minutes) instead of a Short Task.
The role-play must simulate praying, singing or otherwise orating a spiritual malady away.
Instead of its normal effects, invoke “Cure (X) Curse!” and sacrifice a CMP - this determines this Skill’s strength. X = Basic, Greater, or Anathemic (see below)
Basic Fire or Astral CMP - Cure all Basic Curses from one Patient
Rare Fire or Astral CMP - As above plus Greater Curses
Pure Fire or Astral CMP - As above plus Anathemic Curses
Special Note: Some Curses may need extra CMP or have special requirements.
Disrupt Conjuration (iConc-30): Unravel energies using the procedure below. This also allows you to assist others if they are working on the same target.
Step 1: Perform a Conc-30 while in arm’s reach of a Conjuration or spirit
Step 2: Invoke “Disrupt Conjuration”
Step 3a (on a Conjuration): This will dispel a Conjuration, such as a magical hazard or an arcane prison. This has no effect on a Greater Conjuration.
Step 3b (on a Spirit): All spirits within arm’s reach and step of you must retreat and can’t return for 10 minutes. Clarify this, if needed.
(Complex Soother; Active-Task/ATN, Aspect)
Requires: Any two Basic Soother skills
You may enter into a mental state that greatly enhances your ability to soothe hurts and cleanse corruption at the cost of your fighting spirit
Step 1: Have no other Aspect ATNs on your person
Step 2: Write “Soothing Aspect” to two empty ATN slots.
Step 3: Perform 5+ minutes of meditation, song, or prayer in private
Step 4: Gain the benefits and limitations below. This Aspect lasts for 1 Event.
After you have completed these requirements above, you gain the following effects below.
Serene Healing (+Heal): Your “Heal” on others (aka outgoing healing) via Treat Injury or a Healing Spell is increased by +1. This never exceeds “Heal 5”.
Bonded First Aid (iConc-5): When you use First Aid on a Bonded ally or a member of your Faith, it only requires an iConc-5. This never affects “Self-Revive”.
Distill Curse (Craft): When using Fiery Exorcism to “Cure Curse” or “Cure Disease”, you can expend your Craft action for this Period to improve its effects as follows:
1-5 Patients. The Bonus Output Augment can increase this to 10 patients.
Cure Basic/Greater Curses, except for Incurable or Infectious Curses.
Waive the CMP cost. Furthermore, you are awarded a Minor CMP for each Basic/Greater Curse tag submitted to Game Staff. This is similar to the Doctor’s Distill Disease skill.
Raise the Dead: You can use Calming Healer over a single dead ally to imbue a Greater Revive on them. This is similar to the Doctor’s Medical Redemption skill.
Soothing Expertise: Your Treat Injury skill has a Healing cap of 7 instead of 5. This has no effect on those who have their Healing abilities diminished.
Do no harm: Your attacks are weakened, preventing you from dealing more than 1 point of damage and from inflicting Wound effects. Note that Self-Inflict effects are never mitigated by such penalties.
(Complex Soother; Active-Task, Aug, Vocal, Rest)
Requires: Any two basic Soother skills, including Restful Composition
This Skill represents a greater expertise in the performing arts. When using “Restful Composition”, you may augment it and invoking it as “Soothing Composition”. This has the benefits below:
The following choices are added to your options at the end of your performance.
-- Additional Option 1: “Lasting Resolve 3” (solo only)
-- Additional Option 2: “Cure Blight”
-- Additional Option 3: “Cure Basic Curses”
(Complex Soother; Active-Craft, Aug)
Requires: Any two basic Soother skills, including Calming Confessor
Soothers are especially strengthened when they work with certain Workshops, such as the Hallowed Shrine. This Skill allows a Soother to help in one’s creation and also grants new abilities while using one.
Hallowed Carpentry (Craft): When your allies are Crafting certain Workshops, you can add your Craft action and your efforts toward the cause. If you have any Counselor Aspect ATN, you are counted as having an Adept ATN or Necrotheurgic Anchor for this project.
Hallowed Shrine
Bone Garden
Mana Lodge (Spirit Circle)
Mana Lodge (Outsider Obelisk)
Biomancer Hatchery
Hallowed Confessor: While at a Hallowed Shrine of your Faith or while using “Symbol of Peace”, you may augment the Calming Confessor skill (if you have it) to upgrade its effects.
Heal the Flock (Short Task): When using the Calming Healer subfunction, you can augment it so that you affect up to five patients with “Heal 5” and “Cure Wounds”. You need to have addressed each individual by name at least once during this Task and at least one of them must be Bonded allies (by Blood, Oaths, or Command) or Enkindled to your Faith.
Cure and Distill Curses and Diseases: From a Hallowed Shrine, you can use Fiery Exorcism and a Craft action to Cure Basic/Greater Diseases and Curses without a CMP cost, Soothing Aspect, or its upgrade. Incurable, Infectious, and Anathemic Afflictions cannot be cured this way.
Pray at the Altar: If you pray/worship using Soothing/Restful/Supreme Composition, you have one additional pick using that Skill
Raise the Dead (Long Task): You can use Fiery Exorcism on 1-5 several dead allies to imbue a Greater Revive on them -- praying/singing/calling them back to life. This otherwise works like the Doctor’s Medical Redemption skill.
(Erudite Soother; ATN, Aspect)
Requires: Any two Complex Soother skills and any two Basic Soother skills, including Soothing Aspect
Your Soothing Aspect becomes greatly enhanced when you get this Skill as your personal calm exudes outwards. You gain the following effects while you are attuned to Soothing Aspect.
Cure Disease (Craft): When you use “Calming Confessor” to cure Curses, you can also cure and Distill Diseases of Basic and Greater strength. You cannot affect Infectious or Anathemic Diseases.
Curse Resistance (-Focus): You may expend 1 Focus and invoke “Endure Curse” to negate a Blight effect or a Curse that you have received in the last 3 seconds. You are not able to negate an Incurable or an Anathemic Disease using this Aspect.
Unflinching Presence: If you have Unflinching Spirit, you can use it to negate effects on allies.
Serenity Within: When you use Treat Injury or a Healing spell on yourself, you can replace the effect with “Heal 2”. This is not an increase to healing.
(Erudite Soother; Active-Focus/Resolve, Aura/Warp-Defense)
Requires: Any two Complex Soother skills and any two Basic Soother skills
Through some knowledge of the occult and your own spiritual strength, you can defend yourself or allies from otherworldly energies. This skill has the subfunctions below:
Quell the Occult (requires Runewand or Warbanner): You are able to ward away attacks from yourself and/or a nearby ally using your strength of will and knowledge of the occult. Instead of a Runewand, you can have an Eldritchcraft/Runic weaponry item or a Crystalline/Bravery Rune/Oculisk Banner.
Step 1: You OR an ally within arm’s reach are hit by Frost, Psychic or Shadow damage of 3 points or less.. This cannot be used vs. Ambush or Master-type attacks.
Step 2: As a Reaction, invoke “Quell”
Step 3: Stop forward momentum or step away from the attack.
Step 4: Raise the banner, shield, or weapon. If you are using Quell on an ally, you may convey the effect via hand touch or weapon touch.
Step 5: This negates the Frost, Psychic, or Shadow attack.
Use Limit: Once this is used, you need to recenter yourself via a qConc-10 while raising your weapon/shield/banner before you can use it again.
Focused Quell (-Focus; requires Runewand or Warbanner): As above, for stronger attacks with the following exceptions:
-- This affects attacks that inflict any amount of Frost, Psychic or Shadow damage
-- Invoke this as “Focused Quell”
-- During Step 1, also expend 1 Focus. You can’t use this if you have 0 Focus.
-- This doesn’t have the Use Limit above.
Resist Warp (Resolve)
Step 1: Have Resolve 1 or more and receive a “Warp” attack (e.g. Warp Aura, Warp)
Step 2: As a Reaction, invoke “Resist Warp”
Step 3: You negate this attack.
Step 4: For the next minute approximately, you can negate such attacks by taking 2 steps away after being struck.
(Erudite Soother; Active-Period, Rest-Aug, Vocal, Resolve)
Requires: Any two Complex Soother skills and any two basic Soother skills
You can devote incredible effort to a performance, doing the work of an orchestra by yourself.
Once per Period, you may choose one of the choices below As a Periodic Skill, once this is used, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.
— Choice 1: Augmented Composition —
To use this skill, simply perform the Restful Composition skill as normal. However, you are counted as three people with “Restful Composition” when it comes to determining which effects and how many effects you can administer via this performance. You can still receive up to 4 helpers of additional assistance.
-- Additional Option 1: “Regain all Aegis“
-- Additional Option 2: “Lasting Resolve 5” (solo only)
-- Additional Option 3: Endure Curse (1 ATN; -Focus):
You can spend 1 Focus and invoke “Endure Curse” to negate a Basic/Greater Curse or a Blight effect when you would be affected by them.
— Choice 2: Battle Verse —
Step 1: Speak a short verse (4 line max) or short speech -- this can be during combat.
Step 2: Invoke “Supreme Composition”
Step 3: Imbue “Resolve 5” to yourself and up to 5 allies via melee touch (wave 5). You must deliver this skill’s effects before 10 seconds have elapsed and without moving your feet.
(Erudite Soother; Active-Conc)
Requires: Any two Complex Soother skills and any two basic Soother skills
When there are no havens or shelter around, you are able to become what your people need.
You have presence and majesty enough to be your own Hallowed Shrine (without property abilities) for the purposes of the Place of Peace skill. This also allows non-religious individuals to benefit from that skill.
Symbol of Peace has the following requirements:
Warbanner: It must have your personal symbol, heraldry, brand/logo, or a symbol of your faith. This symbol can be a derivation of your organization or Guild’s symbol -- but it must be your own.
Position: You must be within 10 feet of your warbanner and no one else must be actively using it. Similarly, no one else can use you as their “shrine”.
No Combat: No fighting must be occurring within 50 feet, sight, or hearing.
Effect: You can benefit from the Hallowed Confessor function of Place of Peace, replacing the prayer with music, oration, or a similar performance. This skill has additional functions below
-- Scarless Revive (Craft, CMP): If you use “Raise the Dead” while expending a Craft action and a Pure Astral CMP, you can revive a character that has been dead for an hour or less without them gaining a Grave Scar. They must have less than 5 Grave Scars and they may not have more than 5 Max HP for the remainder of the Event -- this skill’s use must be marked on their sheet.
Prop Requirements: A Warbanner as described above.
(Erudite Soother; Active-Focus/Self inflict, Pain/Rot/Frenzy/Curse-Defense)
Requires: Any two Complex Soother skills and any two basic Soother skills
Art and faith are sometimes at odds, but they share one commonality -- the tempering and the strengthening of one’s soul. This Skill allows you to use any of the following Defenses:
Resist Pain (Resolve 1+, Self-inflict 2): While you have at least 1 Resolve, you invoke “Resist Pain” immediately when afflicted by a Pain Strike (but not a Wound or Blight). This negates the Control effect but self inflicts 2 damage.
Resist Rot (Resolve 1+, Self-inflict 2): This works as above except it works with Rot Strikes and is invoked as “Resist Rot”
Resist Frenzy (Resolve 1+, Self-inflict 2): This works as above except it works with Frenzy Strikes and is invoked as “Resist Frenzy”
Endure Curse (-Focus): Expend 1 Focus and invoke “Endure Curse” to negate a Blight effect or a Curse that you have received in the last 3 seconds. This cannot negate an Incurable or an Anathemic Curse.