Image by Nicco Salonga
Called Mechanica or Engineering to some, individuals of this Discipline are crafters of devices and miscellania. Invest in this Discipline if:
You want to play a Gadgeteer, an Engineer, or a similar artisan of miscellania.
You want to be a user of gadgets that can hinder your enemies or aid your allies.
You want to be good at disarming locks and traps, even hacking into very rare computers.
Relevant Rules: Crafting Process
Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet
Step 2: Give Game Staff the necessary Components (CMP) for this Craft, if there are any.
Step 3: Get the item tag from Staff, if needed
Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay reflecting this Craft
Step 5: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed.
Basic Skills
Device Maker (Craft): Craft a Scrap Kit or Create a Basic Device or Basic Equipment.
Disarm Device: Disable a basic device, such as a trap or a lock.
Improvised Repair: Repair Sundered weapons or armor.
Complex Skills
Arcane Artifice (Craft): Create and use Arcane kits and equipment
Clockwork Gadgeteer (Craft): Modify an Advanced Scrap Kit with a useful gadget.
Expert Tinker (Craft): Create Advanced Scrap Kits and Advanced Equipment
Strengthen Item: add temporary strength to a weapon or armor.
Tech Diver: Disarm advanced Devices and Conjurations
Erudite Skills
Eldritch Gadgetry (Craft): Create Eldritch devices or gadgets.
High-Tech Tinker (Craft): Create Magna-tech or Apex-tech devices or gadgets.
Master of Tinkering: This is the Mastery skill for the Tinker Discipline.
Metabionic Gadgeteer (Craft): Become an expert in Metabionic gadgetry
Supreme Disarmament (1/P): Quickly disarm superior devices or repair many weapons.
Xenotech Savant (Craft): Create strange magical devices or gadgets.
(Basic Tinker; Active-Craft, Create-Kit/Device)
Tinkers are versatile makers of gadgets and miscellaneous items, as reflected below:
As a Craft-Ritual action, you may craft a single item. For at least 10 minutes, you are expected to be performing role-playing that reflects the creation of said items – this means organizing gathered herbs, putting pieces of scrap metal together, using a screwdriver on some screws, etc. Take note that once you perform a Craft-Ritual action, you may not perform another one until the current Period has passed.
Create Basic Scrap Kit: This requires a backpack, messenger bag or a series of pouches that reflect its function as a keeper of useful tools and scrap parts - these are necessary for certain Builder Disciplines. As per usual, this requires the expenditure of Components (aka CMP).
Create Basic Herb Kit: Similar to above except that Herb Kits are filled with medicinal herbs or chemicals - these are necessary for certain Builder Disciplines.
Create Basic Equipment: Alternatively, your Craft-Ritual action may instead create one Basic Equipment item such as a rope, a lantern, a lockbox, miscellaneous or precise equipment.
Augmented Crafting: If your Craft action is Augmented (e.g. when done during Market Hour), you may choose between one of the following bonuses:
Bonus Output: Make/upkeep 1-2 additional Basic Herb/Scrap Kits or use a Scrap Kit to make/upkeep 1-2 additional Basic Equipment items.
Bonus Quality: As though you had Expert Tinker, make/upkeep one Advanced Scrap/Herb Kit with an Expert Kit Augment or any other Kit Augment that you have access to.. Alternatively, use a Scrap Kit to make one Expert Equipment item
(Basic Tinker; Active-Conc, Disarm)
You are able to dismantle lockboxes, traps, vine walls, and similar items. Individuals with these skill sets, whether magical or technological, are colloquially called Lockpicks or Defusers.
Step 1A: Be within arm’s reach of your target object or creature
Step 1B: Have a Scrap Kit and a hand that is not holding anything
Step 2: Perform iConc-30 while remaining within reach of the target
Step 3: Invoke “Basic Disarm”
Step 4: This destroys a lock, trap, or similar device of basic quality or worse. This may accomplish a mission objective or remove an obstacle to doing so.
Such hindrances and hazards are typically clarified or labeled accordingly. Basic Locks are designated with a Padlock symbol or a “L” while Traps are designated with a “<” or a “T”. Advanced Devices are encircled while Superior Devices have their symbols or letters enclosed in a rectangle or a circle and a rectangle.
Cooperative Effort: If you work together with another Lockpick or a Versatile Artisan, you can declare that you are cooperating with them. This functions as the process above except that you collectively designate the action’s leader -- they invoke the Conc count, halting if any of you are disrupted. This lowers the count to iConc-10.
Disarmed Scrap: Disarming a Device using this skill effectively turns it into useful scrap. You may turn in the Device item tag to Logistics in exchange for a Minor CMP (usually metal or earth).
Prop: It is recommended that you carry a pair of dull scissors or a dull knife for use in cutting strings or tape.
(Basic Tinker; Active-Conc/Task, Repair)
Through experience and ingenuity, you are able to mend breaks and fractures in many items.
Using a Scrap Kit, this skill allows you to repair Weaponry or Armor as though you had the Repair Armor or Repair Weaponry skill with a Conc count or as a Long Task This does not allow for the “Quick Use” function of those skills.
(Complex Tinker; Active-Craft, Aug)
Requires: Any two complex Tinker skills and any two basic Tinker skills
Even without being a spellcaster, this skill allows you to make simple but useful talismans that radiate and manipulate eldritch energy, as showcased by the following functions
Arcane Equipment (requires Scrap Kit): When you use Device Maker, you have new options below:
-- Sorcerous Equipment
-- Calming Lantern
Arcane Gadget Proficiency: Add Arcane Gadget Augments to your options for when you make an Advanced or Superior Scrap Kit. Also, waive the self-inflicted effects from when you use Arcane Gadgets.
Arcane Lamp (requires Scrap Kit, Conc-10): You can temporarily modify a light source you are holding so that you and nearby allies can see and speak to spirits. This is similar to the Channeler’s Arcane Ember skill. This light remains modified until you modify a different light, let go of it, or an hour has passed.
(Complex Junker/Tinker; Active-Craft/Ritual, Aug)
Requires: Any two basic Junker/Tinker skills
You are skilled with grinding gear and winding spring, able to tease them into instruments of immense utility and flexibility.
Clockwork Equipment (requires Scrap Kit): When you use Device Maker, you have new options below:
-- Clockwork Equipment
-- Warming Lantern
-- Purifying Lantern
Clockwork Gadget Proficiency: Add Clockwork Gadget Augments to your options for when you make/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Scrap Kit. Halve the Concentration required when you use Clockwork Gadgets (rounding up). These cannot be lowered further.
Tweak Skill Kit (requires Scrap Kit, long task): Modify a Skill Kit by adding mini capacitors or heat sinks.
Step 1: have an non-Tweaked Skill Kit with a Vial or Gadget augment
Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of simulating this process
Step 3: Choose between Flame, Frost, and Lightning (see effect)
Step 4: Clarify the effect below, if necessary to the item’s user.
Effect: For the current Period or the next hour (whichever is longer), the user of this Vial or Gadget can have its attacks inflict XX instead of its normal damage type. XX is the choice made by the Tinker.
(Complex Tinker; Active-Craft, Aug, Imbue-Boost)
Requires: Any two basic Tinker skills
Your expertise with devices and equipment has progressed to more intricate and hardier works. While weaponry and weaving are beyond the scope of this skill, its versatility and utility remain of the utmost ability.
Expert Gadgetry: When you use Device Maker, you have new options. Of note is the ability to craft/upkeep an Advanced Herb/Scrap Kit, which has bonus abilities from its Kit Augment (aka Aug), depending on which Augment it is made with. Remember that Advanced and Superior items deteriorate into Basic-quality after 3 Events.
Advanced Herb Kit (1 Aug)
Advanced Rope/Chain/Doorlock/Lockbox
Advanced Scrap Kit (1 Aug)
Herb Shop (requires Scrap Kit)
Hallowed Shrine (requires Scrap Kit)
Powered Equipment (requires Scrap Kit)
Scrap Shop (requires Scrap Kit)
Small Buildings (requires Scrap Kit)
Apply Kit Augment: when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Herb or Scrap Kit, this skill lets you choose from the Expert Kit Augments list
Augmented Crafting: You can now opt for one of the benefits below when your Crafting with Device Maker is Augmented, fulfilling the normal costs/requirements as per usual.
Bonus Output: Make/upkeep 1-2 extra Advanced Herb/ Scrap Kits or use a Scrap Kit to make up to 1-3 Equipment items you know how to make.
Bonus Quality: You may expend components to make one Superior Skill Kit. With a Superior Scrap Kit, you may make Equipment from the Master of Tinkering Skill.
(Complex Tinker; Active-Task/Craft, Aug, Imbue-Tweak)
Requires: Any two basic Tinker skills
You can make temporary modifications on your items or an ally’s items. Because these are not Craft actions, these services can be done for (or sold to) ally during times of rest or respite.
Tweak Weapon (requires Scrap Kit, long task) Modify a Weapon by adding mini capacitors or heat sinks. .
Step 1: Choose a non-Tweaked Weapon or Armor as the subject of this skill
Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of simulating this process
Step 3: Choose between Flame, Frost, and Lightning (see effect)
Step 4: Clarify the effect below, if necessary to the item’s user.
Effect: For the current Period or the next hour (whichever is longer), the user of this Weapon can have its Smites and Death Blows inflict XX instead of its normal damage type. XX is the choice made by the Tinker.
Tweak Armor (requires Scrap Kit, long task): Alternatively, you can reinforce an armored person. This functions as per the procedure above except that the armored person you target gains the Lasting Patch status. This lasts for the rest of the Event or until expended by invoking “Patch Aegis” in response to an attack. This is similar to the Aegis defense and has the same limits, but it cannot be augmented.
Volatile Gadgets Proficiency: Add Volatile Gadgets Augments to your options for when you make an Advanced or Superior Scrap Kit. Also, waive the self-inflicted effects and halve their Concentration requirements (round up) when you use the properties of Volatile Augments. These cannot be lowered further.
Prop requirements: A ribbon or tassel wrapped around the weapon or a piece of the armor, written legibly upon it is your Character Sheet Number (CSN).
(Complex Tinker; Active-Conc/Focus, Disarm)
Requires: Any two Basic Tinker skills and the ability to use Basic Disarm
Your expertise at dismantling devices grows so that you can now affect magical matrixes called Conjurations and even Dive into computers
Disarming Expertise (requires Scrap Kit): When you use the Disarm Device skill, its functionality is improved by this skill At the end of your Concentration count you may invoke one of the following below instead of “Basic Disarm”
-- Greater Disarm: Disarm locks or traps of Advanced quality or worse, turning them into scrap.
-- Disrupt Conjuration: Disrupt a Conjuration or drive away a Spirit within melee reach for 10 minutes. This does not require that you Concentrate next to your target.
-- Dive System: Dive into a Pre-Fall computer to peruse its contents.
Quick Fingers: You can reduce the Conc count of your Basic or Greater Disarm by 5 counts. This cannot be lower than Conc-10.
Ancient Tech: This skill also grants you some knowledge of Ancient Tech and you are able to understand the majority of a computer’s files. Take note that most files are corrupted and the amount of information that you can glean from a Pre-Fall computational device is incredibly limited, if such devices have not been destroyed by the Magnetic Mana Storms that ravage the planet.
Cooperative Defusing (requires Scrap Kit, iConc-30): If you have 2 other Lockpicks or Versatile Artisans working with you, the leading Lockpick can invoke a “Superior Disarm” after an iConc-30 which cannot be lowered (even by Cooperative Effort). This allows you to disarm Superior Traps and Superior Locks, but your Conc is disrupted if any of your group is disrupted.
If you have the Master of Tinkering skill, you only need one other Lockpick or Versatile Artisan with you.
(Erudite Tinker; Active-Craft, Aug)
Requires: Any two complex Tinker skills and any two basic Tinker skills
You have delved deep into the lores of the supernatural and the sorcerous, melding the new sciences with magic. This allows you to craft these special augments even without Arcane talent.
Eldritch Engineering (requires Scrap Kit): When you use Device Maker, you have new options below. However, non-magical users of this skill must make up for the lack of magic by using a Mana Lodge or Etheric Expertise above.
-- Bone Garden (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)
-- Eldritchtech Gadgets (requires Adept ATN)
-- Hallowed Shrine
-- Mana Lodge (Arcane Orrery; requires Adept ATN)
-- Mana Lodge (Outsider Obelisk; requires Adept ATN)
-- Mana Lodge (Spirit Circle; requires Adept ATN)
-- Spectral Gadgets (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)
-- Vibrant Rune Lantern
Furthermore, you may halve the Spectral Gadget’s Self-inflicted Control effect and completely waive the Eldritchtech Gadget’s Self-inflicted damage when you use them. The former cannot be reduced further.
Etheric Expertise (Tinker; requires Scrap Kit): This allows you to create magical items despite a lack of magical ability. You are counted as having an Adept ATN when you use Tinker skills if you are assisted by an ally with an Adept ATN -- they must also expend a Craft-Ritual action or be using a Ritual to assist you (e.g. Detect Method, Project Power, Transmute Element)
Versatile Fate Binding (requires Scrap Kit and Adept ATN): Bind a Weaponry, Weaver, or Skill Kit item to a willing owner. This is similar to the Brewer’s Eldritch Elixirist skill.
(Erudite Tinker; Active-Craft, Aug)
Requires: Any two complex Tinker skills and any two basic Tinker skills
You have reached the cutting edge of the new sciences, as far as the Tinker Discipline is concerned. Ethertronics is as magical as actual sorcery to the common person, a small taste of the World that Was.
Apex Artifice: When you use Device Maker, you can now choose from the options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: Hyper Refined Etherite -- this can be mitigated by certain high tech Town Expansions.
-- Apex Lab (requires Scrap Kit, Hyper Refined Etherite x5)
-- Ethertronic Equipment (requires Scrap Kit)
-- Ethertronic Gadget (requires Hyper Refined Etherite) Augment for Scrap Kit
-- Magna Forge (requires Scrap Kit)
-- Magna Powered Gadget: Augments for Scrap Kits
-- Superior Herb Kit (has 2 Augs)
-- Superior Scrap Kit (has 2 Augs)
-- Rationality Lantern
Furthermore, when you use the above Gadgets, halve their required Concentration count, Targeting count and waive their Self-inflicted damage when you use them. The former cannot be reduced further. This does not affect Skills granted by the Augment.
Magna Tracer (any item; requires Scrap Kit and Magna Field or Magna Forge):
-- When you make or upkeep any item, you modify one of those items so that it can’t be used by anyone else and so that its owner can easily find it. This is not an Augment, costing 3 Basic Lightning CMP and an ATN slot from the owner for the next 3 Events. This item cannot be lost, stolen, or destroyed except by extraordinary circumstances. Somehow, the owner can find it during the same Event.
(Erudite Junker/Tinker; Active-Craft, Aug)
Requires: Any two complex Junker/Tinker skills and any two basic Junker/Tinker skills and the ability to craft or upkeep Scrap Kits
You are learned of the new sciences aka Nueva Ciencia, especially magnetic mana technology. This skill allows you to create and utilize these knowledges accordingly.
Magna Tech Engineering: When you use Device Maker, you can now choose from the options below. Some of them require that the crafter generates a Magna Field to power the creation process and the product. Skill Kits with the Magna Batt augment and the Magna Forge Workshop are the main methods of doing so, but other ways exist.
-- Magna Forge (requires Scrap Kit)
-- Magna Powered Gadget Augments for Scrap Kits
-- Magna Tech Lantern
-- Motorized Equipment (requires Magna Field)
-- Scrap Shop
-- Superior Scrap Kit (2 Augs)
-- Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs)
-- Superior Weaver Item (Requires Scrap Kit; has 2 Augs)
Magna Tech Resistance (requires Scrap Kit): Constant use of Magna Tech has granted you the use of the Resist Magna Storm skill as though you had it, with the following exception:
-- You must be wielding a Shield or a metal/mostly metal weapon when you use this Skill. Furthermore, whenever you use Resist Magna Storm, stomp your foot or raise your shield/metal item to ground the electricity.
Metabionic Surgery: You can implant of Metabionic equipment into a person.
Implant Metabionic Graft: You are able to grant the Metabionic Stigmata on a willing, non-Grafted ally This painful process is outlined in the Metabionic Stigmata section.
Implant Metabionic Trait: You can implant a Metabionic Trait upon a willing Metabionic ally (see Metabionic Stigmata)
Requires: Any two complex Tinker skills and any two basic Tinker skills, including Expert Tinker
This skill grants you the ability to create different kinds of Superior Kits, as well as different types of Workshops. Its greatest boon is its Mastercraft action, which allows for the creation of more items and effects.
Master Tinker: When you use Device Maker, you have new options.
Superior Herb Kit (2 Augs)
Superior Rope/Chain/Doorlock/Lockbox
Superior Scrap Kit (2 Augs)
Hallowed Shrine Workshop
Masterwork Equipment
Gadget Mastery: When you use a ranged attack from a Gadget (e.g. Hook Bracer, Tesla Gauntlet), you can prefix it with “Piercing” so that it affects your target even if it hits their weapon, claw, or shield.
Improvised Gadgetry: Your skill with Gadgets is such that your Scrap Kits house jury-rigged contraptions without need for upkeep. When you learn this Skill, choose an Augment Property from a Gadget
You must have the Skills to make it
It cannot require a Superior CMP.
It must have a Conc or Targ count
While you have Master of Tinkering and are wearing a Scrap Kit, you can use that Property even if your Skill Kit does not have that Augment currently. However, its Conc/Targ count is not halved.
Mastercraft Action (requires Scrap Kit, 1/Event): Perform a Mastercraft action once per Event, benefiting from one or both effects below. This does not expend the use of other Mastercraft skills in the same Event.
Benefit 1: Craft with Ease: When you use Cloth Maker, Device Maker, or Weapon Maker, it does not count as your Craft-Ritual action for that Period, owing to the versatility of this Discipline
Benefit 2: Mass Production: If used to make Skill Kits or Equipment, you create 4 additional Skill Kits or Equipment, paying the cost for each one. These can be different items if desired. This can be used with Bonus Output and used with the “Craft Items” Interim Action.
Benefit 3: Additional Disarmament: You can invoke “Master of Tinkering” when you use Supreme Disarmament. This allows you to use that Periodic Skill without it counting against that Period or to use it when you’ve already used it for that Period.
(Erudite Junker/Tinker ; Active-Conc/Periodic, Disarm)
Requires: Any two complex Junker/Tinker and any two basic Junker/Tinker skills
You can leverage mechanical expertise and precision into a single moment of prowess.
Once per Period, while wearing a Scrap Kit, perform a Conc-5 and then choose one of the options below to use this Skill. As a Periodic Skill, once this is used, it cannot be used again until the next Period and after you have completed a 10 minute Rest.
Option 1: “Supreme Disarm” - This instantly disarms a Superior Lock or Superior Trap. If there is an item or effect tag for the trap, you may return it to the Logistics room in exchange for a minor CMP, as per Disarm Device
Option 2: “Supreme Mending“ - This allows you to imbue a “Field-Repair” on up to five Sundered Weaponry items you touch in the next 5 seconds. You may not move your feet or this skill’s use is disrupted.
Option 3: “Supreme Patch” - This allows you to Quick Patch up to five armored allies you touch in the next 5 seconds. You may not move your feet or this skill’s use is disrupted. You can choose yourself as one of the targets.
(Erudite Tinker; Active-Craft/CMP, Create-Kit Augments)
Requires: Any two complex Tinker skills and any two basic Tinker skills
The writhing lores of the Hatchery and of abyssal flesh have been made open to you and have drunk deep into their depths.
Biomantic Gadgetry (requires Scrap Kit): When you use Device Maker, you have new options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: the Flesh of the Empress -- this can be mitigated by certain magical Town Expansions.
-- Biomancer Hatchery (requires Scrap Kit, Flesh of the Empress x5)
-- Eldritch Equipment
-- Spectral Gadgets (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)
-- Superior Herb Kit (has 2 Augs)
-- Superior Scrap Kit (has 2 Augs)
-- Symbiotic Gadget Augment (requires Flesh of the Empress)
Furthermore, your Conc/Targ counts with Symbiotic Gadgets are halved and waive the Self-inflicted damage from the use of Symbiotic and Arcane Gadgets. This cannot be lowered further.
Tweak Skill Kit (requires Scrap Kit, long task) Modify a Skill Kit by adding tiny symbiotic organisms or using eldritch runes.
Step 1: have an non-Tweaked Skill Kit with a Vial or Gadget augment
Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of simulating this process
Step 3: Choose between Shadow, Psychic, and Corrosive (see effect)
Step 4: Clarify the effect below, if necessary to the item’s user.
Effect: For the current Period or the next hour (whichever is longer), the user of this Vial or Gadget can have its attacks inflict XX instead of its normal damage type. XX is the choice made by the Tinker.
Xenotech Expertise (requires Scrap Kit): Your exposure to monstrous energies has left you stronger in spirit. You may use the Resist Fear skill as though you had it, with the following additional requirement:
-- After you invoke the skill, you must simulate adjusting your goggles/eyewear (if you have any), adjusting your Scrap Kit, having it jolt you with electricity, or any similar action that reflects using technology to deflect supernatural fear or psychic frequencies.