Image by Nicco Salonga
Also known as Tailoring, the Weaver Discipline focuses on defense. It crafts cloth and armor to shelter users against the elements, blades and claws. Invest in this Discipline if:
You want to protect and clothe your allies with items
You want to play a fashion designer, an armorsmith, or a similar artisan
You want to more resilience and toughness while being a Builder
Relevant Rules: Crafting Process
Step 1: Fill out a Craft-Ritual sheet
Step 2: Give Game Staff the necessary Components (CMP) for this Craft, if there are any.
Step 3: Get the item tag from Staff, if needed
Step 4: Perform 10+ minutes of roleplay reflecting this Craft
Step 5: At the end of the role-play, resolve the effects that do not require any Game Staff intervention and clarify anything if needed.
Basic Skills
Armor Expertise: Use armor more effectively, softening powerful attacks.
Cloth Maker (Craft): Craft a Scrap Kit or Basic Weaver item.
Repair Armor: Repair an Armor item or Patch a damaged armor.
Complex Skills
Expert Weaver (Craft): Craft advanced Scrap Kits and advanced armors
Full Coverage: Increase your HP further when you wear more Armor pieces.
Repair Smith: Grant Patch Aegis more quickly and create Exoskeleton Armors.
Rune Weaver (Craft): Magically augment an Advanced-quality Weaver Item.
Thermal Clothier (Craft): Apply special thermal augments to your creations.
Erudite Skills
Apex-Tech Armorer (Craft): Create the most advanced armor using an Apex-Lab
Etheric Thread (Craft): Create higher-quality magical weaver items.
Magna-Tech Clothier (Craft): Create powered high-tech weaver items
Master of Weaving: Mastery skill for the Weaver Discipline
Xenotech Fleshweaver (Craft): Create alien living armors and warbanners.
(Basic Scrapper/Survivor/Weaver; Active-Armor, Defense-Melee/Ranged)
You are skilled in wearing armor and using its defense to deflect blows. This skill starts you with a “Maximum Aegis” of 1 Aegis and has several subfunctions:
Use Aegis (-Aegis)
Step 1: Wear Body, Heavy,, or Ultraheavy Armor and receive an attack
Step 2: As a Reaction, expend 1 Aegis. If you have 0 Aegis, stop here.
Step 3: Invoke “Aegis” as a defense
Step 4: Safely stop your momentum and/or take a step away from your attackers
Step 5: This will negate all the attacks you received in the last second except as below
-- No “Master” attacks: These will be prefixed with “Master” (e.g. “Master: 5 damage”)
-- No “Ambush” attacks: These are usually not prefixed but they hit a subject from behind AND upon their back torso.
Refit Armor (long task): The primary method of regaining expended Aegis is to spend 5+ minutes roleplaying your armor’s upkeep and resting. Upon completion, you regain 2 Aegis, up to your maximum Aegis for every 5 minutes spent. Take note, your Aegis cannot exceed the Aegis cap of 5.
Quick Patch and Lasting Patch status: Some skills can give armor wearers the Quick Patch status or the Lasting Patch status.. See Repair Armor and Rune Weaver skills below.
Prop Requirements: Body Armor, Heavy Armor, or Ultraheavy Armor
(Basic Weaver; Active-Craft, Create-Armor/Weaving)
Weavers are makers of armor and of clothing, stitching thread and protective material for their own ends or for others.
As a Crafting action that takes at least 10 minutes, you may craft a single item. You are expected to be performing role-playing that reflects the creation of said items – this means hammering items together at a table, putting pieces of scrap metal together, using a screwdriver on some screws, etc. Take note that once you perform a Crafting action, you may not perform another one until the current Period has passed.
Create Basic Scrap Kit: This requires a backpack, messenger bag or a series of pouches that reflect its function as a keeper of useful tools and scrap parts - these are necessary for certain Builder Disciplines. As per usual, this requires the expenditure of Components.
Create Basic Weaver item (requires Scrap Kit): Create one Basic Weaver item such as Body Armor or Clothing. As per above, this requires the expenditure of Components.
Augmented Crafting: If your Craft action is Augmented (e.g. when done during Market Hour), you may choose between one of the following bonuses.
Bonus Output: Make 1-2 additional Basic Scrap Kits or use a Scrap Kit to make 1-2 additional Basic Weaver items, costing CMP for each
Bonus Quality: As though you had Expert Weaver, make one Advanced Scrap Kit or use a Scrap Kit to make one Advanced Weaver item with an Expert Weaver Augment or any other Weaver Augment that you have access to.
(Basic Weaver; Active-Conc/Focus, Repair-Armor)
You are able to repair armor more easily than merely refitting it. Furthermore, you can field patch an armor in the heat of battle, granting its user a bit more defense.
Full Repair (requires Scrap Kit, long task): After 5+ minutes of simulating repair on three armor wearers, you can fully restore them to their maximum Aegis. The armor wearers must be either you or must be prone/sitting for the full duration of this action. This must be out of combat (no fighting within 50 feet, sight, or hearing)
Quick Patch (requires Scrap Kit, iConc-30):
Step 1: Wear a Scrap Kit
Step 2: Target yourself (if wearing armor) or an armored ally within arm’s reach
Step 3: Perform iConc-30 while simulating repair on the target
Step 4: invoke “Quick Patch”
Effect: This adds slapdash patches to damaged armor, granting the “Quick Patch” status to its wearer -- this is used by invoking “Patch Aegis”, defending its user as per an unaugmentable use of Aegis. Otherwise, it lasts for 10 minutes or until the end of the current combat. You cannot get Quick Patch while you have Lasting Patch and vice versa.
Quick Use (iConc-3. -Focus): As per above, you only need to complete iConc-3. However, you must expend 1 Focus to augment the skill and invoke it as “Focused Quick Patch”.
(Complex Weaver; Active-Craft)
Requires: Any two Basic Weaver skills, including Cloth Maker
Your skills in the weaving of armor and other items have progressed to the point where you can craft more complex equipment, including Scrap Shops and Warbanners.
Expert Weaving: When you use Cloth Maker, you have new options. Of note is the ability to craft/upkeep an Advanced Weaver item, which has bonus abilities from its Weaver Augment (aka Aug), depending on which Augment it is made with. Remember that Advanced and Superior items deteriorate into Basic-quality after 3 Events.
Advanced Scrap Kit (1 Aug)
Advanced Weaver Item (1 Aug)
Expert Kit Augment (Aug for Skill Kits)
Expert Weaver Augment (Aug for Weaver Items)
Scrap Shop (requires Scrap Kit)
Apply Item Augment: when you craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Scrap Kit, this skill lets you choose from the Expert Kit Augments. Similarly, when craft/upkeep an Advanced or Superior Weaver item, you may now choose from the Expert Weaver Augments.
Augmented Crafting: If your Craft action is Augmented, choose between one of the following bonuses:
Bonus Output: Make 1-2 additional Scrap Kits or, if using a Scrap Kit, 1-2 additional Advanced Weaver items, costing CMP for each.
Bonus Quality: Make a Superior Scrap Kit or a Superior Weaver Item as though you had the Master of Weaving skill. This does not allow you to perform a Mastercraft Action.
(Complex Scrapper/Weaver; Passive, +HP, +Aegis)
Requires: Any two Basic Scrapper/Weaver skills
You have significant training with armor, allowing you to maximize its benefits when your limbs are sheathed with it.
You are considered “Fully Armored” and get the bonuses below while wearing torso armor and wearing an armor-type prop/costuming on both of your arms/hands and both of your legs/feet. You must perform a Refit while wearing these before in order to start said benefits.
Improved Grit (+HP): Add +1 to your maximum HP. This will not allow you to exceed the HP Cap (usually 10 HP)
Increased Aegis (+Aegis): Add +1 to your maximum Aegis. This may not exceed the Aegis Cap of 5 Aegis.
You lose these benefits if after 5 minutes of not wearing the required props. This allows you to take off your gloves to perform a delicate task or shake out a stone in your boot without losing the bonuses.
Prop Requirements: You must be wearing armor props on all four limbs, such as bracers, chain sleeves, tall boots, greaves, chain hauberk, etc) These must be made of thick or rigid material such as quilted cloth, leather, plastic or metal. Optionally, they may feature rigid material in their make. These are untagged items and must provide 50% coverage per limb when combined with any pauldrons, sleeves, skirts, etc
If a Stigmata prosthetic/covering for an arm or leg appears armored/reinforced and fulfills the coverage requirements, then it can count as arm or leg armor for this Skill.
(Complex Weaver; Active-Craft, Repair-Weapon/Armor)
Requires: Any two Basic Weaver skills and Expert Weaver
This Skill represents proficiency in mechanical crafting, especially when it comes to Weaving. This grants you the following functions below:
Exoskeleton Weaver Items (requires Scrap Kit): You may now apply Exoskeleton Augments on the Advanced or Superior Weaver Items that you work on.
Faster Armor Repair (requires Scrap Kit): When you repair Armor to grant the Patch status, you may do so with swiftness and ease. Doing this only takes 10-counts of Interlinked Concentration instead of 30 counts.
Field Repair Weapons (Interlinked Conc-30): Field repair Weaponry items as though you had the Repair Weaponry skill. This does not allow you to expend Focus for “Quick Use”.
(Complex Weaver; Active-Craft/Task, Imbue-Heal/Cure/Tweak, Cure-Strike/Wounds/Blight)
Requires: Any two Basic Weaver skills and Expert Weaver
This Skill allows you to craft or modify items with both technical skill and basic knowledge of magical energies.
Create Runic Weave Items (requires Scrap Kit): You may now apply Runeweave Augments on the Weaver Items that you work on.
Weave Healing Runes (requires Scrap Kit): You may trace or weave runes of health and life upon up to three people that are wearing armor or clothes. This functions like the “Long Treatment” function of the Doctor Discipline’s Medical Redemption skill except that you roleplay writing or weaving runes upon their armor and you cannot Cure Diseases/Revive the Dead.
Lasting Patch (requires Scrap Kit): You may trace or weave runes of defense on an ally’s worn armor or your own. This functions similar to the Tinker’s Strengthen Item skill, allowing you to imbue the Lasting Patch status on 1-3 individuals after a long task. Unlike Quick Patching, this lasts for the rest of the Event if not expended.
(Complex Weaver; Active-Craft/Task, Imbue-Tweak)
Requires: Any two Basic Weaver skills
The clothes and armors you make are now tempered by your expertise, better able to shield its wearers from the elements.
Create Insulator Items (requires Scrap Kit): You may now apply Insulator Augments on the Weaver Items that you work on.
Lasting Patch (requires Scrap Kit, Long Task): You may reinforce an armored person, Tweaking their armor as per the Tinker’s Strengthen Item Skill. This allows you to imbue the Lasting Patch status on 1-3 individuals after 5+ minutes of simulating the reinforcing of armor. Unlike Quick Patching, this lasts for the rest of the Event if not expended. You cannot get Quick Patch while you have Lasting Patch and vice versa.,
Energy Endurance (-Focus): You are able to use your armor to defend against Flame, Frost, and Lightning damage as per the Elemental Endurance skill. This does not grant the Elemental Aegis subfunction of that skill.
(Erudite Weaver; Active-Craft, Create-Weave)
Requires: Any two Complex Weaver skills, and any two basic Weaver skills, including Expert Weaver
The mighty works of the Illustrados have filtered their way into the World Beyond the Fall. With their expertise in the new sciences and breakthroughs in magnetic mana technology, this Skill grants you the following functions below:
Apex Weaving (requires Magna Field): When you use Cloth Maker, you can now choose from the options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: Hyper Refined Etherite -- this can be mitigated by certain high tech Town Expansions.
-- Apex Lab (requires Scrap Kit, Hyper Refined Etherite x5)
-- Apex Weave: Augment for Weaver Items
-- Magna Forge (requires Scrap Kit)
-- Magna Powered Gadget
-- Superior Scrap Kit (has 2 Augs)
-- Superior Weaver Item (Requires Scrap Kit; has 2 Augs)
Also, halve the Magna Powered Gadget’s required Concentration count, Targeting count and waive this Gadget’s Self-inflicted damage when you use them.
Magna Tracer (Weaver item; requires Scrap Kit and Magna Field or Magna Forge):
-- When you make or upkeep a Weaver item or a Scrap Kit, you modify one of those items so that it can’t be used by anyone else and so that its owner can easily find it. This is not an Augment, costing 3 Basic Lightning CMP and an ATN slot from the owner for the next 3 Events. This item cannot be lost, stolen, or destroyed except by extraordinary circumstances. Somehow, the owner can find it during the same Event.
(Erudite Weaver; Active-Craft, Create-Armor Augments)
Requires: Any two Complex Weaver skills, and any two basic Weaver skills.
Not only can you imbue cloth and armor with magic, but you are also able to bind spiritual energy (or unfortunate souls, depending on what you believe) to them. This grants you the following functions below:
Bind with Fate (Weaver; requires Scrap Kit and Adept ATN or Mana Lodge):
-- When you make or upkeep a Weaver item or Scrap Kit, you can Bind its fate to an owner for the next 3 Events. This is not an Augment, costing 3 Basic Astral CMP and an ATN slot from the owner. While bound thusly, it cannot be stolen, lost or destroyed except by extraordinary circumstances. It is Fated to always find its way back to its owner during the current Event.
Etheric Expertise (Weaver; requires Scrap Kit): This allows you to create magical items despite a lack of magical ability. You are counted as having an Adept ATN when you use Weaver skills if you are assisted by an ally with an Adept ATN -- they must also expend a Craft-Ritual action or be using a Ritual to assist you (e.g. Detect Method, Project Power, Transmute Element)
Magical Weaving (requires Scrap Kit): When you use Cloth Maker, you have new options below. However, non-magical users of this skill must make up for the lack of magic by using a Mana Lodge or Etheric Expertise below.
-- Bone Garden (requires Necrotheurgic Anchor ATN)
-- Deathweave Augment (requires Necrotheurgic ATN or Bone Garden)
-- Eldritchweave Augment (requires Adept ATN or Mana Lodge)
-- Hallowed Shrine
-- Mana Lodge (Arcane Orrery; requires Adept ATN)
-- Mana Lodge (Outsider Obelisk; requires Adept ATN)
-- Mana Lodge (Spirit Circle; requires Adept ATN)
-- Superior Weaver Item (Requires Scrap Kit; 2 Augs)
(Erudite Weaver; Active-Craft, Create-Armor Augments)
Requires: Any two Complex Weaver skills, and any two basic Weaver skills.
These Augments utilize the strange energies of Magna fields to protect their wearers and diffuse dangerous energies. This grants you the following functions below:
Magna Tech Resistance (requires Scrap Kit): Constant use of Magna Tech has granted you the use of the Resist Magna Storm skill as though you had it, with the following exception:
-- You must be wielding a Shield or a metal/mostly metal weapon when you use this Skill. Furthermore, whenever you use Resist Magna Storm, stomp your foot or raise your shield/metal item to ground the electricity.
Magna Tech Weaving: When you use Cloth Maker, you can now choose from the options below. Some of them require that the crafter generates a Magna Field to power the creation process and the product. Skill Kits with the Magna Batt augment and the Magna Forge Workshop are the main methods of doing so, but other ways exist.
-- Magna Forge (requires Scrap Kit)
-- Magna Powered Gadget: Augments for Scrap Kits
-- Magnaweave Augment (requires Scrap Kit and Magna Field)
-- Superior Scrap Kit (2 Augs)
-- Superior Weaver Item (Requires Scrap Kit; 2 Augs)
Furthermore, your Conc/Targ counts with Magna Powered Gadgets are halved and their Self-inflicted damage is waived. This cannot be lowered further.
(Erudite Weaver; Active-Craft/Monthly, Create-Kit, Mastercraft)
Requires: Any two Complex Weaver skills, and any two basic Weaver skills, including Expert Weaver
You are a master of your craft, making Weaver items with ease and more often.
Master Weaver: When using the Cloth Maker skill, you can create or upkeep the following items.
-- Superior Scrap Kit
-- Superior Weaver Item (requires Scrap Kit; has 2 Augs)
Dual Patch: When you imbue armored allies with “Quick Patch” you may do so to two individuals at the same time. Augment the skill and invoke it as “Dual Patch”. This is not a Mastercraft action.
Woven Aegis: You can install small plates or silken fibres into your clothing/armor that your skill mastery allows you to use at pivotal moments. If you have Armor Expertise, your maximum Aegis while wearing armor or clothing is increased by +1. Unfortunately, Quick Patch and Lasting Patch still only affect armored individuals.
Mastercraft Action (requires Scrap Kit; 1/Event): Perform a Mastercraft action once per Event to gain the benefits below. This does expend the use of other Mastercraft skills in the same Event.
Benefit 1: Craft with Ease: When you use Cloth Maker, it does not count as your Craft-Ritual action for that Period.
Benefit 2: Practiced Weaver: If Master of Weaving is used to make Weaver Items, you choose to create or maintain up to four additional Weaver items. This can be used with Bonus Output and used with the “Craft Items” Interim Action.
(Erudite Weaver; Active-Craft, Create-Armor Aug, Tech)
Requires: Any two Complex Weaver skills, and any two basic Weaver skills.
You have trained under the fleshcrafting masters of the Templars or from one of their tomes, bending Abyssal tissue and otherworldly power to your artisanship. This grants you the following functions below:
Biomantic Weaving: When you use Cloth Maker, you have new options below. Some of these are costly, requiring at least one specific Superior-tier CMP: the Flesh of the Empress -- this can be mitigated by certain magical Town Expansions.
-- Arcane Gadget Augment: Augments for Scrap Kits
-- Biomancer Hatchery (requires Scrap Kit, Flesh of the Empress x5)
-- Superior Scrap Kit (2 Augs)
-- Superior Weaver Item (Requires Scrap Kit; 2 Augs)
-- Xenoweaver Augment: (requires Scrap Kit; costs Flesh of the Empress)
Furthermore, your Conc/Targ counts with Symbiotic Gadgets are halved and waive the Self-inflicted damage from the use of Symbiotic and Arcane Gadgets. This cannot be lowered further.
Xenotech Expertise (requires Scrap Kit): Your exposure to monstrous energies has left you stronger in spirit. You may use the Resist Fear skill as though you had it, with the following additional requirement:
-- After you invoke the skill, you must simulate adjusting your goggles/eyewear (if you have any), adjusting your Scrap Kit, having it jolt you with electricity, or any similar action that reflects using technology to deflect supernatural fear or psychic frequencies.