Image by Nicco Salonga
Sometimes called Weaponsmithing or Warmongering, this Discipline allows for the creation, repair, and augmentation of weapons and shields. Invest in this Discipline if:
You want to arm your comrades and ensure their victories in combat
You want to play an arms dealer, a weapon connoisseur, a damage focused Builder, or a maker of legendary weaponry.
You don’t want to rely on someone else for your weapons’ creation/maintenance.
Relevant Rules: Crafting Process
Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet
Step 2: Give Game Staff the necessary Components (CMP) for this Craft, if there are any.
Step 3: Get the item tag from Staff, if needed
Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay reflecting this Craft
Step 5: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed.
Basic Skills
Gunsmith: Craft a Basic Firearm Weapon and use them proficiently.
Repair Weaponry: Repair a Sundered weapon or item.
Weapon Maker (Craft): Craft a Scrap Kit or Basic Weaponry item (non-gun only).
Complex Skills
Battle Smith: Gain the ability to use Smite attacks.
Chemical Warfare: Apply an augment to an Advanced/Superior weapon you are making or upkeeping.
Expert Weaponer (Craft): Craft an advanced Scrap Kit and gain access to crafting advanced weaponry.
Rune Carver (Craft): Create magical runed weaponry
War Mechanic (Craft): Gain expertise in mechanized weapons and in quicker weapon repair.
Erudite Skills
Apex-Tech Armaments (Craft): Create the most advanced weaponry using an Apex-Lab
Eldritch Ordinance (Craft): Create higher-quality magical or undead weaponry
Magna-Forged Munitions (Craft): Create powered high-tech weaponry
Master of Weaponry: Mastery skill for the Weaponer Discipline
Xeno-Tech Armory (Craft): Create powerful living weaponry.
(Basic Weaponer/Slinger; Active-Craft, Create-Weaponry, Ranged-Attack)
You are skilled in the use of firearms and if you can make weaponry, you can make firearms: pistols, shortarms, longarms, and siege casters.
Ballistic Expertise (Non-aug): When using firearms, you can opt to preface their damage or effect with “Piercing” . This can be used on firearm basic ranged attacks (aka BRA) and firearm “Smite” attacks.
Piercing attacks affect a target even if they hit the target's weapon or shield.
Create firearms (requires Weapon Maker, or a similar Skill that creates weaponry)
When you use a Skill to create Weaponry, you can opt to create a basic firearm weapon. If you can make higher quality weaponry, you can also create that level of firearm.
(Basic Weaponer; Active-Task/Conc/Focus, Field-Repair)
You can fix weaponry with the right tools, even in the heat of combat. This is kill is used as per below:
Step 1: Be wearing a Scrap Kit
Step 2: Make physical contact with a Sundered weapon/shield with one or two empty hands.
Step 3: Perform 30 counts of interlinked Concentration (aka iConc-30) while doing the above
Step 4: Invoke “Repair Weaponry” to remove the Sundered effect
Quick Repair (-Focus): you may expend one Focus to augment this skill and invoke it as “Focused Repair Weaponry”. It only takes iConc-3 to complete instead of iConc-30
Refurbish Weaponry (requires Scrap Kit, Long Task): In calmer times, you can repair weaponry en masse with ease. You can do as the process above, with the following exceptions
Replace iConc-30 with 5+ minutes of simulated weapon repair
You can affect up to five Sundered weapons or shields
(Basic Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Kit/Weaponry)
Weaponers are makers of weaponry such as: swords, bows, and ammo packs.
As a Crafting action that takes at least 10 minutes, you may craft a single item. You are expected to be performing role-playing that reflects the creation of said items – this means hammering items together at a table, putting pieces of scrap metal together, using a screwdriver on some screws, etc. Take note that once you perform a Crafting action, you may not perform another one until the current Period has passed.
Create Basic Scrap Kit: This requires a backpack, messenger bag or a series of pouches that reflect its function as a keeper of useful tools and scrap parts - these are necessary for certain Builder Disciplines. As per usual, this requires the expenditure of Components (aka CMP).
Create Basic Weaponry item (requires Scrap Kit): Create one Basic Weaponry item such as a sword or a shield. As per above, this requires the expenditure of CMP. You cannot create Firearm weaponry (pistols, shortarms, longarms, siege casters, and slug packs) without the Gunsmith Skill
Augmented Crafting: If your Craft action is Augmented by Market Hour or an ally’s Skills, you may choose between one of the following bonuses:
Bonus Output: Make/upkeep 1-2 extra Basic Scrap Kits or use a Scrap Kit to make 1-2 additional Basic Weaver items, costing CMP for each
Bonus Quality: As though you had Expert Weaponer, make/upkeep one Advanced Scrap Kit. Alternatively, use a Scrap Kit to make one Advanced Weaponry item with an Expert Weaponry Augment or any other Weaponry Augment that you have access to.
(Complex Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Weaponry, Active-Focus, Melee, Ranged)
Requires: Any two basic Weaponer skills
Not content to make weapons, you’ve trained yourself in their use.
Smite attacks (-Focus): You are able to perform Smite attacks with a melee or ranged weapon, as per the Melee Fighter and Ranged Expertise Skills. Regardless of weapon-type, these attacks may not exceed 5 points of damage.
Maker’s Mark (+Smite): While wielding a weapon of your own recent creation or upkeep for a Smite attack, the damage you inflict with it is increased by one point. Its creation or upkeep must be no more than 3 attended Events ago.
(Complex Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Weaponry, Tweak)
Requires: Any two basic Weaponer skills and Expert Weaponer
You can use chemistry in your warcraft, allowing for a diverse range of damage types.
Create Chemical Weaponry (requires Scrap Kit): when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Weaponry item, this skill lets you choose from the Chemical Augments list.
-- Acidic Weapon (melee or ammo): injects enemies with acid
-- Chem Caster (siege caster): can spray out Flame, Frost, or Corrosive damage
-- Inferno Weapon (melee or ammo): burns enemies with liquid flame
-- Nitro Weapon (melee or ammo): freezes enemies with attacks
Weapon Grease (requires Scrap Kit): Enhance a weapon with chemicals
Step 1: have an non-Tweaked melee weapon or ammo pack
Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of simulating the task
Step 3: Choose between Frost, Flame, or Corrosive (see effect)
Step 4: Clarify the effect below, if necessary to the item’s user.
Effect: For the current Period or the next hour (whichever is longer), the user of this weapon can have its Smite or Death Blows inflict XX instead of its normal damage type. XX is the choice made by the Weaponer. Tweaked Ammo Packs allow Missile attacks to be affected as well.
(Complex Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Kit/Weaponry/Workshop)
Requires: Any two Basic Weaponer skills, including Weapon Maker
Using the Weapon Maker skill, you may add the options below to the items that you are able to Craft.
Expert Weaponry: When you use Weapon Maker, you have new options. Of note is the ability to craft/upkeep Advanced Weaponry, which has bonus abilities from their Weaponry Augment (aka Aug), depending on which Augment it is made with. Remember that Advanced and Superior items deteriorate into Basic-quality after 3 Events.:
Advanced Scrap Kit (has 1 Aug)
Advanced Weaponry Item (requires Scrap Kit, has 1 Aug)
Expert Kit Augment: These are Augments for Scrap Kits.
Expert Weaponry Augment: These are Augments for Weaponry items.
Scrap Shop (requires Scrap Kit)
Augmented Crafting: If your Craft action is Augmented, choose between one of the following bonuses:
Bonus Output: Make 2 additional Advanced-quality products from this Discipline’s skills, expending the necessary CMPs for each one.
Bonus Quality: Make one Superior-quality product from the Master of Weaponry’s list, expending the necessary CMP for it and selecting two eligible Augs for it.
(Complex Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Weaponry)
Requires: Any two basic Weaponer skills and Expert Weaponer
This Skill allows you to craft and create weaponry with some magic within them even though you might not be able to use magic yourself.
Carve Runes (requires Scrap Kit): Enhance a weapon with eldritch runes
Step 1: have an non-Tweaked melee weapon or ammo pack
Step 2: Perform 5+ minutes of simulating the task
Step 3: Choose between Frost, Flame, or Lightning (see effect)
Step 4: Clarify the effect below, if necessary to the item’s user.
Effect: For the current Period or the next hour (whichever is longer), the user of this weapon can have its Smite or Death Blows inflict XX instead of its normal damage type. XX is the choice made by the Weaponer. Tweaked Ammo Packs allow BRAs to be affected as well.
Create Runic Weaponry (requires Scrap Kit): when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Weaponry item, this skill lets you choose from the Runic Augments list.
(Complex Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Weaponry/Kit)
Requires: Any two basic Weaponer skills and Expert Weaponer, including Repair Weaponry
This Skill represents proficiency in mechanical crafting, especially when it comes to Weaponry. This grants you the following subfunctions below:
Faster Weapon Repair (requires Scrap Kit): When you attempt to “Repair Weaponry:” you only need to complete an iConc-10 instead of iConc-30.
Repair Armor (requires Scrap Kit): You are able to use Patch Armor and Full Repair,, similar to the Repair Armor Weaver Skill. You cannot utilize its Quick Use function.
War Engineering (requires Scrap Kit): when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Weaponry item, this skill lets you choose from the Mechanized Augments list.
(Erudite Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Aug)
Requires: Any two Complex Weaponer skills, and any two basic Weaponer skills, including Expert Weaponer
The high technologies of the Illustrados are peppered here and there in the World Beyond the Fall, but you have managed to get a hold of their secrets to energized weaponcraft. This grants you the following functions below:
High Tech Weaponry: When you use Weapon Maker, you can now choose from the options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: Hyper Refined Etherite -- this can be mitigated by certain high tech Town Expansions.
-- Apex Lab (requires Scrap Kit, Magna Field, costs Hyper Refined Etherite x5)
-- Apex Tech Augment (requires Magna Field, Hyper Refined Etherite) Augment for Weaponry Items
-- Magna Forge (requires Scrap Kit)
-- Magna Powered Gadget: (requires Magna Field) Augment for Scrap Kits
-- Superior Scrap Kit (has 2 Augs)
-- Superior Weaponry Item (Requires Scrap Kit; has 2 Augs)
Also, halve the Magna Powered Gadget’s required Concentration count, Targeting count and waive this Gadget’s Self-inflicted damage when you use them.
Magna Tracer (Weaponry item; requires Scrap Kit and Magna Field or Magna Forge):
-- When you make or upkeep a Weaponry item or a Scrap Kit, you modify one of those items so that it can’t be used by anyone else and so that its owner can easily find it. This is not an Augment, costing 3 Basic Lightning CMP and an ATN slot from the owner for the next 3 Events. This item cannot be lost, stolen, or destroyed except by extraordinary circumstances. Somehow, the owner can find it during the same Event.
(Erudite Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Aug)
Requires: Any two Complex Weaponer skills, and any two basic Weaponer skills including Expert Weaponer
Not only can you more easily infuse weapons with magic, but you are also able to bind spiritual energy (or unfortunate souls, depending on what you believe) to weapons. This grants you the following functions below:
Bind with Fate (Weaponer; requires Scrap Kit and Adept ATN or Mana Lodge):
-- When you make or upkeep a Weaponry item or Scrap Kit, you can Bind its fate to an owner for the next 3 Events. This is not an Augment, costing 3 Basic Astral CMP and an ATN slot from the owner. While bound thusly, it cannot be stolen, lost or destroyed except by extraordinary circumstances. It is Fated to always find its way back to its owner during the current Event.
Etheric Expertise (Weaver; requires Scrap Kit): This allows you to create magical items despite a lack of magical ability. You are counted as having an Adept ATN when you use Weaver skills if you are assisted by an ally with an Adept ATN -- they must also expend a Craft-Ritual action or be using a Ritual to assist you (e.g. Detect Method, Project Power, Transmute Element)
Magical Ordinance (requires Scrap Kit): When you use Weaponry Maker, you have new options below. However, non-magical users of this skill must make up for the lack of magic by using a Mana Lodge or Etheric Expertise below.
-- Bone Garden (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)
-- Eldritchcraft Augment (requires Adept ATN or Mana Lodge) An aug for Weaponry Items
-- Hallowed Shrine
-- Mana Lodge (Arcane Orrery; requires Adept ATN)
-- Mana Lodge (Outsider Obelisk; requires Adept ATN)
-- Mana Lodge (Spirit Circle; requires Adept ATN)
-- Necro Tech Augment: (requires Necrotheurgic ATN or Bone Garden)
-- Superior Scrap Kit (has 2 Augs)
-- Superior Weaponry Item (Requires Scrap Kit; has 2 Augs)
(Erudite Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Aug)
Requires: Any two Complex Weaponer skills, and any two basic Weaponer skills, including Expert Weaponer
You are a student of the new sciences, specializing in crafting Magnetic Mana technology. This grants you the following functions below:
Magna Tech Resistance (requires Scrap Kit): Constant use of Magna Tech has granted you the use of the Resist Magna Storm skill as though you had it, with the following exception:
-- You must be wielding a Shield or a metal/mostly metal weapon when you use this Skill. Furthermore, whenever you use Resist Magna Storm, stomp your foot or raise your shield/metal item to ground the electricity.
Magna Tech Weaponry: When you use Weapon Maker, you can now choose from the options below. Some of them require that the crafter generates a Magna Field to power the creation process and the product. Skill Kits with the Magna Batt augment and the Magna Forge Workshop are the main methods of doing so, but other ways exist.
-- Magna Forge (requires Scrap Kit)
-- Magna Powered Gadget (requires Magna Field) Augments for Scrap Kits
-- Magna Tech Augment (requires Scrap Kit and Magna Field): Augments for Weaponry Items
-- Superior Scrap Kit (has 2 Augs)
-- Superior Weaponry Item (Requires Scrap Kit; 2 Augs)
Furthermore, your Conc/Targ counts with Magna Powered Gadgets are halved and their Self-inflicted damage is waived. This cannot be lowered further.
(Erudite Weaponer; Active-Monthly, Create-Kit/Weaponry, Mastercraft)
Requires: Any two Complex Weaponer skills, and any two basic Weaponer skills, including Expert Weaponer
You are a master of your craft, making Weaponry items with ease and in greater numbers. Weaponers with this Skill are able to perform their craft with greater frequency, going beyond the limits of their energy and proficiency in making items.
Master Weaponer: When you use Weapon Maker, you have new options.
-- Superior Scrap Kit
-- Superior Weaponry (requires Scrap Kit; has 2 Augs)
Dual Repair: When you field repair weaponry, you can augment it and prefix it with “Dual” -- this allows you to repair two Sundered weapons at once. This is not a Mastercraft action.
War Smith: Your knowledge with weaponry perfects your own combat techniques. If you have the Battle Smith skill, its bonus applies to any weapon, not just those that you’ve made/upkept.
Mastercraft Action (requires Scrap Kit, 1/Event): You may augment a Craft action once per Event, allowing you the benefits below. This does not expend the use of other Mastercraft skills in the same Event.
Benefit 1: Craft with Ease: When you use Weapon Maker, it does not count as your Craft-Ritual action for that Period.
Benefit 2: Practiced Weaver: If Master of Weaponry is used to make Weaponry Items, you choose to create or maintain up to four additional Weaponry items. This can be used with Bonus Output and used with the “Craft Items” Interim Action.
(Erudite Weaponer; Active-Craft, Create-Aug, Tech)
Requires: Any two Complex Weaponer skills, and any two basic Weaponer skills, including Expert Weaponer
Xenotech works with living weapons, quasi-living entities that serve as powerful weapons for those who are life bonded to them. This grants you the subfunctions below:
Biomantic Weaponry: When you use Weapon Maker, you have new options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: the Flesh of the Empress -- this can be mitigated by certain magical Town Expansions.
-- Arcane Gadget Augment: Augments for Scrap Kits
-- Biomancer Hatchery (requires Scrap Kit, Flesh of the Empress x5)
-- Superior Scrap Kit (2 Augs)
-- Superior Weaponry Item (Requires Scrap Kit; 2 Augs)
-- Xenotech Augment: (requires Scrap Kit; Flesh of the Empress)
Furthermore, your Conc/Targ counts with Symbiotic Gadgets are halved and waive the Self-inflicted damage from the use of Symbiotic and Arcane Gadgets. This cannot be lowered further.
Xenotech Expertise (requires Scrap Kit): Your exposure to monstrous energies has left you stronger in spirit. You may use the Resist Fear skill as though you had it, with the following additional requirement:
-- After you invoke the skill, you must simulate adjusting your goggles/eyewear (if you have any), adjusting your Scrap Kit, having it jolt you with electricity, or any similar action that reflects using technology to deflect supernatural fear or psychic frequencies.